Starting a keto diet

Hello everyone,

I'm a 24 year old male, 6 foot tall and currently 263 lbs. I'm starting the keto diet along with at least 3-5 days of cardio a week. After some weight is lost I think I might begin doing some lifting as well. I'm mainly here to get my calories counted each day and keep better track of things. Of everything I've seen so far, everyone seems to be very friendly and super supportive, and I think that could make a big difference for me. So if anyone feels like adding me that would be awesome, and we can cheer each other on.


  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I'm a 24 year old male, 6 foot tall and currently 263 lbs. I'm starting the keto diet along with at least 3-5 days of cardio a week. After some weight is lost I think I might begin doing some lifting as well. I'm mainly here to get my calories counted each day and keep better track of things. Of everything I've seen so far, everyone seems to be very friendly and super supportive, and I think that could make a big difference for me. So if anyone feels like adding me that would be awesome, and we can cheer each other on.
    If you're doing a diet just to lose weight (especially one devoid of carbs) chances are that once you eat "regular" again, the weight will pile back on. Do the exercise a find a way to stay in calorie deficit eating the foods you already like to eat.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • RawkYuu
    RawkYuu Posts: 5
    Yea I actually plan to keep the diet up for a very long time, at least the next year or so. Hopefully by that point, I'd be at a point where I can keep myself at the weight I want and transition back to a normal diet. There is still a lot of time before that point, but that's the plan for now. Also I've done quite a bit of research about keto and I think that is the plan for me, but I suppose we will see in the coming months.
  • ChasingSweatandTears
    ChasingSweatandTears Posts: 504 Member
    I would advise against a keto diet as well! It can really mess up your metabolism in the long run. It also isn't a life plan. By eating foods you like, or that are healthy, you can track your calories and lose body fat and weight. You need carbs for those cardio workouts. Welcome and I'm sure you'll get it figured out :)
  • littlebluej
    littlebluej Posts: 102 Member
    There's a keto group if you do a group search. I do keto, feel free to add.
  • RawkYuu
    RawkYuu Posts: 5
    Thanks for looking out guys, but I've done my research and have made plans that I want to stick to.

    Also thanks for the info about the keto group! That should be a big help.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Echo what Niner said.

    Good luck in you're keto quest.

    I'll be sure to eat some ice cream for you.
  • toriaenator
    toriaenator Posts: 423 Member
    start lifting asap!! like a few times a week. it will help for fat loss and prevent you from losing muscle mass.
  • johannajebediah
    johannajebediah Posts: 55 Member
    ketogenic diets are tricky. i tried one earlier this year and while i went into it saying i was going to keep it up for a long time, i needed to stop pretty soon after. i could feel it affecting my body in strange ways and it just didn't feel healthy for me. make sure you do lots of research and get proper nutrition from supplements, etc. good luck!
  • Hi RawkYuu, I'm doing Keto as well. I've been doing it for about 3 months (though I'm only now starting to use MyFitnessPal on a regular basis.) Weight loss has been slow- about 8 lbs only. But I feel much better and have more energy. I haven't been working out until this week, so that will probably speed up the process. Furthermore, I tend to plateau a lot. There are several methods for breaking a plateau-- sounds like you've done your research, but if you hit one and need advice, feel free to contact me :)

    A lot of my friends have done Keto/Primal/Paleo diets. They work great for about half of them and not so well for the other half. Everyone's body is different. No one posting replies has any experience with YOUR metabolism, so the best thing to do is try it out for yourself, which sounds like exactly what you are doing.

    I've been Primal since February and lost 8lbs without working out (I'm starting to now though, simply because I have more energy than I know what to do with).
    My fiancé is Primal and has lost 12 lbs since February and has majorly toned (he's been doing cardio and lifting 3-4 times a week).
    His friend is strict Paleo, has lost 30ish lbs since october, runs and does crossfit. He's fit for the first time since puberty (he's 28 now) and looks at it as a lifestyle change rather than a diet.
    My girlfriend has been Primal since January and has lost 15 lbs. She doesn't work out.
    Her fiancé tried Paleo once and then Primal- he felt 'the worst he's ever felt in his life'
    My dad tried Keto (atkins style) and got migraines everyday until he gave up.
    My mum did atkins and felt grouchy until she quit without weaning herself off, and gained all her weight back plus some.
  • tehmagwi
    tehmagwi Posts: 3 Member
    Hey RawkYuu, I did keto last year, and honestly it was exactly what I needed. But I'm also a person who red meat and things like that are my favorite foods, so for me, its the best choice because its a diet where my primary food is something I love. Of course getting in the leafy greens is super important as well. When I did it, I lost 30lbs, it was great and I felt great. I lost that amount probably by August last year and started in february. I have gained 10lbs back after being off since August but I did NOT gain it back because I stopped eating keto specifically, I gained it back because I started eating really stupidly and way way way too much for someone my size. Right now I'm 5'3" and 172. I want to lose another 30-40lbs and am doing keto again. It gave me a fantastic energy. But the biggest thing is, when you do come off it, ween off it slowly. And just keep monitoring like you are now what you're eating. People say everyone gains it back automatically because in our brain, we fall right back into the old habits we had before, just don't do that lol, I did! Good luck! I hope this was helpful at all. :)

    Oh also, my favorite low carb website for recipes is this lady's website. Just browse through she has so many good ones.

    (also, if you've ever seen or been on reddit they have a FANTASTIC keto page there that really helps motivate me sometimes if I'm stuck on something)
  • I'm two weeks into Keto and have gone from 87.8kg to below 86kg without losing strength and feel fine.

    Keto DONE PROPERLY Is an excellent diet, Lots of people who do not have success with Keto are usually not eating enough calories or are not getting the right Macro nutrients.

    I have added you so feel free to check my eating plan and we can support each other, Good luck bro
  • I think a lot of people hate on keto or discourage against it because they don't really understand it. If you've done your research and you're set on doing it, then do it!!

    I'm on keto too! I honestly feel great. I'm never bloated after I eat and I don't get tired throughout the day. This is my second attempt at keto. I'm 2 weeks in and have lost only 4 lbs, but last time I did it I lost almost 10 pounds in a week (and kept most of it off even though I stopped after that week). It takes a lot of dedication to stay on track though -- carbs are EVERYWHERE and oh so tempting.. but it'll be worth it in the end!! Just remember to check everything for carbs before you eat it! For example.. ketchup is 5g of carbs per tbsp! Might not sound like a whole lot, but if that can EASILY and QUICKLY add up!!

    Good luck!!