Need inspiration!!

I have been 'playing' around with dieting and exersize but just don't seem to be motivated at all!! Its as if I know what to do but still don't do it and then I feel dissappointed in myself! Ugh. Looking for friends to support and be supported by! Good luck to all!


  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member

    Hi, there's a whole section of these message boards devoted to inspiration and success stories.

    You can do it! Have you set an intermediate, reasonably attainable goal? Sometimes that's easier to use than your real final goal which may seem too distant to be very motivating.

    I don't accept friend requests from people I don't know yet, but will be happy to discuss things via messages and message boards.

    Good luck with your goals!
  • zebramama84
    zebramama84 Posts: 64 Member
    You can soooo do it !! if i can then you absolutley can !! for me its more of making a lifestyle change.... i started with food and no exercise, i cut out thehe processed crap and the extra crap ! not only is it better for me but its better for my family too ! to me dieting is pointless and equates to a fail .... so once my food was better and lost a few pounds then i started to ease into exercise and now i cant get enough!!!! you need to make changes that you can maintain otherwise your destined to crash ! and start small ...... if its as small as getting a water with lunch instead of juice or soda or taking the stairs instead of the elevator .....then thats something to be proud of and do not let anyone tell you otherwise !!! YOU CAN DO IT !!!!!!!!!!! please feel free to add me :)
  • mholmquist
    mholmquist Posts: 22 Member
    This is an awesome journaling program for anyone. I know that you will be able to do this and be successful at it! I know had a hard time with diet and exercise, but I start one small step at a time and so can you! You can add me for suppore and encouregment!
  • Lacenator
    Feel Free to add me! I'm always looking for inspiration - my motto is 'willpower is overrated'!