Thoughts on "Cheat Day"

I've heard of having a "cheat day" or just a "cheat meal". What do you think of this? I understand that you need to curb your cravings, but are we being counter-productive by doing this? I just want to know what you think about having a cheat day. Do you have one? How often? Thanks!


  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    I've done "diets" that have worked and done it with a cheat day. But, I definately think (for me at least) it's a step back. If I take two steps foward that week, I'm still moving towards my goal -- but the cheat day definately hurts. Plus, people can get carried away and have a binge day shoving everything they can in their mouths. For me, if I'd have to do a cheat meal because I get carried away...
  • Mgrogers09
    Mgrogers09 Posts: 61 Member
    I really watch what I eat during the yeah I have a "cheat meal" and when I see stuff i want during the week i weight till the cheat meal and have whatever I want.

    I think that some people's thinking against 'cheat day' is that you should'nt be depriving yourself so much that you need a cheat day. Personally I have to kinda of deprive myself- becuase if I mess up once during the week and its hard to come back from it. It preserves my sanity knowing that eventually i'll get to have those things.
  • 51powerski
    51powerski Posts: 66 Member
    I personally don't believe there is a scientific justification for it.

    However I do think it's very important to cut yourself some slack now and then.

    That said I wouldn't advocate transforming yourself into a human dustbin for the day either.
  • Angierae75
    Angierae75 Posts: 417 Member
    I'm doing a cheat day this time around (although it's more like a "cheat meal" and I still managed to lose 2.6 pounds last week. If I find that it slows my weight loss, I'll stop doing it, but as long as I'm still losing, I will do it. I socialize with friends a lot on the weekends and it's hard when everyone's going out for Mexican to pick around and order something boring off the menu. I got a nice combo plate and some rice and enjoyed my night out on Saturday, and still saw a loss on the scale.

    I know people who have lost 125# in the last couple years and still have a cheat day, so I think it can definitely work for some people. If you're the type to go overboard and eat like crap all day, then it might not. But as for me, I find that I can have one meal a week where I just order whatever I want while I'm out and I don't feel like I have to deprive myself.
  • richx83
    richx83 Posts: 334 Member
    I believe in them, last Friday I had a chinese take away, Saturday I had another Chinese and Sunday i had a KFC

    Weight loss this week is 2lb :smile:
  • Mandy_Pandy
    For me, they are necessary. I love my day where I'm able to kick back, not log and enjoy eating out my my family. HOWEVER, I'm able to do that. One day, one meal....I have found that willpower. I can see 100% how it can be a step back for some people. So, take it or leave it.... if it works for it, if not, don't. I have lost a total of almost 80 pounds since I had my last child (just having trouble getting the last 15 off....grrrrr) So, IDK. It's worked for me.
  • Evarell
    Evarell Posts: 143 Member
    Sunday dinner is my weekly cheat meal, but I still have to be careful. If I have too much white flour and sugar (cookies!), I have to fight hard against cravings for the next several days. No fun.
  • sm7163
    sm7163 Posts: 2
    i have had great success with my "cheat day". i never make it the same day each keeps my body guessing and so it keeps my metabolism up. i still count my calories on my "cheat day" and i dont go crazy :)..i usually increase my calorie intake between 200-500 but never more than that because i dont want to go backwards. i take that day to eat something i have been craving (in moderation) or thats when i go out to eat with friends or family. it is hard to stay under calories when eating out so it gives me a little leeway with that..everyone has to find there own way and determine works for their body. good luck
  • Limajuliet
    Limajuliet Posts: 54 Member
    II used to have a cheat day when I did WW because their whole system is set up to try and somehow cheat healthy eating (sweeteners, low fat yogurt, low cal this or that). Now I'm in the habit of having a healthy lifestyle and having everything in moderation/healthy ratio. So yeah, I have a couple of drinks at the weekend, some chocolate etc or go out for a nice meal, but I don't see it as cheating, because I count it, and/or do some extra work in the gym over the next week to counteract it.

