OK, I need some friends



  • CawfeeLuv
    CawfeeLuv Posts: 18
    I could use some friends too. I have a TON to lose. :)
  • Looking for more friends as well! Feel free to add me! :)

    5'7 and needs to lose about 40lbs.
  • jennieth
    jennieth Posts: 105
    Hi! I'm kinda new too. I was pointed to this from one of my friends so I only have her. My goal was 70lbs and I'm about halfway there. I am on here every day. I love it!

    I have friended a couple of you.
  • Phrenetic
    Phrenetic Posts: 15
    Hey David. I just wanted to let you know you can do it. No matter whether it's 6, 60 or more pounds to be lost, it's the same struggle. My best advice is to change your foodscape, the food that surrounds you on a daily basis. After that, just commit to one small change and see if it sticks. Once it does, commit to another change, and so on. And most of all, keep accounting to yourself. Log everything on MyFitnessPal, either the website or via the app. It's important to be honest with yourself and reflect on all of the days, not just the good or the bad ones.

    I wish you well and look forward to hearing about your journey.
  • DB_1106
    DB_1106 Posts: 154 Member
    Wow!!! Thanks for all the adds guys. If I haven't sent you a request yet, it is because I can only send out 5 every 10 minutes. I will get the invites out throughout the day.

    Again, thanks for all the requests. You guys rock!
  • vgambino
    vgambino Posts: 28
    I'm new here and could use some friends too. You can add me. I need to lose about the same amount of weight.
  • panamadream
    panamadream Posts: 1 Member
    Me too...I need to lose 25 pounds... I'm very discipline with exercise, but food is a problem....i usually do good until about 6pm at night....I need all the help and encourgement I can get
  • misslilylou
    misslilylou Posts: 71 Member
    I've added the first 5 of ya up there, but then MFP said I couldn't add anymore people for another 10 minutes. So, feel free to add me guys!
  • Hi everybody! I guess I'm new here, in a way, because I forgot all about myfitnesspal. But my friend Jennifer reminded me that we were friends on mfp, and so here I am! I had originally set the goal to lose 50 lb, and now I've lost 12. I think it's great we can encourage each other here, and keep track of our progress. :)
  • alimarieban
    alimarieban Posts: 141
    I've added my limit (per MFP) so if anyone needs some support (I'm on daily), and some positive energy- ADD ME! ;-)
  • Feel free to add me as well. I have had nothing but positive results from this site and the support is awesome. And that goes for everybody.............. :happy:
  • XpeargrlX
    XpeargrlX Posts: 21
    Everyone is free to add me. I am on here daily.
  • AngieCook09
    AngieCook09 Posts: 51 Member
    I am on here regularly and have an open diary, add me if you want. I will try to keep you all motivated. :)
  • Cari222
    Cari222 Posts: 11 Member
    I am new to the msg boards and tying to figure out how it works.....I am not having success "going it alone" - could use some support and encouragment....
  • I'm new to this and would love to meet some encouraging people to help me along the way!
  • DB_1106
    DB_1106 Posts: 154 Member
    A selfish self BUMP for the night crew.

    You can never have enough friends for encouragement.
  • mcuttinup
    mcuttinup Posts: 3 Member
    I'm new on here. Looking to loose 84lbs, but focusing on the first 34 for now.
  • Queenj32
    Queenj32 Posts: 3 Member
    You are NOT alone!! I have a good 80 to loose and I've been in a slump lately. I get a little encouragement when I see others climbing along with me...
  • I could use some more friends so please add me. I have about 100 lbs to lose. Been alittle depressed since my mom passed in Janurary and gained back the weight I lost so sorta starting over now...
  • Prenceina
    Prenceina Posts: 1 Member
    So do I !!!! this not easy and I have at least 30 pounds to go. I need all the friends I can get:smile: