Is anybody else disgusted with this season of Biggest Loser?



  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I cannot stand Conda either, but am beginning to be able to at least watch without hollering at her. I was so surprised myself that anybody would give up their place on the ranch because of a former contestant coming back. I think this season was full of selfish people who dont realize what they have been handed. I think it comes from the last few years of having extremely obese people being there who are thankful and are wanting to get their health and their lives back and willing to do anything. If you notice, these people were overweight this year, but not in the way they have been for several years. I just get mad that they took a spot from someone who would have really appreciated it and changed their lives with it!

    I haven't watched a full episode in favorite season was 2 seasons ago when Michael Ventrella (the guy who started at 537 pounds) won. THAT was motivating! The current season and even last season...not so much.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Right? Bob is a jerk now and this is a terrible season. What happened Biggest Loser? I used to love you...:cry:

    Agree!!!!! :grumble:
  • ChristyP0303
    ChristyP0303 Posts: 212 Member
    Did I hear Conda correctly last night, when she said at the weigh in that it should be Kim up there instead of her brother. That her brother works harder than everyone????

    Oh my goodness! Thats what I thought she said, but I thought surely I heard her wrong!
  • rmhand
    rmhand Posts: 1,067 Member
    Did I hear Conda correctly last night, when she said at the weigh in that it should be Kim up there instead of her brother. That her brother works harder than everyone????

    Conda said that Jeremy works the hardest. She (Conda) shouldn't be up there, that Jeremy should and she said Kim shouldn't be up there that Jeremy should.
  • BeetleChe13
    BeetleChe13 Posts: 498 Member
    This shows been going downhill since Jillian left. Sad truth. :frown: I miss her giving them hell. These contestants need someone to really kick their butt and yell in their face.
  • Salamanda425
    Did I hear Conda correctly last night, when she said at the weigh in that it should be Kim up there instead of her brother. That her brother works harder than everyone????

    Yup! Must be nice to be so out of touch w/ reality!!
  • HotCuppaJo
    HotCuppaJo Posts: 477 Member
    Yep. It sucks. I stopped watching, and just HAPPENED to turn it on last night when they were all whining and bi$ching about a contestant coming back, and I thought, "OMG, grow up and get over yourselves!" They are just horribly selfish people....cliquey in a way that is WORSE than high school, and I'm just done w/ all of them. Conda, esp. Why they feel a such a sense of entitlement, I'll never understand.....
  • tb_friend
    tb_friend Posts: 11
    Did I hear Conda correctly last night, when she said at the weigh in that it should be Kim up there instead of her brother. That her brother works harder than everyone????

    Yes you heard her right. Sad she did not give up her spot for him. He sure gave up a lot for her during the show which was ridiculous.
  • EmHorn4
    EmHorn4 Posts: 72 Member
    Yep. It sucks. I stopped watching, and just HAPPENED to turn it on last night when they were all whining and bi$ching about a contestant coming back, and I thought, "OMG, grow up and get over yourselves!" They are just horribly selfish people....cliquey in a way that is WORSE than high school, and I'm just done w/ all of them. Conda, esp. Why they feel a such a sense of entitlement, I'll never understand.....

    I agree, I can't believe how entitled they feel. What Ali, Bob, and Dolvett were all trying to say but never found the words for: STOP FEELING SO VICTIMIZED BY YOUR OPPORTUNITY. Ugh I waited all night for someone to say that and nobody ever did.
  • sbernardy
    sbernardy Posts: 188
    I started watching it with season 1 I found it super motivating... ever since Jillian left I quit watching it... not just because of her but just because the whole show change.. and from reading these comments.. looks like I haven't missed anything but people who want to lose the weight but don't want to work to achieve it!
  • sjtreely
    sjtreely Posts: 1,014 Member
    Yes! Whaaaa ... get over it. It's a game. They have their rules. Play by the rules. Very disappointed in the two who went home. Biggest Loser has a whole new meaning for them in my eyes.

    And, yes, I heard when the one told the viewers why he was doing it and to try and see things from his perspective .... ummmm, nope. Poor decision.
  • SCR56
    SCR56 Posts: 64 Member
    Did I hear Conda correctly last night, when she said at the weigh in that it should be Kim up there instead of her brother. That her brother works harder than everyone????

    Yup! Must be nice to be so out of touch w/ reality!!

    I can't stand Conda, she whines and cries about EVERYTHING!!! I truly feel sorry for her daughterthough, I bet she is going to be a mess when she grows up.
  • wendiv130
    wendiv130 Posts: 26
    This shows been going downhill since Jillian left. Sad truth. :frown: I miss her giving them hell. These contestants need someone to really kick their butt and yell in their face.

    This!! I would have Loved to see Jillian with this season's contestants! This show has gone way downhill since she left. It's not inspiring anymore. There is no one to root for. I can't believe Buddy and Mark quit. What a slap in the face! They feel like they "earned" their spot in the game and anyone else who is brought back doesn't deserve it. Come on! Buddy and Mark may have been away from their families, but they've had the top trainers, resort, everything available to them to lose the weight. People at home don't have that and if they still lose the weight, then why don't they deserve a spot? They lost weight and had to deal with everyday life. This season is the worst ever by far!!
  • Kougra
    Kougra Posts: 358 Member
    So much for the "No Excuses" theme. Seems to me that the recent ones who quit didn't get the memo. SMDH
  • ged630
    ged630 Posts: 145 Member
    I have watched every season. This season is horrible. I don't understand how these people can say that those that got sent home didn't work as hard and/or don't deserve it. Really??? Its so easy at home right? Is that why you were all so skinny when you got to the ranch? I am not saying being away from your life for months wouldn't be hard......BUT I can tell you lossing weight would be much easier if I was living on a ranch with some of the best trainers 24X7.

    Get real people!! I think Mark actually thought The Biggest Loser was going to beg him to stay and change their plan to bring someone back. I hope whoever gets brought back wins it all!!!

    I also hope that Mark and Buddy are unable to make a living off the gift they received of being on the ranch. I don't care to see either of them ever again!!! What a waste of time!
  • peppiee
    peppiee Posts: 84 Member
    When Conda said her brother deserved to be in Kim's place?! WTF? We never see him busting his *kitten*, but we certainly see Kim.
  • loves_jc
    loves_jc Posts: 86 Member
    I was disappointd by all of them and the selfish attitude. In the begening they are like this never in the end. no loyalty at all. Very sad to see this happen.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Boo Hoo Conda.:sad: She cries at the drop of hat.:sad: Please!

    I can't believe she is at the end of this segment. I think the guys that

    left are kicking themselves right about now.

    Come back Jillian, you always knew how to kick *kitten*.
  • KotyTyler
    KotyTyler Posts: 3,604 Member
    Very full of themselves when they wanted to quit because some were coming back. Biggest Loser is a bunch of losers this time, and that's is Not A Compliment! One good thing about the show is that all, what was it 14, of the contestants got to come back and were eligible to win the money! Yay for that!
  • OnMyWeigh464
    OnMyWeigh464 Posts: 447 Member
    I haven't watched lastnight's episode yet so I'm not going through this thread yet but yes, this season is by far my least favorite! There are some contestants that I love (Chris. Kim. Santa). But for the most part most of them have been *****es right from the start and have clearly been in it to play the game and play the game only. I would have loved to see Gillian tear them apart.