    Having a full-on blow-out once a week is not a good idea. And you're only cheating yourself out of weightloss!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,672 Member
    Cheat everday. Somewhere in the day I have a "bad" thing. This way I never really overdo or crave much.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    I don't call it a cheat day. I'm not cheating by indulging one day of the week.

    On Sunday I eat whatever I want, in whatever quantity I desire, and log it. I've lost weight consistently each week doing it, and will continue to do so.
  • alliegeorge
    alliegeorge Posts: 114
    I think that a whole "cheat day" is conterproductive; however a "cheat meal" with the rest of the day still eating within your guidlines is alright.

    Since Feb 22nd I've pretty much had one cheat meal a week. Pizza Hut, Nandos.. even a cheeky Burger King! & I've still been losing 2lbs a week.
  • AggieLu
    AggieLu Posts: 873 Member
    For me it's not about curbing my cravings so much. It's more about drastically shocking my body so it isn't getting used to a routine. I'm eating low carb so my CHEAT DAYS (not just meals) are high carb (mostly healthy;) ).
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    I have a full on cheat meal once a week, eating what I like and will regularly lose 2lb a week without question. One bad meal in a week, will not half weight loss.

    I have 56 meals a week. 55 good and 1 bad won't harm my fat loss. Esp if I aim my cheats as more carby ones so only my glycogen stores get refilled. Fatty ones aren't great as fat is energy... or fat.
  • samlankford
    samlankford Posts: 334
    I think it is ok to allow yourself to have something special when you REALLY want it or you super active that day but just don't go overboard with eating TONS of bad stuff just because you are having a cheat day or a cheat meal.. you don't want to blow your healthy eating habits and all of your progress in ONE DAY or in ONE MEAL.. does not really see worth it to me...
  • VanessaBoudreau
    My sister and I are both on trying to lose weight but we still have one day per week we label as "Fat Friday" when we get to eat what we want, usually only for dinner though. The rest of the week I'm good but I like to take one day to ease off on the diet a little to give me something to look forward to at the end of the week since I love food! I have still been successful with having this cheat day, the key is moderation. If you start to slack during the week and then have a cheat day then you'll go backwards! Look at is as a reward if you are good all week you can reward youself. If you've been slacking don't have a cheat day that week but I bet the slacking will stop if you know you have this day coming!!
  • stardivap413
    I use weight watchers, and we have 49 weekly points that wont leave us deprived so we can use them any kind of way each week all at once, gradually or not at all. I have to say its what keeps me focused and on plan i actually look forward to it and for me it's not a step back, it s more of a motivation.
  • Por2gueseMama
    Por2gueseMama Posts: 102 Member
    I think people can get carried away when they think they are having a cheat meal or a cheat day and they go into full blown binge mode eating everything in sight. I used to think I was having a cheat day until I eat the whole entire house of junk food that day and then became so discusthing with myself afterwards. But lately I have had a better control of that and my cheat meals are usually one where i can have a piece of warm bread and butter with one of my meals ( I am portuguese and bread is my favorite thing to eat in the whole world) and its usually on the weekends.
  • beccadaniixox
    beccadaniixox Posts: 542 Member
    It's just a meal. People use the cheat meal/day thing to try and say it's okay to eat unhealthy once a week.
    But WHY? You want to eat it? Eat it.
    There's nothing to be ashamed about when it comes to food. I think it's a diet view that makes you think you need to be healthy ALWAYS.
    It's okay to live a little!

    This isn't a diet, this is a lifestyle.
    If you need to call it 'cheating' then you're just cheating your life... by eating normal food. (Makes total sense, right?)
  • Mandy_Pandy
    I use weight watchers, and we have 49 weekly points that wont leave us deprived so we can use them any kind of way each week all at once, gradually or not at all. I have to say its what keeps me focused and on plan i actually look forward to it and for me it's not a step back, it s more of a motivation.

    LOL! I wake up like a giddy child on Christmas Morning on the day I get to eat my indulgent meal! LOL! :blushing: