Thoughts on "Cheat Day"



  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,611 Member
    I don't eat my exercise calories during the week so that I can have what I want over the weekend. I tend to see calorie goals on a weekly scale. My Monday weighins are a bit on the heavy side but then I come right back down and having lost weight by Wed or Thurs. The chart may have its up and downs but the trend is bearish.
  • msrat1
    msrat1 Posts: 43
    I dont diet but my "Cheat Day" is to enjoy a sweet treat still in moderation and not over indulge on that. I usually do that when I know I am going to be moving around a lot such as yard work day, or spring cleaning day, etc.....
  • SirBen81
    SirBen81 Posts: 396 Member
    I've heard of having a "cheat day" or just a "cheat meal". What do you think of this? I understand that you need to curb your cravings, but are we being counter-productive by doing this? I just want to know what you think about having a cheat day. Do you have one? How often? Thanks!

    It's fine, but call it what it really is, a "Fail Day", or "Fail Meal". No one is perfect, but we can still be honest.
  • sapphiretyger
    sapphiretyger Posts: 79 Member
    I am on the fence about "cheat days" because I have found that one day of cheating can escalate into many, and that was how I ended up derailed and putting back on 20 pounds ... when I had made it all the way the maintenance stage of my weight goal.
    At the same time, they are going to happen! Thanksgiving is a day in the USA that comes to mind for me. I guess the key is to get up the the next morning and go right back to watching calories ...
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,611 Member
    I've heard of having a "cheat day" or just a "cheat meal". What do you think of this? I understand that you need to curb your cravings, but are we being counter-productive by doing this? I just want to know what you think about having a cheat day. Do you have one? How often? Thanks!

    It's fine, but call it what it really is, a "Fail Day", or "Fail Meal". No one is perfect, but we can still be honest.

    I think fail is a bit harsh. Most of us will not eat a deficit our entire lives, so a stress reliever of any kind is not a failure.
  • _itsB_
    _itsB_ Posts: 44 Member
    yep I definately have a cheat day, I do try to keep it to a "cheat meal though. I know if i go cold turkey on everything and never have fries/pizza/take out again, I'll eventually just give up and just binge eat! I do try to be good on a day that i know im getting take away though :)
  • icandothis318
    icandothis318 Posts: 40 Member
    I have a cheat meal or a cheat day. It all depends on how I am feeling. I don't get caught up in the eat clean every waking minute because I don't want to place those extreme limits on myself. I am human and every now and then if I feel like going off track, I do just that and get right back on track when I am done.
  • sherronh
    sherronh Posts: 119 Member
    I dont do cheat days. If I know im going to have a heavy meal or day I try to exercise and have lighter meals around the day.
  • SpydrMnky27
    SpydrMnky27 Posts: 381 Member
    Yes I have cheat days. The bloating sucks for a few days but then it's all good.
  • jasperann
    jasperann Posts: 136 Member
    I personally don't look at any meal as a cheat meal. This is a life style change for me. I will be doing this for the rest of my life and honestly, I am not going to go my whole life without ever having pizza or ice cream. So I just work around it. If I want pizza I figure out the calories for it and log it, and adjust the rest of the day around that meal. Just part of life now. Just don't go crazy and you can have what ever you want. lol Everything in moderation.
  • violabeatle
    violabeatle Posts: 87 Member
    I try and have a cheat meal rather than a day because I don't want to set myself back! Usually it is a dinner. I usually stick to low cal foods, especially fruit and veggies during the day (fill me up without overeating!) and then indulge at night so that the day balances out. Usually it involves a trip to the gym too!
  • 10KEyes
    10KEyes Posts: 250 Member
    I've heard of having a "cheat day" or just a "cheat meal". What do you think of this? I understand that you need to curb your cravings, but are we being counter-productive by doing this? I just want to know what you think about having a cheat day. Do you have one? How often? Thanks!

