Coffee and dieting



  • widetobride
    widetobride Posts: 47 Member
    I once read that coffee is associated with high cortisol levels, which is bad for dieting. also, everything is great in moderation, but the amount of (black instant) coffee I drink, is very unhealthy. So I decided to just drink coffee at home, and drink green tea in work. I still have four or five cups a day, and about 5 cups of green tea. I have to say, it has made no obvious difference. My skin is better (I have adult acne), and my teeth are whiter, but weight loss is no different at all. Good luck xx
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,223 Member
    I will NEVER give up my coffee.

    This coming from someone who regularly logs 24+ ounces a day.

    Hot coffee, iced coffee, coffee on a stick....I loves my coffee!!!
  • scorpiomfs
    scorpiomfs Posts: 167 Member
    to me this is a lifestyle change.coffe is first on my food diary. I go from there. I still use sugar.I do use low fat creamer. I just found these wonderful little creamers , almond joy flavor, 30 calories for one.120 calories for 2 cups of coffe,( i use 2 in each cup dont use sugur with them). Im willing to pay... waking up with folgers in the house priceless......

  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    I just quit. I'll still occasionally have a cup at work, because our project team keeps fantastic coffee. I drink mostly tea nowadays. As for sweeteners, Stevia isn't bad. Ideal (xylitol) is my favorite when I can find it.

    I've heard horror stories about caffeine withdrawal headaches and all sorts of other awful symptoms. Most people probably don't experience the ease of giving it up that I have.
  • I did not cut out either one, I did change to a lower cal creamer, so that each cup does not cost me as many calories. I still have a diet coke for breakfast. Although I do drink less of each since I added so much water into my day
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,526 Member
    Love my coffee. I can drink decaff, half-caff, and regular. If I'm hungry, and don't need to eat, it will fill me up and keep me satisfied. Sugar not a problem for me, since I don't like sweet tea or sweet coffee. (don't worry, I get PLENTY of sugar everywhere else. I'm not one of those anti sugar people. I just don't like it in coffee and tea.) I do watch the amounts of creamer, and try to use some skim milk. In fact, a latte with skim milk is a little extra calcium.

    So why would I give up coffee??
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 866 Member
    Girl...I drink coffee too. I use sweet n low (because I really like it, super sweet) and I use non dairy creamer too. I budlget in those calories and carbs. I love my coffee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • pixelberry
    pixelberry Posts: 167 Member
    For some, just the taste of sweetness will make them produce insulin & gain weight. Thankfully, I'm not one of those people. I still drink diet sodas, and have 1-2 lattes per day that I make myself using Hood Calorie Countdown 2% Milk - both lower in calories & carbs than regular 2%. Plus, the caffeine is supposed to increase metabolism. I've also stopped using Splenda and use Sweetzfree - liquid sucralose without the malodextrin filler.
  • I go to Medifast and they said my one cup (20 oz.) is o.k. per day. I put 2 sweet n lows, 1 tablesoon of sugar free hot choc. and skim milk.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    Caffeine is a stimulant. Stimulants help you burn more calories and also act as an appetite suppressant. Plus, if I tried to give up my daily coffee, I'd end up with massive headaches. So, no, there are no plans to give up my "crackfee".

    Do, however, make sure you drink plenty of water. It's also a diuretic (dehydrates you).
  • StephL0711
    StephL0711 Posts: 141 Member
    i would never cut out my coffee!!! i consider it my morning treat, and for some reason i find it helps me stay fuller. i have mine with fat free half and half and two teaspoons of sugar, its the only time i use sugar, the rest of the day its all healthy food so why not allow myself my one delicious cup of coffee in the morning, mmm.
  • Nope. I didn't. Thought about it though. I have an exceptionally active special needs daughter and a 2 year old boy (nuff said there!) I did cut back to one cup in the morning with the french vanilla creamer. More than that and I actually feel like crap mid afternoon. NO coffee and I just can't get going. I love my coffee and it's my guilty pleasure, and I would drink 1 pot (12 cup) a day. I did cut back on diet Coke also. I was drinking 2-4 32oz drinks a DAY.. now I hardly see one or two a week. :D
  • KC4800
    KC4800 Posts: 140 Member
    I haven't had a soda in forever. I still drink a lot of coffee daily. Coke loses. Folgers wins. Probably both owned by the same conglomerate anyway...
  • igora_soma
    igora_soma Posts: 486
    I tried to cut it out, but... it's just so good! I agree with above posters that trying to change the 2% milk to either nonfat or even switch to something like almond milk. You could use stevia or agave as a sweetener too. I have tried my best to just have almond milk with my coffee instead of sugar. It definitely makes a difference.
  • bzmommy34
    bzmommy34 Posts: 229 Member
    I have one cup of coffee per day - my morning fuel I call it. 10 oz coffee, 2 tbsp creamer (Coffee Mate Natural Bliss line, any flavor and no, it's not the fat free stuff) and 1 tbsp Splenda. I've managed to work my way down from 2 tbsp Splenda and hope to have that "sweet" taste fazed out in the next few months. It's not that I have any negative opinions on Splenda, it's just that I'm trying to eat more clean so that was on my list of give ups.
  • monicatmlnsn
    monicatmlnsn Posts: 2 Member
    I have always heard it is good to cut out caffeine on a diet. i cannot remember the reasoning. I still drink coffee, though. I try to drink iced teas and water rather than diet soda. However, my choice of sodas is diet.
  • Jupitter
    Jupitter Posts: 16
    I agree... I have one cup per day with the Splenda/Brown Sugar mix. I have recently switched to Organo Gold Organic coffee. The coffee contains Ganoderma which is a powerful antioxidant which actually helps to correct imbalances in your body that cause you to gain and retain weight. Anyways also dont forget that the caffeine in coffee speeds your metabolism...
  • 10KEyes
    10KEyes Posts: 250 Member
    No way would I cut the coffee out.

    I drink about 32 oz of coffee each morning with Half - n - Half or heavy cream, and Stevia extract.

    Coffee has a large amount of antioxidants in it as well. Antioxidants are not exclusive to Tea.

    Another great way to serve coffee is Bulletproof coffee. Good stuff.
  • alharbour
    alharbour Posts: 116 Member
    Cut out coffee?!? :noway:

    I would literally fear for the safety of those around me if I quit drinking coffee!

    :laugh: Me too!
  • sldwells
    sldwells Posts: 20 Member
    I dont see anything wrong with drinking coffee, just count it as part of your daily calories! I just use creamer and its an automatic in my daily calories! Its at the very top of the "most used" list!! lol