Is anybody else disgusted with this season of Biggest Loser?

melcam_2000 Posts: 11 Member
I have been a faithful viewer of the Biggest Loser since the beginning. I think this season is AWFUL. I can't believe the contestants wanted to quit because of the twist to bring back a kicked off player. I mean that happens EVERY season. I can't believe CONDA is in the finale. She is such a mean person. I think both of the women who made it to the finale are mean people. I will never forget how terribly they treated the returning couple. I hope the returning contestant wins it all. Such terrible casting this season. This is just a rant from little old me.......


  • amdahwd
    amdahwd Posts: 237 Member
    I cannot stand Conda either, but am beginning to be able to at least watch without hollering at her. I was so surprised myself that anybody would give up their place on the ranch because of a former contestant coming back. I think this season was full of selfish people who dont realize what they have been handed. I think it comes from the last few years of having extremely obese people being there who are thankful and are wanting to get their health and their lives back and willing to do anything. If you notice, these people were overweight this year, but not in the way they have been for several years. I just get mad that they took a spot from someone who would have really appreciated it and changed their lives with it!
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    Probably the last season I'll watch. I felt ripped off last night, first with them bailing over a "plot twist" existing from the beginning of the series (at least the seasons I've watched)
    the entire episode was basically outright commercials with Bob showing the "features" of the vehicle, and once again they had a "fastfood" sandwich for lunch....
    in order to see the "challenge" IE the weeks physical activity you have to log onto the stations website... sorry I'm watching the show on tv, SHOW me the SHOW content on the tv... Yes I obviously have the internet but I shouldn't have to go elsewhere to "watch" the vital stuff of the show. They've been pushing the "Additional content" on their website quite bad lately... sure the extras longer interviews or whatnot... go for it, it's supplemental and I don't connect with all of the contestants so being able to go see an interview of the ones I DID connect with, I'd consider going to the site to see.. but not the content itself... they did it earlier in the season with someone who went home...Marks kid? if you want to see his "progress" since he got sent home go to the website.. they've "always" shown some sort of "About the sent home contestant" footage.
  • hiker282
    hiker282 Posts: 983 Member
    Aaaaand another confirmation that something is working because everybody is talking about how annoying the show is and then tuning in to see what drama unfolds next. I quit watching after four weeks into this season and haven't gone back. The only reason I have any idea what's happening is because of threads like this and some people at work that do still watch the show.
  • 1shauna1
    1shauna1 Posts: 993 Member
    Aaaaand another confirmation that something is working because everybody is talking about how annoying the show is and then tuning in to see what drama unfolds next. I quit watching after four weeks into this season and haven't gone back. The only reason I have any idea what's happening is because of threads like this and some people at work that do still watch the show.
    That's true, at least they get everyone talking! I did catch it last night because nothing else was on and was very surprised they quit....have they not watched the show before? They bring back players often. But I've been turned off the show for the last few seasons because of the stupid product placements they've been doing. Also, Bob is a jerk now in my opinion.
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    yeah it works, we're all holding out hope that they'll "go back" to how things were, people that actually needed to be there, what's this make 4 people who have quit this year? At least 4 people who had a spot that someone that truly needed it could have used.
    As for in general.. yup I'm about to cut the cable anyway, 20 minutes of episode for a 30 minute time slot, product placements within the shows... no wonder we're a consumer nation. Buy buy buy, feel better about yourself buy some more...
  • jbelton79
    jbelton79 Posts: 2 Member
    Right? Bob is a jerk now and this is a terrible season. What happened Biggest Loser? I used to love you...:cry:
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    DH and I have watched every episode this season in the hopes that "it must, it's got to, it has to get better." I'll watch next season, but if the contestants are this brand of *kitten* it will be my last.
  • gtwin
    gtwin Posts: 290 Member
    I wanted to slap each of them for acting like kids and whining that it was unfair. Really?! Like the attorney said... it was in the contract that you signed BEFORE coming on the show. And why do you care if someone EARNS their way back on to the finale if they've been busting their *kitten* just like you have?? Just ridiculous....
  • MariAOK
    MariAOK Posts: 38
    I would love to see how Jillian would have reacted to this seasons contestant. Can you see her putting up with Conda? OMG that would have been great. But I do love Dolvet!
  • fakeplastictree
    fakeplastictree Posts: 836 Member
    Conda is pretty intolerable. I wish they would have voted her off in the first few episodes.
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    yeah i'm not happy with this season at all...

