Gym for the first time tomorrow morning... HELP!



  • RunningMama1276
    RunningMama1276 Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks! There is no trainer or orientation (not that I know of) .. it's just the YMCA.. and I am SO nervous.. is that normal?! I'm so on the fence about it, I really want to start, but then I keep saying "What if I look weird" or "what if I'm the biggest person there?!" .. such a struggle!!

    Being an ex-personal trainer (serving a short time at the YMCA) they should still have certified personal trainers that will walk you through an orientation on the machines. I did this numerous times. :smile: I do not know what time you are going so staff could be slim pickings, but seriously...ask at their front desk. You could cause yourself great harm by using machines incorrectly. You could also cause yourself a lot of grief becuase "you are working hard", but maybe you are not pushing as hard as you are capable of. Good luck! Welcome to the world of being a gym rat. :smile:
  • lovelee79
    lovelee79 Posts: 362
    Thanks! There is no trainer or orientation (not that I know of) .. it's just the YMCA.. and I am SO nervous.. is that normal?! I'm so on the fence about it, I really want to start, but then I keep saying "What if I look weird" or "what if I'm the biggest person there?!" .. such a struggle!!

    Sweetheart no matter how slow you go you are still lapping everybody on the couch !!
    Good for you for going to the gym, don't be nervous. You're going to love it. Don't worry how you look, most people are too involved in what they're doing to pay much attention to others anyway. Make sure you bring water, and I always have my ipod to rock out to!
    Try out a cardio machine or two, then test out some weight machines, experiment and play around. If there is someone at the front desk, ask them to show you how to use the equipment. I personally can't eat anything before I workout, I feel sluggish and get side cramps if I do. So I prefer to exercise on an empty stomach. to each their own.
  • if you don't want to feel stupid because you look like a newbie, here's my advice.

    go in, hop on a treadmill, and while you are walking and getting warmed up, scope the place out. when i'm on the treadmill at my gym i can see all the goings-on in the place.

    and remember, the rest of the gym rats were new once too! give 'em hell :)
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
    I belong to a Y. Definitely ask for assistance. They will assign you to a wellness coach that will take you around and orient to all the machines. You may need an appt for this. Ask about the different programs they have. There is a commit to fit, but I don't know much about it. I use the "activtrax" program. It is an online strength training program. Each and every visit, the computer gives you a different training program for the day. It takes the guess work out of strength training. Ask about it. try everything and find what you like.
  • chica23GK
    chica23GK Posts: 100 Member
    You've received a lot of good advice & helpful information - I don't want to be repetitive, so I just want to say "Go & have fun!" If you do something silly, so what. It's not a contest or a competition - tomorrow is all about YOU; it's your day, your first day. Just like any first days - first day of school, first day at a job - it's natural (normal) to be nervous but don't let your nerves get the best of you ... each day WILL get better. So put on something comfortable and your best smile and go for it!! You have all these MFPals rooting you on - and we want to hear all about your first day :)
  • mclaughlin709
    mclaughlin709 Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks everyone!! You've all been such a great help. I do have one last question! What do you usually bring with you, if anything? And one more, lol.. what to wear?
  • what ever advise you take from these response also take this advice: STRETCH! Before you workout and after. After your workout make sure you stretch in positions longer than 10 seconds! And before you are basically just wanting to loosen your muscles and warm up so do shorter lengths of stretches (try and avoid sitting stretches for your warm up stretch). I see way too many people leaving the gym without stretching and this will REALLY hinder your progress!

    As for eating, I personally like to eat an hour and a half before working out and I load up on complex carbs! Not things too high in fiber though. If you are running short on time and need something to feed your stomach (quickly) and your workout go for simple carbs like fruit (avoid starchy kind) or some kind of bar. There are actually pre-workout mixes that you can buy, I use Muscle Pharm Assault and I'm suppose to drink it 30 mins before my workout on an empty stomach and I only use this about 2 times out of the week.

    As for the gym itself, when I first started I took a walk around the entire gym to see what it had to offer and what looked interesting and then I started with a couple reps on everything. You might feel most comfortable getting on a treadmill or an elliptical and while you're on that scope out the place and see what you want to do. Most machines have diagrams of what muscles you are working and how to use the machine itself and those are really helpful!

