All because of a 5K....

slepygrl Posts: 249 Member
Hey Everyone!
I'm Jodi. I'm a wife,MoM,sister,daughter,friend,cohort in crime and much more. I've been fat for as long as I can remember. I just don't want to be fat anymore. I'm tired of feeling like ****!
My brother recently lost over 100 lbs using MFP. He is my inspiration. He has changed so much. Not just his weight, but personality too. He's almost fun to be around. (Hi Mike!)
He ran a 5K a few weeks ago and I asked when are you going to run one with me? Well that's what got the ball running (HAHAHAHA!!!) I committed to running a 5k in 61/2 weeks. WHAT WAS I THINKING??? I'm crazy out of shape. But I think I can do it. I may not be able to run the entire 5K but I will run most of it. I WILL!!


  • Running is hard but after a week you will love it i never though i could run and now im running farther than i ever though i could, its still not really far but my progress has thrippled in two weeks! also the more you stay on your feet the easier the actuall running will be.
  • ipsamet
    ipsamet Posts: 436 Member
    Welcome! I have my first 5k coming up in about 2 months, nervous but SO excited. Committing to a race was SO helpful in kicking my butt into training mode and staying motivated, so I think you did the right thing. Feel free to add me if you like, and good luck!
  • liog
    liog Posts: 347 Member
    Welcome! I am running my first 5k on May 20. I'm so excited. Warning: running is very addictive. :bigsmile:
  • mdayton4946
    mdayton4946 Posts: 4 Member
    You will do great! I have been running for 2 yrs and am just now looking forward to my runs. It is not always easy, but is so worth it. If you can find a partner to run with that will make you accountable do so. It is so easy to put it off. Not that this is for everyone, but I am now running ultra marathons. Just keep moving, make you first goal to just complete the 5K!
    I started running from abssolutely no running at all 3 years, 40 pounds and many races ago! great sport and the weight falls off!
  • Shriffee
    Shriffee Posts: 250 Member
    Awesome!!! You can do it!!!!
  • tina9988
    tina9988 Posts: 369
    I did the same thing! I signed up for a 5k because I knew that would keep me on track. I was 60lbs overweight and I lost 18lbs before the race. I have another one on sunday and I am hoping to beat my last time. Good for you! Nothing is more motivating than the fear of public humiliation! Trust me, I was terrified....."I'm gonna be the biggest one there, I'm gonna come in dead last...etc. etc." Well, I was the biggest one there and I didn't come in last! I beat 100 people! So good luck to you, you can do it!