Mom's with young kiddos!!!

Hi I'm 35 and I have a 2 and 5 year old! I have been trying to lose 15 pounds for the last 2 years!!!! It is so frustrating, I don't seem to have the time/ energy to exercise after working 40 hours a week and taking care of the kids! I count everything that goes into my mouth but the number on the scale never gets ANY lower!!! Any suggestions on how to find some ME time when you're a mommy would be great! ( and did I mention my 5 year old still doesn't sleep through the nigh?!!!) HELP! I'm tired of being fat!


  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    I am SO there with you! I have a 5 (6 in June) and 3 year old. I have to get up early to exercise. I make sure I put cups of milk in the fridge so that they can get them by themselves and my 5 year old knows how to turn on Disney in case they get up while I'm exercising. That's the ONLY way I can find time. And even then, I'm rushing. My 3 year old has been REALLY needy for attention lately, so I even feel guilty for taking THAT time. And then I work 40 hours/week as well.

    I'm very interested to find out if anyone has a magic formula for more time during the day!
  • monkeymomof3
    monkeymomof3 Posts: 107 Member
    I am almost 34yo and have 3 kids; an 8yo, 5yo, and 2yo...I work full time getting up at 5 am everyday (work by 630)....I count calories and have done a work out (lifting, running, insanity, elliptical, etc) 4-6 days a week since MARCH 2011....I have changed nothing since January and have GAINED 6 lbs....BEFORE I gained 6 I was stuck for 5 months....i am no help :) It SUCKS. But, I did go to my family practice doctor and insist they do blood work, they said I'm normal. Went to my ob and told him he needed to fix me or I'd keep coming back (I like him better than my gp). He told me that I need to read 40/30/30 and watch my carbs....that at "this stage in my life" things process differently....So I have been counting calories AND watching carbs.....and still nothing - though that was only 2 weeks ago and it's "that time of the month"....I am going to UP my protein with my newly lowered carbs, throw in some strength (1-2 days) and stick with 4 days cardio (I can run outside with my 2yo now that it's nice) and hope SOMETHING gives....I am SO CLOSE to goal....and I still just feel so hopeless!!! hopefully someone can help, because I know how you feel!!!!!

    eta: My ob also said to take a b12 supplement and an omega 3 supp(fish, flaxseed, and something else as options)....I DO have more energy but I think it may be mental - or the weather being nicer.....some days though you just HAVE to do it for you.....
  • MrsPong
    MrsPong Posts: 580 Member
    Hello. I'm a mom of one 3 year old and a wife of an active duty U.S Marine. I work 40 hours a week and recently haulted my classes for a masters degree.

    I have always been a stay at home mom until i graduated this past year (so 3 years). From 2010-2009 I lost 40 lbs but joining a gym that had daycare and went for 2 hours EVERY day. I used that time for myself....

    My husband got shipped to Japan for a year, I started to work 2 jobs over 60 hours a week...and gained about 20 lbs back (medical reasons also).....
    I started to go the gym at night (with my daughter in daycare all day and then again at the gym) i felt so guilty about not spending time with her because afterall her father is gone.

    We moved and my husband came home. I got a full time job once again and joined a gym.... this time working out in the MORNINGS (5AM until 6:30-7AM). I find i get more done and i dont feel guilty at night because i have time with my family but also im taking care of myself. Ive lost about 5 lbs since this started.

    I know its hard, but try getting up before your kids do if you have someone to watch them go the gym, or if you dont get a workout DVD and do it for 30-60 mins each morning. That way you get what you need in when your kids are asleep and you get to spend time with them after work! It took me about 2 weeks to really get used to it...give it a try!

    Add me, we will support each other working mommies trying to get fit :)
  • acollis1
    acollis1 Posts: 167 Member
    Thanks for the support ladies.... nice to know I'm not alone!!! I have been thinking about getting up in the morning to squeeze in a workout, I just have to get motivated to get up at 4:30 am... and that only gives me 30minutes (which is better than nothing)! I've also been trying to take walks during my lunch when the weather is nice. It's just really hard to stay motivated when you don't see any results! Feel free to add me as a friend... maybe some friends will help!!!
  • Stefini525
    I have a 1 yr old and a 2 yr old and work 40 hours a week. I understand the fatigue and trying to find 'me' time when being pulled in 10 different directions already. I am far from an expert, but I have been told it is more difficult to lose weight without getting at least 8 hours of sleep. I am not sure if anyone with kids ever gets 8 hours, but I think consistently getting a full night's rest will help. Also make sure you eat enough calories during the day, and like the others noted probably cut out some carbs. I have gotten to a point where I am fairly satisfied with my weight after having two kids back-to-back.

    I decided I needed time for just myself to stay sane and get to a happy place. I joines a fitness challenge because I knew I needed someone else to keep me motivated and accountable. So having MFP to help with calorie counting and some other women to get me working out is what has helped the most. Good Luck!
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    I am 32, a mom of 2 (3.5 and 2 years old), and work FT (40 hrs week). I either work out while DH watches the kids after work at 4:30-5:00-ish or after they go to bed. I am glad DH is around to help because it's harder to be motivated to work out at 10pm. I sometimes take walk at work during lunch or breaks. Early morning workout is an option if you don't have to get up early for work. I wake up at 5:30am for work, so I can't do the morning workouts. I only get about 4-5 hours of interrupted sleep, and it's draining, but I find working out actually energize me. Good luck.
  • sweetpea129
    sweetpea129 Posts: 755 Member
    Me! I have a 12 month old and a 28 month old. I'm a SAHM so i'm with them all day. We often go to the park so i can get some walking in. Also i turn on music after their naps and they dance around while i TRY to work out. That means me doing sit ups while the baby is sitting on my stomach or my 2 year old is pulling my hair. Doesn't always work but I at least try to get in 30 minutes a day.
  • furbutt
    furbutt Posts: 74 Member
    I am a mommy of one who doesnt sleep well and I am married and work full time. I go to the gym from 3:15 AM until 5:15AM everyday
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    I have a 2.5 year old and a 2 month old! I never have any time. Ever. Lol. I load 'em up and go walking with them.
  • DixiedoesMFP
    DixiedoesMFP Posts: 935 Member
    I'm a single mom with a 4 1/2 year old who also doesn't sleep thru the night. I used to try to get up early and work out, but that simply didn't work. Her dad gets her two nights a week - try to get a good long workout those two nights. The other nights so goes to the gym's childcare for an hour while I work out, then we go swimming together. I bought a used jogging stroller and I strap her in for a walk/jog twice a week. Sometimes I feel guilty for leaving her in the child care at the gym, but working out makes me happier and healthier so the time we spend together after that is better.
    Also I work 40+ hours a week and take call as well. My house is always dusty and a little messy. So be it.
  • mellstein
    mellstein Posts: 12 Member
    hi hi! i have a 3yr old and work 4 days a week. i manage to get up early (5am to run most work days) and i try to walk during my lunch break. i find walking during lunch is a very productive use of time and i can focus more on my family when i get home.:bigsmile:
  • cindyhow27
    cindyhow27 Posts: 7 Member
    I have a 2 year old also and get up before work to get in a workout, I try for 2x during the week which means getting up at 5:00 AM and my DH gets DD ready for daycare. Then I try to get in at least one workout on the weekend. It took a while to get in the swing of it but it's sooo worth it to get in that workout! good luck to all the mommies!
  • jenlarz
    jenlarz Posts: 813 Member
    I am almost 34yo and have 3 kids; an 8yo, 5yo, and 2yo...I work full time getting up at 5 am everyday (work by 630)....I count calories and have done a work out (lifting, running, insanity, elliptical, etc) 4-6 days a week since MARCH 2011....I have changed nothing since January and have GAINED 6 lbs....BEFORE I gained 6 I was stuck for 5 months....i am no help :) It SUCKS. But, I did go to my family practice doctor and insist they do blood work, they said I'm normal. Went to my ob and told him he needed to fix me or I'd keep coming back (I like him better than my gp). He told me that I need to read 40/30/30 and watch my carbs....that at "this stage in my life" things process differently....So I have been counting calories AND watching carbs.....and still nothing - though that was only 2 weeks ago and it's "that time of the month"....I am going to UP my protein with my newly lowered carbs, throw in some strength (1-2 days) and stick with 4 days cardio (I can run outside with my 2yo now that it's nice) and hope SOMETHING gives....I am SO CLOSE to goal....and I still just feel so hopeless!!! hopefully someone can help, because I know how you feel!!!!!

    eta: My ob also said to take a b12 supplement and an omega 3 supp(fish, flaxseed, and something else as options)....I DO have more energy but I think it may be mental - or the weather being nicer.....some days though you just HAVE to do it for you.....

