Been here a week and I think I have seen the light



  • BrettWithPKU
    BrettWithPKU Posts: 575 Member
    I'm 6'1-1/2", 275lb, shooting for about 200lb.
    I've been here about a week, and I've lost my initial 5 pounds - you know, that weight that just falls off at the very beginning. These are my rules:
    1. 1880 cal diet, to lose 2lb/wk
    3. 700-900 calorie breakfast (I cannot function at the office without a filling breakfast)
    4. 300-500 calorie lunch (Soup, salad or fruit)
    5. 600-800 calorie dinner
    6. Work out at the gym an hour a night, 5-6 nights / week. Calories burned at the gym can be banked or used for a snack later if hungry
    7. AT LEAST a gallon of water a day

    Only problem I come across: I'm in my 20s, live in a major city, and I have buddies who like to go out and have a drink or TEN. I don't make that a habit, but if I DO screw up in that department, I keep it in mind and make up for it over the next few days.
  • jaric01
    jaric01 Posts: 132 Member
    As a person who LOVES to eat, I have to force myself to take rest days because I miss being able to eat those exercise calories. But rest is crucial for long-term success. I would target 5-6 days a week. Plan on at least one rest day a week and learn not to feel guilty about it.
  • joseph9
    joseph9 Posts: 328 Member
    Welcome, Jeff. Here's my 2 cents:

    1) IMHO, everybody is a little different, so your challenge is to find out what works for you personally. Read everything that interests you, listen to know it alls like me, but test out different ideas to see what works for you.

    2) The biggest thing for me is just not to quit. I try my best to track everything, even when I slip up, and to weigh in on schedule. In the past, the biggest warning sign is when I take days off tracking and weighing.

    3) You will definitely have days when you fall short -- make a plan now for how to get back on the horse.

    Great to have you around, and let us know if we can help!
  • LookatMeNow8405
    LookatMeNow8405 Posts: 7 Member
    Keep Going Jeff! You can do it!