Anyone also doing a Lindora program??

I have been on MFP for awhile and lost 10lbs alone.. I have hit a plateau and decided to join Lindora to help with weight loss. My goal is 60 more lbs. (I have had 2 kids and gained a lot of weight after getting married: fat and happy : )) Looking for anyone who knows what I am going through for a support team..


  • Pappabacon
    Pappabacon Posts: 104 Member
    While I am not currently doing it, I did do it and had great results. Only problem was transitioning back to normal eating because I couldn't stay so low on carbs for ever. Good luck!
  • jsunshyne007
    Thank you! I am going to try to make it lifestyle and introduce my family to healthy eating... I don't mind a carb feats every once in a while after I lose the weight. It is losing the weight to begin with that is the hard part!
  • Pappabacon
    Pappabacon Posts: 104 Member
    So how's it going for you? I have been struggling to get back to eating right so I decided since I already had the book I would give it a month to get a jump start and actually do the transition back to eating, versus going gung ho. Protein day #1 today, haven't killed anyone yet!
  • jayaas
    jayaas Posts: 4
    I started Lindora this wednesday. It is NOT easy. First 3 protein days were ok, as I was excited . But since yesterday I find myself more hungry and taking bites off my DD's plate:(

    I lost 4 lbs in first 3 days.

    I so want to lose 35 lbs. How will I get to 10 weeks..
    Any tips or suggestions?

    I am vegetarian, so limited options for me.
  • Smartypantz4u2
    Smartypantz4u2 Posts: 7 Member
    Are you still doing Lindora? It is so worth it. I lost 90lbs since 2003.
  • ahart78
    ahart78 Posts: 28
    Never heard of Lindora....a low carb diet I am assuming?
  • Smartypantz4u2
    Smartypantz4u2 Posts: 7 Member
    Yes low carb. I just find that the more carbs I eat, the more I want.
  • lpaloma
    lpaloma Posts: 7 Member
    I'm on it, just started. Keep it up, dont give up even after "cheating"
  • ibenavides1
    Yesterday I started day 1 of the protein days. Today is day 2 and so far it's going ok. I did have breakfast this morning which was 1 egg, 2 bacon strips, and a sausage patty. The egg was only 1 carb and both the bacon and sausage patty were 0. Is this ok? Not sure how the program works yet since I just started it. Any advice would be very helpful.

  • lorierreitz
    Hello - just started Lindora today. It is day 1 of three protein days.