*HELP* 30 Day Shred

Level 1 on 30DS is STILL kicking my butt! I know I'm only on day 4 but dang! Sometimes I even do it twice in one day so I thought it would be better by now. I'm out of breath the entire time but it's not even that bad when I do the elliptical at the gym. When is it going to get better or am I pushing myself to far?


    NICOLED73 Posts: 183
    Girl, I'm on day 2 of level 1 and my arms are jello. I'll tell ya, I don't make it thru every single exercise. I have to stop and catch my breath some, but I think I did a little better today than I did yesterday.
    Let's not give up (and trust me I think about it during my workout). We can do it!!
  • msmotivated86
    msmotivated86 Posts: 130 Member
  • Ohjeezitskim
    Ohjeezitskim Posts: 129 Member
    Today was my last day on level one and the lateral lunges with the shoulder rise still kills me every time. As well as jump roping and then right into jumping jacks.. and honestly the forward lunge too!! I'm going to do two extra days of level one and then start fresh on level 2 on Monday with my mom!
  • Addicted2_fitness
    Addicted2_fitness Posts: 396 Member
    I am on week 1, day 8 and I am feeling great... I go through this process every year and I still find level 1 challenging when I "start back up."

    My advice to you is: Try not to think about it too much and listen to your body... when you feel like you're getting bored with level 1, progress to level 2.. There's really no need to move on if you still feel challenged...the point of progressing to the next level is to continue to CHALLENGE your body. When you move on to Level 2, you'll feel like you did when you started level 1- challenged. I don't think that EVERYONE will be ready to progress to level 2 on the 11th day- like I said, listen to YOUR body and don't try to move on before it's time...you could injure yourself:noway: !!
  • snrose
    snrose Posts: 233 Member
    i'm on level 3 day 1 and its still really hard for me! of course i can definitely tell a difference in my shoulder and ab strength! level 2 was the worst level for me...really gets you sweating! don't give up just do what you can to the best of your abilities! its all about pushing yourself :) if you dont you wont get any better! i think the whole point of the program is for it not to get easier, haha
  • Mama06
    Mama06 Posts: 110 Member
    Day 6 or 7 will feel GREAT and make it all worth it!!

    Don't give up! It'll change your body!

    Good Luck!
  • SKing79
    SKing79 Posts: 1
    I'm on the last few days of level 2. This level has definately challenged me...looking foward to level 3!
  • Hickyvikki69
    Hickyvikki69 Posts: 371 Member
    my personal doings. i dont do the shred everyday. but i did the level 1 the first time and the next day i couldnt move! it worked my body over time. so i walked and walked and added protein more to my diet help out my muscles. it works i tell ya. then since level 1 kicked my butt i progressed to level 2...now thats intensity without the omg im gonna die quickly...level 2 is omg im gonna die but no wait im coming back with second wind! i prefer level 2 but not ready for level 3. experiment is what im saying. look at level 2 try level 2. if u think that is worse than level 1 then go back to level 1.
  • i'm on day 4 & i'm actually feeling pretty good :D
  • Dawnnan
    Dawnnan Posts: 32 Member
    I'm on level one 7th day and this is my first time doing it. At my weight all the exercises are tough, but I have noticed it getting a bit easier. I've had a tough time the past 3 days; short of breath, tired and not sure why.
    I did 3 days and then 1 day walk at home and then back to shred. I rreally think my problem is fatigue, and lack of sleep since I work nights.
    Feel free to add me. I'm continuing through with level one. I "watched" level 2 today and I'm not there yet!!

  • mrsmariasheehan
    mrsmariasheehan Posts: 24 Member
    Day 7 and it's getting better, I exercised the pain away!! seriously, it does get better, it's never going to be easy because that's the whole point of it, to make such a difference to your body in such a short period of time it kinda has to kick your butt. But your stamina will increase very soon and really does get better, keep going :-) we can do this!!!!!! :happy:
  • graebnerkm15
    graebnerkm15 Posts: 33 Member
    I'm on level one 7th day and this is my first time doing it. At my weight all the exercises are tough, but I have noticed it getting a bit easier. I've had a tough time the past 3 days; short of breath, tired and not sure why.
    I did 3 days and then 1 day walk at home and then back to shred. I rreally think my problem is fatigue, and lack of sleep since I work nights.
    Feel free to add me. I'm continuing through with level one. I "watched" level 2 today and I'm not there yet!!


    I'm in the same boat. I haven't been feeling so great so I stopped doing it for a few days and then tried to start back on level 2 for the first time....YIKES! It was hard. Level 1 was hard but manageable, Level 2 was just plain rough after not feeling well. I think starting tomorrow I'll do a few days of level 1 to get back in the swing of things and then think about level 2.
  • Ms_NewNew
    Ms_NewNew Posts: 88 Member
    I think its more work than the elliptical because of the different circuits Jillian have us doing....jumping jacks, abs then etc.....its only 20mins so I guess the way we are huffing, puffing and sweating is what is needed in a 30 day 20 min. Day workout.....You can do it just keep trying and if ya need to break........PRESS PAUSE.....get a breather, then go get em
  • Dawnnan
    Dawnnan Posts: 32 Member
    There are moments I HATE that @&*% in a good way.....then I see I lost 2 lbs and I love her!! I't s tough.. It's meant to be. but yes, it still sucks! ;o)
  • jodyb23
    jodyb23 Posts: 101 Member
    the first week was the toughest I was sore and out of breath. I'm on level 2 day 20 and wish I could say it's easy now, but it's not! I'm no longer sore but still sweating and out of breath by the end. It's a really good work out!
  • buffon85
    buffon85 Posts: 14
    i am not an expert!i am on the fifth day of level 1...sure things are getting better.
    but i don't think doing the workout twice a day is going to help you!give your muscles the time to recover, maybe take a day off. you might get injured if you push yourself. listen to your body and also eat healthy!! i am sure it will get better! :)
  • msmotivated86
    msmotivated86 Posts: 130 Member
    There are moments I HATE that @&*% in a good way.....then I see I lost 2 lbs and I love her!! I't s tough.. It's meant to be. but yes, it still sucks! ;o)

    At least you've lost 2 lbs b/c I've gain 0.4 but I'm not really stressing b/c I heard that its possible to gain weight and lose inches during the shred. Keep up the good work though!
  • msmotivated86
    msmotivated86 Posts: 130 Member
    thanks everybody! I will continue to listen to my body and not overdue it. It's good to know that so many people are in the same boat as me. We can do this! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!!
  • I've started again after trying it for a few days and stopping a month or so again. Just finished day 4 level 1 and am definitely feeling less like vomiting than day 1. Still hate the lateral lunges with arm raises though. I like the 2nd set in level 1 the best, although it could just be as I know its nearly over comparatively!
  • Seahawk27
    Seahawk27 Posts: 72
    I just started back again today, I haven't done it in a year or so and it definitely pushed me! I can tell I've been working out though, because I don't feel like I'm going to die - YET. :laugh: I would stay with level 1 until you feel ready to progress, because level 2 is a real butt-kicker.