    Oh and most importantly don't forget that you are doing this for YOU! There is no need to worry about what other people might be thinking about you, and in all reality everyone there is focusing on themselves as well. You just have to remember that fitness is a self achievement and you are the only one that can make progress. I actually commend people I see in the gym that are starting out because they are making this first step while some people are still on their couch. I never ever ever judge anyone at the gym because we are all just the same, working on bettering ourselves! So congratulations on taking the first step on this amazing journey!! You are already a step ahead of most people!
  • Spanaval
    Spanaval Posts: 1,200 Member
    Dress in comfortable, non-restrictive clothes. Wear a supportive sports bra. And good, supportive shoes. Didn't really bring a whole lot, other than a hand towel, water bottle, and a fruit or something to munch on after the workout.
  • OHHHH and after you workout, your post-workout nutrition is crucial!! If you do a lot of weights and muscle toning have some protein! If you only do cardio go for carbs to replenish! and if its a mix of both cardio and muscle toning go for both carbs and protein!
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    Cardio - I recommend starting off with a brisk walk if you haven't been active in a while. Set the treadmill to a speed that's slightly uncomfortable (I recommend you don't grip the sides or the front handles if you can) - incline walking is also a great way to burn calories without burdening your joints. Work your way up by intermittently splicing up the intensity.

    Also try the elliptical - crank that sucker up a couple of levels for some resistance and do intermittent high intensity/low intensity

    The rowing machine can be fun. I dislike the bikes but that might also be enjoyable.

    Weights - Does your gym offer a free PT session or anything? It might be an idea to consult with a PT to get assistance on technique/form for weight training. Check out youtube videos for tips, the machines will also usually provide instructions on use somewhere. Don't be afraid to ask the gym staff for help, if it's a good gym they will be more than happy to give you some pointers on how to use the equipment.

    Drink plenty of water (before, during and after)

    Stretch at the end, especially if you did weights.

    If you do weights it's a good idea to have a nice protein rich meal afterward. Don't worry too much about eating before hand. I find that working out on a full stomach is kinda icky.

    Don't be one of those people who wanders around aimlessly at the gym, 2 minutes on the treadmill, one set of bicep curls, some sit ups, and 15 mins on the bike (you know the type). Have intent. Make a plan. Know what you wanna achieve when you walk in the door. If you push yourself every time you go, you'll enjoy yourself more. Switch it up as well, to stop it from being choreish and boring :)
  • If your YMCA is like MY YMCA, they do have orientations, you just need to set up an appointment with a Wellness Coach. I LOVE my YMCA. You can have appointments with the Wellness Coaches as much as you'd like, no extra cost. They will work up a workout plan for you, whatever you'd like. Everyone is very helpful! I go 6 days a week now, I never would have thought that could happen! Good luck, and have fun!
    Agreed! The Y is great! And they have staff everywhere! Just ask someone where to get started! One suggestion, do 30min of cardio EVERY DAY. Do it at once. And start with it before doing strength or u will talk urself out of doing the full 30min. Also, start off slow. No need to sprint ur first day! I was overhelmed for about a week. But then i became a "pro" lol It will take a minute to understand the circuit but u will get it. I people watch and learned alot! And hon dont worry about whether or not u r the biggest one there or if someone is judging u. What u need to remember is that u r there to better urself!
  • The treadmill is a safe start. You can change your speed every few minutes to increase your intensity and calorie burned. :happy:
  • icandoit203
    icandoit203 Posts: 170 Member
    you can also try a slice of toast with peanut butter, that will help so it's not too heavy on ur stomach. especially if you don't know if you are an eater or not before exercise.

    dont worry i was nervous too it's not gonna be bad everyone will welcome you with open arms no judgement there everyones on the same path. To be healthy and have fun exercise is FUN.
  • perham07
    perham07 Posts: 25 Member
    Good luck, my first day was today and I was completely lost. I spent most of my time on the treadmill and was perfectly happy there. I also have alot of the same feelings as you but remember, we chose to join to feel better about ourselves and get healthier. Anyone who looks down on you for choosing to be healthier is just wrong. I wish you all the best
  • AllieCheeseburger
    AllieCheeseburger Posts: 4 Member
    Awesome job on taking a big step in the right direction! Don't be nervous or worry about looking silly. Gyms tend to be full of a lot of supportive people who have all been new at some point. Just keep this in mind, if you think people are judging you for being out of shape, they're actually probably commending you for making changes to improve your fitness.