    I don't like them. I think it is counter productive. in my opinion, it fosters the wrong mindset, it reinforces the "diet" or "Short Term" mentality rather than "Lifestyle". If you change your lifestyle, it should be for life and that means some things go away "forever". Sort of like an ex. ;) Or you if it is something you cannot live without, then you will have to work it into your plan.

    However, it is understandable that there are times in which one can not eat properly due to the immediate situation. In these situations, you just have to fly by the seat of your pants.
  • JessieArt
    JessieArt Posts: 275 Member
    The last time I had a cheat day it took me 3 weeks to lose the weight I gained from it. So now, if there is something I really want, I save up my calories and just have a little of it.

    Today I'm saving up for a margaritta at the Jimmy Buffet concert!
  • tarnbop
    tarnbop Posts: 53 Member
    I used to do this, and am still tempted to, but I'm getting scared at how it will affect the scales, which I think is a good thing!! For me, if I have done well in a day and have enough calories, I allow myself a small treat. For me, most days, this is a small portion of chocolate buttons. However, if it would tip me over or if I hadn't had a good mindset/eaten something else that wasn't very good for me, then I would leave it out...
  • KrystleKiri
    KrystleKiri Posts: 135
    I try to counter it. Two days ago for example, I had WAY too much sodium for my liking, and yesterday I balanced it out by watching what I took in. I lost 5 pounds over the last 10 days, so I had a waffle for breakfast. For lunch, I'll have a salad with hard boiled egg whites, I think it's okay to 'cheat' a little, but not over indulging, and balancing it out means the world.
  • Lorleee
    Lorleee Posts: 369 Member
    I don't think a whole day is necessary. What I enjoyed doing was a cheat meal. Satuday night dinner out I'd always have whatever I wanted along with dessert and a glass of wine. But the whole rest of my day was "normal" and I often ate a lighter lunch to prepare for the big dinner out!
  • kimberly0416
    kimberly0416 Posts: 123 Member
    If I have a good hard 2 hour workout, afterwards I can eat within reason anything I want. So instead of "cheat" I do "reward". :drinker:
  • Leiki
    Leiki Posts: 526 Member
    I've done this, and it worked.

    I use "cheat days" when I know I'm going to be eating out on a special occasion or with good company.

    When I know a cheat day is coming up, I'm really good for the week. I eat well, and save calories, and exercise.

    On the cheat day, I will eat whatever I want without guilt. I will still log it, and still exercise if I can.

    My most recent cheat day was half a month ago. I at 3x what I normally eat. Even though I earned over 800 in exercise, I was still over by 700 calories. It was the highest I've eaten since getting on MFP.

    I continued eating well and exercising after the day was over. My weight went up temporarily. 4 days after I broke my plateau and LOST a lb. I was plateauing for 3 weeks before the "cheat day."

    If you would like more details, my food diary is open and this is my cheat day log.
  • cip1
    cip1 Posts: 31 Member
    Weekend is a cheat time :)
    I'll either try to eat more but still healthy (not always succeeding) & have it around 2000kcl in total (my normal daily is 1200) or if I feel like pizza & ice-cream - I'll bloody have it!

    The fact that I know I'll potentially have a bigger meal or ice-cream on one of the weekend days - does help me to stay away from the fridge, sweets & night munching through the week.

    as someone mentioned already - I'll still log it, even if/especially if most of what I've eaten is on rather unhealthy side.
    also - as a kind of tradition, I have a long rock climbing session on one of the weekend days but I'll have a cheat day even if I don't happen to exercise, just be a bit more careful with what & how much I eat.
  • mandi2r
    mandi2r Posts: 228 Member
    I have cheats in a while... Maybe more then I should.. Like yesterday I had chinese food, even limiting my plate size felt like it huge cheat... But I believe its better than ignoring those cravings and passing all your favorite foods to one day totally giving in..

    So I say yes to a cheat meal but not to a whole day..