Forks over knives

chris1529 Posts: 315 Member
Watched Forks over knives the other day with my parents. Has anyone else seen it? What did you think? I actually liked it and was amazed at the research and results! Just don't know if I could eat like that, I like my dairy too much lol.


  • sanjoparolas
    sanjoparolas Posts: 549 Member
    I enjoyed the movie, changed my lifestyle, and don't miss dairy at all! There is a group on MFP specific to this movie:
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,519 Member
    I find it funny that people take diet advice from media that's meant to entertain you.
  • 2wiceOver
    2wiceOver Posts: 38
    I tried to watch it. Such an obvious commercial for PETA that I had to turn it off.
  • bcampbell54
    bcampbell54 Posts: 932 Member
    One of the first things they taught me at ninja school was how to eat yoghurt with a fork.
  • 51powerski
    51powerski Posts: 66 Member
    Real men eat with a spork.
  • rrrbecca11
    rrrbecca11 Posts: 477
    I watched it but had already changed my lifestyle to vegetarian over the past 10 years. I have never felt better or been healthier, toned, fit, happy and energetic.
  • I watched a few other documentaries about veganism, raw food diets and juicing as well. After doing more personal research, I haven't committed to an entirely animal product-free diet or anything extreme but I do consciously try to eat less meat (I already don't eat dairy because I am lactose intolerant) and it has been beneficial for me. I feel lighter and more energetic. And to be honest, my entire family (nuclear and extended) has various, serious health related ailments and diseases. And so, I have definitely made an effort to go with organic products, less processed foods, and less animal products and fats. It is creating a healthier family. Again, I liked Forks Over Knives, but I know that we can't take everything at face value! :) Keep researching and finding the healthiest thing for you.
  • I tried to watch it. Such an obvious commercial for PETA that I had to turn it off.

    The film could actually be considered an advertisement for waking up to the damage (personal, national and global) caused by our massive meat and dairy consumption.....

    But by all means, ignore this because you don't like a "commercial for Peta"

  • chris1529
    chris1529 Posts: 315 Member
    I have done some research on it and it seems to be the best way to eat. BUT I can't cut out dairy and meats. I can limited them though. I love yougart and milk. I love certain meats as well. BUT just cause I like to eat it, doesn't mean it's healthy. I have a friend who is in the medical profession and has been for about 30 years. She studied at John Hopkins Hospital. She is awesome! Anyways, she told me to watch that documentary. BTW, it's not media entertainment. It's ALTERNATIVE! You know, like alternative medicine. The media entertainment wants to push more meat. Funny cause there sure is a lot of people dying with illnesses that could easily be avoided with diet (HEALTHY DIET) and exercise. Not all can be avoided of course cause genes play a big role. And the studies those doctors and researchers did was amazing! It's hard to change your eating patterns though. I was a huge junk food eater! I know that I will continue to eat meat and milk products. BUT I can see now that they should be limited.
  • sherronh
    sherronh Posts: 119 Member
    Love this documentary so inspiring. Ive modified my diet because of it, havent made the complete change over though.

    I like to watch it for inspiration.
  • tmacmoto
    tmacmoto Posts: 285 Member
    Forks over Knives? Wimps.

    Real men use Chopsticks....and they're my personal sidearm.
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    is this the one that says avocados are bad for you?

    whatever says that makes me so incredibly sad.

    i want to eat an avocado today.
  • Have not seen it yet but plan on watching it! I read the book Skinny ***** 2 years ago and went completely vegan.... I fell off the wagon a bit by adding cheese....I now consider myself a vegetarian (hoping to one day gain the strength to go back to vegan for good). I have to say if you do your research you will find that meat and dairy are not good for your body! If you really want to make this change I would start small first and eliminate meat and dairy one by one out of your diet. Also look on the web there are several blogs that contain completely vegan recipes and they are delicious! :)
  • chris1529
    chris1529 Posts: 315 Member
    Forks over Knives? Wimps.

    Real men use Chopsticks....and they're my personal sidearm.

    Well, with that said, most men who eat with chopsticks are healthy CAUSE they are eating fresh fish, rice (not white or yellow), tons of vegetables, and fruits. Not to mention all the healthy teas....... with no sugar added! LOL :)
  • chris1529
    chris1529 Posts: 315 Member
    is this the one that says avocados are bad for you?

    whatever says that makes me so incredibly sad.

    i want to eat an avocado today.

    I don't remember them saying that. Avocados are a good source of healthy fats. :)
  • callmeBAM
    callmeBAM Posts: 445 Member
    FOK is propaganda for vegans. Like all propaganda, there are truths in it. But, there is also misleading information and biased research. Most humans were intended to eat meat as part of a well rounded diet.
  • busymommyx3
    busymommyx3 Posts: 40 Member
    It is a great show, the book is also really good and I would also recommend "The China Study" if you are into reading and want to do some more research on the subject. Very good info. I have been working on my veganism since February of this year and the show just reaffirmed everything that I had already believed about an ominvorous diet. I however just want to say that I am not interested in a debate about veganism verses non veganism just wanted to comment on the show :)
  • chris1529
    chris1529 Posts: 315 Member
    FOK is propaganda for vegans. Like all propaganda, there are truths in it. But, there is also misleading information and biased research. Most humans were intended to eat meat as part of a well rounded diet.

    Actually we were not designed to eat meat! Look at your teeth. Our teeth were designed for fruits, vegetables, and grains. BUT I don't want to argue..... so....... we can agree to disagree. :)
  • 8kidsmom
    8kidsmom Posts: 40
    I have researched nutrition for many years now, and while I agree with some of the information presented in the movie, I felt there was a defiant slant. I think that the meat and dairy, in most cases, that we eat is not processed in a way that produces health. I prefer raw milk, meat raised on green grass with clean air and water, no feed lots. I think we eat way too much meat and dairy and I am working to reduce the amount of those things I eat. Drink whole raw milk while counting your calories and you will certainly eat a lot less of it! LOL
    I do know 2 people who stopped eating animal products all together, and it affected their health in a bad way. Obviously not everyone who eats this way has this problem, but something was missing from these peoples diets that was there when they ate animal products. One lady went through 2 pregnancies eating like this, both of those children's teeth rotted out as soon as they came in. She did some research and found out that was a problem with such a diet, and fairly common. I am sure it doesn't always happen, but just know that it can and does.
    It will never hurt us one bit to increase our raw veggie intake, I am all for that and am trying to do that. So my conclusion about the movie is it does have a lot of good information in it, I have read the book The China Study and it gives us some very thought provoking research. I am trying to reduce my meat and diary and increase my veggie intake, but I am not going vegan. :)
  • I saw it a couple of weeks ago, and have watched a few other shows similar to that one. They are interesting, but I also think these documentaries needs to be viewed with an open mind. I try to buy organic/hormone free/all nautral meat/dairy when I can, but I won't be cutting them out completely.