    i religiously get my @ss on the treadmill in my bedroom on tuesday nights for a 75 min workout of run/walk intervals...the last few weeks the show has only been 1hr so that cuts my workout down to like 40 mins of actual show to watch while i workout...that pisses me off to begin with but then i have to "SUFFER" thru the constant whining, crying and complaining and drama of these horrible just is not "fun" to watch anymore...i DO NOT feel inspired by these losers AT ALL....i do not want to cheer for them, they actually make me sick with their antics....from chris' binge on PB and Mayo in the hotel room in DC to Roy asking her to come home cause he was lonely, to conda and her b*tchy comments and attitude to jeremy fawning over the nutritionist.....there has never been a season where i couldnt find at least one person to root for and i honestly have struggled this time to find one person to like....over it and hope the hell they straighten it out for next season cause if not, i'll be adjusting my workout to view another show....

  • jennifermcornett
    jennifermcornett Posts: 159 Member
    Next time please put a little "Spoiler Alert" notice! :) I haven't had a chance to watch this week's episode yet. Luckily, I only read a sentence or two!! :D
  • Carrot1971
    Carrot1971 Posts: 272 Member
    I can't stand this season. I really don't even care who wins so I doubt I will watch the finale next week. Pfft. I think it took alot of ignorance to walk away from a gift they have been given. Especially when they had the chance to win so much money. Jerks!
  • SCR56
    SCR56 Posts: 64 Member
    Did I hear Conda correctly last night, when she said at the weigh in that it should be Kim up there instead of her brother. That her brother works harder than everyone????
  • jcpmoore
    jcpmoore Posts: 796 Member
    Makes me glad this isn't the season I decided to start watching...
  • iAMaPhoenix
    iAMaPhoenix Posts: 1,038 Member
    The job of the Biggest Loser is to sell soap and dish detergent, by any means necessary. This Conda person you speak of have everyone talking about her, good or bad, so she will be there until the end so you can keep watching. If you really hate the show, stop watching and talking about it on a public forum giving them more publicity.
  • RVfrog
    RVfrog Posts: 213 Member
    They should of sent them all home.....that is what they wanted....and brought back they ones who went home and took the top 4 people who lost the most weight. That would of showed the dummies....who was boss. Not let them tell them what to do. YOU want to go home ...there is the door. Selfish people they were last night.
  • ashreynolds09
    ashreynolds09 Posts: 257 Member
    Aaaaand another confirmation that something is working because everybody is talking about how annoying the show is and then tuning in to see what drama unfolds next. I quit watching after four weeks into this season and haven't gone back. The only reason I have any idea what's happening is because of threads like this and some people at work that do still watch the show.

    This! I cancelled it on my DVR from recording b/c I got so sick of Conda's ****. Somehow it still recorded a few weeks, including Makeover week so that was nice to see. Still, this show has gotten ridiculous. I used to be so inspired by the contestants, now I'm just disgusted.
  • tifano
    tifano Posts: 155 Member
    I stopped watching it about 4 weeks in this season..I'm done with the Biggest Loser
  • rmhand
    rmhand Posts: 1,067 Member
    Its been tough. I started watching 3 seasons ago (with Ada and Patrick) that season had a lot of DRAMA, lots about family back stories all the time. I agree the contestants are selfish and the producers are letting them be really flexiable. I remember last season Courtney and her mom missed their sisters wedding. And now people can just go home and come back whenever.

    I too hate Conda.

    I typically watch the show online so I will be checking out the Tough Mudder portion later tonight.