What am I doing wrong?

Hi I'm feeling very discouraged. My weight is in the same exact place it was two weeks ago. I've been mainitanit g a 1200-1500 calorie diet and exercise a lot almost every day. Yet I look and feel worse than when I started. I know it's not realistic to expect 10pouds gone in two weeks especially because I have little to loose but in feeling really upset. What am I doing wrong? I drink lots of water, make sure to get lots of protien, watch my sodium. Please help. I'm this close to giving up:(


  • Microfiber_wechange
    Don't give up. It's time to bring out your tape measurement and ditch the scales (for now) :flowerforyou:
  • paigedmw
    paigedmw Posts: 6
    Don't worry sweetie. it's happened to me before to, my weight just wouldn't budge, like Microfibre said, bring out the tape measure rather than the scales - the weight will come off before you know it. just keep eating well and doing your exercise.

    One tip i swear by is drink green tea - it boosts metabolism and 0cal.

    Keep persisting - don't give up!
  • dandreii
    dandreii Posts: 15 Member
    I would guess that you are not fueling your body enough for all the activity you do. Check out this group:


    I've been stuck at the same weigh for a while at 1200 calories and I've increased to around 2000 calories. I still haven't lost weight, as I think I've messed up my metabolism in the past, but I can tell you that I have also not gained any weight!

    I'm 5'2 and 133 lbs and I run about 15 miles a week and do yoga 1 to 2 times a week. I know that I really need to strength train and I will soon.

    I hope this helps.