just binged

countindowntothin Posts: 201 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I have done soo well for the past month, I haven't had any real cravings and haven't missed out on eating any of the "bad" foods I used to consume. Then today I decided to get a ham and pineapple pizza from Pizza hut, which is only 180 cal a slice with tom sauce, I get it without, so its less....good right? Wrong, I sat here and ate the entire medium pizza right by myself! I can't believe I have done this! I feel like crap now, I am bloated, and KNOW I have probably just caused myself a weight gain! No real help needed, just felt like complaining about what a dummy I was!


  • you're not a "dummy", just had a brief moment off the weight loss wagon.

    compensate by jumping right back on for dinner. don't let it get you down, just go back to your healthier choices and smaller portions.
  • I just did the same thing! My last day at work for the summer, they took me out to lunch, and got a buffalo chicken salad sandwhich and ate wayyy too much of it!
  • readyforchange
    readyforchange Posts: 34 Member
    Dont beat yourself up over it!! We all have our days!!!
  • pepamint83
    pepamint83 Posts: 444 Member
    I have done soo well for the past month, I haven't had any real cravings and haven't missed out on eating any of the "bad" foods I used to consume. Then today I decided to get a ham and pineapple pizza from Pizza hut, which is only 180 cal a slice with tom sauce, I get it without, so its less....good right? Wrong, I sat here and ate the entire medium pizza right by myself! I can't believe I have done this! I feel like crap now, I am bloated, and KNOW I have probably just caused myself a weight gain! No real help needed, just felt like complaining about what a dummy I was!

    wats done is done there is no going back just chalk it up 2 you are human and from thsi moment take back UR diet. IF U are feeling very guilty (which is normal) do some excercise while it may not help UR mental guilt right now at least U are being proactive also have ur next meal b light ....These things happend like I said U R human ur gonna feel bad its normal just know that U can move on from this

    hope that helps

    and remember slow and steady wins the race

  • cdickey
    cdickey Posts: 230
    I just did the same thing. I had country fried steak w/gravy, mashed potatoes and green beans. Knocked out over 800 calories in one meal:sick: It will be okay though. We'll make it through this and move on. Tomorrow is another day.:wink:
  • Sarah_LM
    Sarah_LM Posts: 96
    Life's too short not to enjoy yourself occasionally! don't beat yourself up it happens to everyone. I did the same thing last week, had a moment of weakness and ended up eating most of a pizza to myself! I was so worried about putting on weight but I've been doing so much exercise that it balanced out, so maybe that'll work for you too? Just do plenty of exercise over next few days to make up for it!
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    It's early in the day!! This is great news!!
    Make it a point to work out this evening. Turn that anger and frustration into workout fuel!
    Plan a healthy dinner.
    Other than the sodium you took in, this won't make or break your weight loss.
    The sodium will probably make you show a gain for the next day or two, but vow to drink lots of water to help flush it out.
  • countindowntothin
    countindowntothin Posts: 201 Member
    oh I will be FLOATING tonight from all the water I plan to drink!! And the treadmill is calling my name for a couple HOURS tonight! I am still just dumbfounded that I ate an entire medium pizza by myself! I don't think I have ever done that before!

    Thanks for all the encouragement everybody, it makes me feel better to see I'm not the only one to fall off! We can all do this, baby steps baby steps!
  • neenaleigh
    neenaleigh Posts: 584 Member
    no worries, just work out a little tonight and jump back in! i fell off the cigarette wagon a couple times, i used to just start smoking all over again cause i messed up right??? WRONG! F that, we all have our days its what we do after we screw up that determines how it really affects us...now if you eat a whole pizza again tomorrow, we would slap your hand! but one day! oh well, just get back up and try again!:bigsmile: :drinker: :smokin: :smokin: :smokin:
  • kellch
    kellch Posts: 7,849 Member
    What's done is done.......go workout after your stomach settles......may not work it all of but it will help. Then get back on the wagon and keep at it :flowerforyou:

