How much did you weigh when you graduated high school?



  • redcut
    redcut Posts: 176
    I was and still am 5'7 but when i graduated high school I weighed 99 pounds was like that through my twenty's then gained the weight after my daughter was 4 now I hope to get to 130
  • mjbrowne
    mjbrowne Posts: 172 Member
    160 at graduation (150-160 most of high school). At age 35 with two kids, I don't feel so bad at 153. My heaviest (without pregnancy or right after babies) has been 175. I've been big all of my life (both parents overweight), so I've always had to watch what I eat and exercise. Since age 10!! sad, huh?
  • 0AmyMarie0
    0AmyMarie0 Posts: 315
    105 lbs. Had 2 daughters, managed to stay between 110 and 120 outside of pregnancy until my thyroid crapped out. Back down to 132 now. (5'2" 27 y/o)
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    105 size 3........... wowser that was a heck of a long time :)
  • rmhand
    rmhand Posts: 1,067 Member
    119lbs size 2-4. Working to get back there.
  • I was 127 and thought i was horribly over weight! 10 years later, I've gained 60lbs and cringe everytime I think of it!!
  • I weighed between 140-145 lbs when I graduated 35 years ago. I have grown over 2" in height. I know I will never get down that low again, but my goal now is 175...I'm 4 lbs away from my goal. Don't know if I will acheive it or not, but I'm healthier and happier now than I was then.
  • jazziesaj11
    jazziesaj11 Posts: 351 Member
    225, my highest weight. I had always been overweight and at my highest I finally said enough was enough. I refuse to go back to that weight ever again. I'm right now at the lowest weight probably since 4-5th grade, no joking. Even though I've lost so much already I still have 25lbs left! :DD
  • I'm 23 now, not sure exactly how much I weighed then but it was probably in the mid 140s. I got down to 133 freshman year of college, then gained it back and my HW was close to 150. Started losing weight for real this past December at 141lbs, I'm around 128-129 now. :)
  • kelsue35
    kelsue35 Posts: 463 Member
    graduated in 1994 at 5'10 and 110 lbs!
  • prettygirlhoward
    prettygirlhoward Posts: 338 Member
    I don't remember my wieght exactly but I do remember wearing a size 5-6
  • Coignes
    Coignes Posts: 4
    I was 115lbs and i'm 5'3. My heavest is 161. My goal is to be at a healthy weight. Having my son and marriage i guess i just let it all go. :O( But i'm on the right track now!
  • Hoegers
    Hoegers Posts: 17
    I was thinking about that as I weighed this morning. I graduated HS 24 years ago and weighed 220#. I got as high as 345# before I began to change that last summer. I was in the neighborhood of 185-190# I think starting my Freshman year of HS. I weighed in this morning at 199#. I was very pleased with that. I never thought I would get under 300 and then to get below 200, shocking.
  • JPod279
    JPod279 Posts: 722 Member
    I never used to weigh back then (1990) but I would bet it was about 175 and I am 6-1. I was in great shape. Now if I can just get back under 200 I will be happy.
  • ZombieSlayer
    ZombieSlayer Posts: 369 Member
    5'3.75", weighed approx. 155#, wore a size 5-6 (pants), approx. 17-18% bodyfat. (only remember the stats because of MEPS).
  • Starzy696
    Starzy696 Posts: 133 Member
    148...Im actually 142 now which I never thought I would weight less than what I did in HS! :)
  • aBagorn
    aBagorn Posts: 1
    I was 148 when I graduated HS, but I was a stick. (I'm 6'). I joined the USMC and put on muscle mass and left Recruit Training at a healthy 170. It's all gone down (up) since then, peaked at almost 200, but now I'm trying to get back down to between 170-175
  • Alsha1999
    Alsha1999 Posts: 46 Member
    I was about 120 lbs and a size 4. Now after three children I am in the best shape of my life. Each pregnancy I knew more about how to help people. I weight about 110-113 lbs now, but have a lot more MUSCLE. I have been a certified fitness trainer so it is my job to stay lean, fit and healthy:happy: ! :)
  • gg9nerak
    gg9nerak Posts: 29 Member
    I weighed 95 lbs and wore a size 2 or 4 not sure...sigh
  • ClubbT
    ClubbT Posts: 5
    1983 - 5'3, 103 lbs, size 0-2

    Now - still 5'3, 145, size 10 : ( but doing good because I started at 154.

    **oh yeah forgot to add I have 3 kids and a divorce