how do you get any excersise?
I try walking but my son is 1 and he hates being in the stroller! And besides that i dont know what else i can do with him and for me to excersise.


  • Sera890
    Sera890 Posts: 36 Member
    I work out while my daughter is taking a nap. That gives me about a 2 hour window of time to workout and then catch a nap myself if I need one. If, however, that isn't possible, you could also wait for him to go to bed for the night and get a workout in then. :)
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    Nap time, bed time or wake up early to work out. I usually have DH watch the kids, so I can work out when we get home from work.
  • mrsmariasheehan
    mrsmariasheehan Posts: 24 Member
    I try walking too whilst my 2 year old is asleep in her stroller, again, not very easy when she tries to escape. So I just bought Jillian Michaels '30 day shred' and Im doing that at home every day it's 24 mins long for the whole work out. it's tough but it is supposed to have amazing results (check on the forms here) lots of members have done it.
  • NthnButMoonshine
    NthnButMoonshine Posts: 125 Member
    I have two kiddos, my eldest just turned 4 two weeks ago and my youngest is 10 months. I did Jillian Michael DVD's while the youngest was napping and the eldest watched Sprout in the next room over for the longest time. I also saved up and bought a used Wii and a couple "exercise games" (Zumba and EA Active) for a change of pace. Now that my youngest is awake longer stretches my husband and I squeezed room in the budget for a gym membership. So for two glorious hours a day, three days a week a very sweet Ms. Anna at our local gym watches over my young'ns while I enjoy aerobics and weights. Its the best $30 a month my husband spends on me. I consider it an investment in both my health and my sanity! ;) My eldest really enjoys playing with the other kids too since we arent from the area and he doesnt have any playmates.
  • AlayshaJ
    AlayshaJ Posts: 703 Member
    GET A WAGON. Omg. I can take my kids walking for an hour and they just sit back and play with toys, eat snacks, and what have you. (2 years, other is 8months)
  • Hilary75
    Hilary75 Posts: 90 Member
    My gym has an awesome kid zone. I take my twins to the gym tues/thurs and the kids love playing in there while I'm working out.
  • kimberly702
    kimberly702 Posts: 369 Member
    My kids are 6, 5 and 3... sometimes we'll go to a playground that has a walking track that stays pretty close to the play area. I also joined the YMCA and it has a childwatch program so I take my kiddos there for about an hour. Then I do videos at home... and my kids do them with me. I give them their own "yoga mats" which are really old receiving blankets. Gives them some space from each other and they actually try to stay in their spot.
  • Abevemi
    Abevemi Posts: 54 Member
    I set both of my kids up with lunch (almost 3yr old and 11 month old), and I go for it - 12 minutes of bodyrock!
  • jenniferpowell1980
    jenniferpowell1980 Posts: 68 Member
    Ive got 3 kids, the youngest is 2. I drop him off to nursery earlier than needed so i can walk or cycle to work.
    We go swimming as a family and although i cant swim because i have to watch little one i tread water the whole time actually burns quite a few calories.
    I take them to National Trust gardens where i can walk while they run around safely without worrying about cars.
    I take them Geocaching, which is basically walking but with a treasure to find at the end, its a world wide thing, look it up at
    I bounce and play on our 14 ft tramoline with my kids and although i dont log this one as its not on there i can feel im burning load of calories and am happy just knowing that im exercising while having fun.
    We go on a 1-4 mile walk on the night time as a family, i get an ice cream for the kids enroute, that always makes them enthusiastic, i also live near a moor with a large rock formation so i make the walk longer so they can rock scramble, which also makes them enthusiastic.
    Me and the kids make obstacle courses round the house and garden and time each other, thats fun.
    Basically i make sure there is something in it for them so they want to join in, its great knowing im not just improving my health im improving their's too and setting them up for a lifetime of good habits.
  • mandy2128
    mandy2128 Posts: 77
    I have a 22 month old and an 8 week old. Yep... I'm busy.