    As others have suggested, start out on a treadmill or elliptical and find a challenging but doable pace. You can adjust the speed and the incline as needed to give you a challenge. While your getting started there scope out the weights and watch how others do it. I've been going to gyms for years and I still often feel clueless when it comes to upper body strengthening. Don't hesitate to ask, people love to show off their knowledge!

    Keep track of your workouts every time too. Then you can start working on progressing from there. Trying challenging yourself to a minute longer or a slightly higher incline every few visits. But listen to your body, if it's yelling at you pay attention. Take it slower in the beginning so you don't over do it. When you feel comfortable chat up a friend, it's always motivating to see familiar faces. Good luck and have fun!
  • thohnfit
    thohnfit Posts: 8
    First time is intimidating for everyone. Do not be afraid to ask for help. YMCA's have very helpful people to answer questions!
  • ginaquinn2
    ginaquinn2 Posts: 136 Member
    Congratulations to you for taking that step. I'm no expert but I would say you need to eat but not feel uncomfortably full when you go. I think you should take it easy on yourself at first, don't complicate things so you don't get discouraged right off. You want to do something you can be a success at right away! Build on that first success and go from there. We can all walk so I would say start on the treadmill. You can do this for a while till you get used to the gym environment and you getting busy. :-) Take your time and look around while you are on the treadmill. You will get to observe others and then decide what you want to do next. Even if you don't have a personal trainer generally you can ask at the front desk if there is someone that can help you learn how to use the equipment safely. People are a lot more helpful than you might think. Go slow, get some successes so you feel good and just try to concern yourself with being as consistent as you can. Every body is nervous at first and everybody has had their first time in the gym...this just happens to be yours. Have fun and try to relax. :flowerforyou:
  • christenwypy
    christenwypy Posts: 335 Member
    Thanks! There is no trainer or orientation (not that I know of) .. it's just the YMCA.. and I am SO nervous.. is that normal?! I'm so on the fence about it, I really want to start, but then I keep saying "What if I look weird" or "what if I'm the biggest person there?!" .. such a struggle!!
    I feel the same way about going to the gym! I am sure someday i will join one since I only have limited equipment at home but I have had those same hesitations, I am sure everyone does!
  • lgpperry
    lgpperry Posts: 1
    If you're planning on doing any serious cardio, I would suggest just eating a banana and having a more filling breakfast after you exercise. I lovelovelove the exercise bike. I tried the elliptical and found it boring, and running on the treadmill is a huge drag, but the bikes are great.

    Plus, no one can look at how fast you're going or how hard you are working when you're on an exercise bike.
  • jjnt007
    jjnt007 Posts: 302 Member
    I went to the gym for the first time in years on February 29. I was so scared. When I first entered the gym I was going to excercise for one hour. That did not happen. I rode on a stationary bike for 15 minutes, went for water, then I rode an additional 15 minutes. I did not know how to set anything but a friend told me to hit the green automatic start button and peddle. After three days I changed to a different stationary bike that had a back rest. I rode beside a man and I was so proud of myself because I was able to peddle for one hour. The next day I sat beside the same gentleman and halway through our stationary bike ride I looked at his resistance level which was set at 10 mine was on a one because I did not know about that button. lol

    Now I take Zumba classes, walk on the treadmill at a 3.5 speed and a 5 incline (I built up to that speed over a month period), I ride the stationary bike for 20 minutes on a 5, rowing machine. I cannot do the elliptical but if you can master that machine you will burn so many calories. On Sunday I began with the weight machines. I do not have any knowledge so I will not share.

    Do not be intimidated, you will notice all different shapes and sizes. Watch, ask questions, good luck on your journey.