    Just curious, do you ever measure?
  • Jessi40
    Jessi40 Posts: 75 Member
    I'm 40 with a 7, 5, 2 and 1 year old. My 2 and 1 occasionally sleep through the night but it's rarely the same night :) My 2 year old is medically fragile and my 1 year old has extremely sensitive skin. My 2 and 4 year old also have food allergies.

    I get up at 4:45 and leave house at 5:30 am with 4 year old in tow. I work out while she plays with her innotab... there's a pool at the gym here so I bribe her and on Fridays I take her swimming with me.

    My daughter is in a preschool program at my work...

    I'm at work from 7 - 3:30 and get home in time to get the 7 year old off the bus. My hubby comes home around 4:30 with the 2 and 1 year old. We have dinner and start bedtime/bath time and children are down between 7 - 9.

    My 4 year old doesn't go to sleep well. She often stays up as late as me and never has a problem getting up in the morning...

    I go for short walks during my lunch break and I do longer hikes, walks and/or bike rides on the weekend. I feel opposite of most people. I am overly on it on the weekend and during the week, I don't get to exercise as much and often will have a little treat... I really try to bring it on weekends... it's working :)

    Best wishes... and feel free to add me...
  • katsmit2
    katsmit2 Posts: 54
    I think there are a lot of us! I'm 32, married for 12 years, stay at home mom of 3 (a 9 year old girl, a 6 year old boy, and a 10 month old boy.) I do a lot of cycling on my stationary bike. (mostly while my youngest naps) We also walk at the park or around our neighborhood a lot. I've also been known to get a Just Dance 3 workout in! My youngest likes the colors and music on the television! Keep can make it work for you.
  • JenStyle30
    I have a 5 year old. I have a treadmill so I walk on that and I also do crunches. The only thing Im trying to lose is my belly fat. It doesn't matter what I do, I can not lose it!
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    My three year old wouldn't stay in bed, so we put a digital clock in his room, covered the minute area and told him he could only leave his room when the hour number was a "morning 7", unless he had to pee in the night. We were very stern and made it clear that we needed to sleep at night, just like everyone else in the world, and Mama is a happier Mama when she's gotten some sleep.

    The control of having the clock to watch seemed to do the trick. So now every morning, I get woken up by "Mama, it is morning 7! It's time to wake up!" Yay. Victory!

    You could do the same with quiet time, which you can use to workout. Or just workout after they are in bed at night. It's tough. Took us a while to hammer oyt a routine that works.
  • midnightwhispers
    I'm a WAHM with a 6 and four year old. The oldest is in school but my youngest is still home with me all day. I get up an hour before the kids have to get up and work out then for that hour. And then do another set after they're in bed. The night time one is where I really have to push to do because by the time they're in bed all I want to do is veg out and enjoy TV without their screaming and yelling lol Kids make it tough, but it's do able :)
  • maieranne77
    maieranne77 Posts: 191 Member
    I have a 3 and 7 year old and like you work during the day out of the home. For me I try to do something when the rest of the family is involved or there. Family goes for a bike ride and I jog next to them. Yes it's a slow bike ride :) but the kids just love to go out on them at any speed. Or my 7 year old has soccer 3 days a week so while he's practicing I run around the complex for 40 minutes pushing my daughter in jogger.
    I don't do well getting up early and once I sit down at home I'm a goner. This seems to be working for now but would like to find a way to get it done during my work day. Then I won't be trying to fit it in at home between dinner/laundry/baths/relax time.......

    I also agree with the sleep comment someone else had earlier!! I'm worthless without 8 hours at least a couple nights a week.
  • Bethhurst
    I have a 4 and 5 year old. I'm fortunate that I work at home while my hubby watches our 4 yr old and the 5 yr old is in school. Hubby runs a few days a week, so I watch our 4 yo while he's out on his run (usually at the same time as my lunch break and try to give the 4-yo 'mama time'). I workout on the treadmill for about 30 minutes in the morning. After 5-yo gets home from school, I try to get outside with them and we play tag or just walk our long driveway. Sometimes, the 4-yo wants to be carried, so that gives me an extra 30 pounds of weight while I walk.

    My advice, if you can't get someone to watch the kids for 30 minutes to workout uninterrupted, try to do something where you're active that they can participate in as well. Or, set them in front of the tv for 30 minutes while you do an exercise DVD on a laptop or computer if you have one.