    If your little one hates being in a stroller, have you looked into a baby wrap? And not a bjorn.. those things are uncomfortable and not good for your little ones hips. But what about a boba carrier or an ergo? Or a kozy carrier? Then you can just put your little one on your back (or front) and go! :)
  • mmstgr
    mmstgr Posts: 578 Member
    I have two kids.
    I work out while the 7yr old is in school and I let my 4 yr old go watch cartoons in my bedroom while I exercise in the living room.
  • rosefan121
    When my son was younger around 1 or so.. I tried to make up games to play with him that would work out my body.... Like teaching him to hop... and hop around the house for a while.. or lay on your back and put him on my legs and do lifts with him on me... or (outside) run back and forth in the yard... Also I have carried him on my shoulders when we go for walks.. Maybe your child would like to walk too. YOu could get a kid leash so he doesn't run away.. and have them walk with you. There are so many things you can do. Kids can also be a good weight too.. having a son that was colick... and holding him all the time really strengthen my arms lol.
  • Spanaval
    Spanaval Posts: 1,200 Member
    I workout after she's down for the night. I don't feel like I get much out of really short workouts, and that's the only way to get a long enough uninterrupted slot of time to get something done. This also means that sometimes, I'm not done until 11:00 PM.
  • RNmomto4
    RNmomto4 Posts: 143
    I have 4 kids-oldest is 5 and youngest is 6 months. I also have a full time job and just got accepted into grad school.

    I HAVE to get up early in the morning to workout...or my workouts aren't as effective when I am working out with my kids.

    If I want to do something light-a DVD, brisk walk, P90X Ab ripper, I can do it while the kids are running around...but in order to get an intense workout in, I have to do my workouts before they wake up.

    Good luck!
  • Brea_81
    Brea_81 Posts: 36 Member
    My kids are 4, 6, and 8, so it's pretty easy to workout when they're around now (they ride bikes and I walk, or they watch movies in their toy room while I workout in the living room, etc). But when they were younger, I did a lot of walking at night with my best friend after our kids were in bed, or did exercise DVDs (turbo jam was my favorite) during naps or at night. Night time is my favorite time to work out and I'm a total night owl, so it works for me. If you have netflix, there are lots of different workouts on there if you need/want variety. :)
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    I have 2, 7, and 8 yr olds. I have a treadmill. I usually work out around 7 PM when the 2 year old goes to bed. My big kids just started softball and baseball and I've started running or walking at the parks while they're practicing.

    When working out at home, I put my workout clothes on the minute I get home! So, once the baby is in bed, I'm already ready and MUCH more motivated to actually work out.
  • Kaylyn221
    Kaylyn221 Posts: 123
    I have a 4yr old, so when I get home from work, he for the most part stays out of the way when im doing my workout, or he will sit on the couch and cheer me on while I do my Turbo Fire {lol}, but if he has extra energy then my Husband usually will do something with him, like go outside, or color... keep him occupied until im done and then we can all do whatever, together.
  • prettyflower12
    prettyflower12 Posts: 5 Member
    I actually bought him a back pack leash and he loves it! I do to! It is nice to let him explore without me having to worry if he will go near traffic or near somthing he shouldnt and i love the excersise. I will also try the excersiesing during night time. Nap time is my chore time. lol Thank you all again for your help.
  • kristothae
    My son is one so I completely understand. I started dropping him off at daycare early so I could hit the gym before work. I would love to do 30DS which i have at home, but its almost impossible in the mornings with him or in the evenings after work because he doesnt want to sit still for 24 minutes (open to suggestions from anyone on how to incorporate 30DS in somehow!) but also, go outside with them! I got my son a little tikes cozy cruiser for his birthday and he will let me push him all over the yard for HOURS. Just some thoughts :)
  • mandi2r
    mandi2r Posts: 228 Member
    I'm trying to teach my son to copy me when I work out. Sometimes it works and it is so cute. Other times I have to wait until he is in his crib napping.
    Today however, we took a walk outside and he was fine in his stroller, especially after I let him run around in the park. Then he napped on the walk/run back home.