    I had mexican food for lunch........I have to do an extra hour of TaeBo because of it :embarassed: But whatever.......I have to pay the consequences for my actions :smokin: I always do this when I eat too much. And I notice that the overeating has slowed wayyyyyyyyy down because of it. During my workouts I always think.........all of this for that 30 minutes of eating pleasure :grumble: soooooo not worth it :laugh: Then it normally takes me a while to splurge like that again because when I have to do an extra hour workout on top of my regular workout.....me no likey :angry: :laugh:
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    The occasional binge, although it hurts emotionally, won't have much of an effect on your weight loss- trust me, I know!
  • AlannaPie
    AlannaPie Posts: 349 Member
    It happens. Don't let yourself become depressed and fall completely off the wagon. Log it. You may find that MFP will tell you that while you wouldn't lose weigh eating like this, but you won't gain weight. Just be good the rest of the day honey. I feel like doing the same thing right now we all have to be strong!
  • charliesgold
    charliesgold Posts: 235 Member
    When your tummy feels better get your body moving, it'll help get rid of that blue feeling you undoubtedly feel (we all get it when we binge...and yes we all binge once in a while :) ) If you're a member of a gym jump on the elliptical or treadmill and walk off some of those cals. Don't stress yourself too much, it happens to all of us at some point, it's how you "recover" from it that counts!
  • Celestia
    Celestia Posts: 106 Member
    The occasional binge, although it hurts emotionally, won't have much of an effect on your weight loss- trust me, I know!

    Well said...I think the worst effect of binging is the psychological damage it does. We beat ourselves up for being human and giving in to our desires after a long bout of being good. I definitely have had my days of going hog wild on pizza, cakes, cookies, etc. But I dust myself off and start right back up again...I might even do an extra work out that day to account for the extra calories. Just don't give up on yourself! :heart: :laugh: :wink:
  • I *completely* understand your frustration! Don't beat yourself up. Sometimes you DO need to enjoy yourself and if that's pizza, then enjoy it. I realized the other day (when I forgot to cut my chicken into a smaller piece) that I was just eating and eating and I had been full a while before. I was shocked because I thought I had broken that habit of eating just because it was there. But I hadn't. I just know now that I need to cut my chicken smaller next time and not forget! :happy: If you really want pizza, order one and set yourself out a piece, maybe 2. Put the rest out of sight so it's not a temptation. Eat each bite slowly and savor it. You may be surprised that, by the time you finish the first piece, you're not hungry anymore and, if you still are, enjoy your second one.

    Just drink plenty of water and work out your frustration tonight. Don't overdo it on the treadmill. You made a mistake. Don't beat yourself up, emotionally or physically, for it.

    Hang in there! We're all right there with you!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • LOL... gurl... this is real life, don't beat yourself up.. you'll get it.. hey.. you've lost 3 lbs.. I've gained, but I'm stayin on this wagon.

    Keep up the good work!

  • countindowntothin
    countindowntothin Posts: 201 Member
    2 hours later and I feel emotionally a little better about it, but I feel like all this water I have drank has made the bread swell and I might just explode!!! Thank GOD it was a thin crust!

    THanks everybody for all the encouraging words again...i know were all gonna "slip" it just really bruises the ego that first time, after all the hard work I have put into this!
  • cherie2304
    cherie2304 Posts: 632 Member
    I know exactly how you feel...this past weekend I went on a mini vacation and while there had a huge sweet tooth...the day I came back the plane snack was a twix so I ate mine and my friend's and then I had a almond chocolate bar and my friend only had half a serving so ate the rest of that and then my full serving...I was out of control. Then I get back home and I get a cold and its my TOM. So now I feel crappy, can't workout cuz of my cold and stuck here wanting to eat everything and its mother. I have issues. This after being so good for so long. :mad: Grrrrrrr.
  • countindowntothin
    countindowntothin Posts: 201 Member
    I know exactly how you feel...this past weekend I went on a mini vacation and while there had a huge sweet tooth...the day I came back the plane snack was a twix so I ate mine and my friend's and then I had a almond chocolate bar and my friend only had half a serving so ate the rest of that and then my full serving...I was out of control. Then I get back home and I get a cold and its my TOM. So now I feel crappy, can't workout cuz of my cold and stuck here wanting to eat everything and its mother. I have issues. This after being so good for so long. :mad: Grrrrrrr.

    I'm pretty sure TOM is to blame for my binge also, the week before it gets here I go insane, and well Sunday he comes to town!!!
  • cherie2304
    cherie2304 Posts: 632 Member
    I know exactly how you feel...this past weekend I went on a mini vacation and while there had a huge sweet tooth...the day I came back the plane snack was a twix so I ate mine and my friend's and then I had a almond chocolate bar and my friend only had half a serving so ate the rest of that and then my full serving...I was out of control. Then I get back home and I get a cold and its my TOM. So now I feel crappy, can't workout cuz of my cold and stuck here wanting to eat everything and its mother. I have issues. This after being so good for so long. :mad: Grrrrrrr.

    I'm pretty sure TOM is to blame for my binge also, the week before it gets here I go insane, and well Sunday he comes to town!!!

    I absolutely hate having those cravings. I was like on a hunt for chocolate all last weekend. I have not been that crazy since forever. It was weird for me but all I wanted was chocolate and I so got what I wanted. Now it is just time to get back on track and put to work the tools we have learned. Look at what we have accomplished.
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