Any other disabled people trying to get fit



  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    I am not disabled, BUT my boyfriend used to work for a concierge service and one of his daily jobs was to help an older man with MS work out. He would help him to the fitness center of his condo building and help him do his daily work out. He said he has never seen a more determined and inspiring man in his life. MS is debilitating and crippling, but this guy wasn't going to let it stop him. MAJOR props to all of you with physical limitations still trying to stay/get in shape and keep yourselves active! Makes me feel like a big wuss every time I whine about not wanting to work out because something hurts :)
  • tig_ol_bitties
    tig_ol_bitties Posts: 561 Member
    I'm considered "disabled" by the medical community, but don't like to think of myself that way. I have SLE Lupus, Fibromyalgia, Hashimotos, Hip Bursitis and just had a spinal tap recently to look for Multiple Sclerosis...yay. Between joint pain, fatigue, trying to live a "normal" life and continue working, medical steroids that cause weight gain, kidney issues that cause weight gain, and the stress of every day life, I 100% get how difficult it is to have enough energy in your day to work out. I have found though, that boxing (yes, boxing!) is one of the few things I can do with hardly any pain, and it's such a stress-reliever, too! It makes me feel strong and able, and gives me confidence that my illness tries to take away. I also have a weighted hula hoop at home that not only helps build and strengthen your core, but actually feels really good stretching out my back and hips. I'll hula hoop through a 30 minute tv show before dinner...burns calories, I get to watch tv and it stretches my joints!

    Best of luck to you, I know how hard it can be <3
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Not disabled.
    You people area all the heroes of MFP.
  • kkoshiro
    kkoshiro Posts: 69
    Yes I am disabled too. I herniated three areas in my low back including my tail bone. I also have earky stages of osteoarthritis. Recently I fell and injured my right hip bone. I am trying to exercise but it is difficult....I am in California and I am :smile: new to MFP and also looking for new friends....add me if you like.
  • Bonnieelizabeth
    Bonnieelizabeth Posts: 68 Member
    HI I am 43 and have diabetes hypertension sleep apnea arthritisin foot and knees so I think I could say just a little disabled per the bmv and the dr I see ,but that does not mean that I can't get fit! I have found that I can even mow our yard because I have something to hold onto so I adapt exercise to what I can do!!
  • Nana_Anne
    Nana_Anne Posts: 179 Member
    My journey has been a lifetime but my life took a turn in 2002. I sustained a mild TBI (brain injury) with seizures. I went from having a license from the supreme court in escrow to not being able to work and having someone help care for me. I spent years recoverying. I came to know the Lord through this. Funny how when you are close to death God becomes real important :) The reports say I need care 3 hours a day BUT with the help of God I was just able to live on my own for two years! In this time I ended up with a walker due to my back. I found out I had spinal stenosis and my lower back was just colapsing. I had back surgery five years ago and was able to walk again. I knew the Lord would heal me. I also found out at this time I had blockage in my heart. I was on a statin drug which until recently we did not know why I fell down all the time. I had one fall too many and had knee surgery. The surgeon had to remove the cartlidge in my knee because of the osteoarthritis. Now it is bone to bone. I went from 265 to 192 and back to 232. I had surgery one years ago and I need to get in shape for my heart. The weight is causeing my health problems to exsaperate. (can't spell that word)the circulation in my legs isn't good and I am postponing surgery for the veins and blood pooling. My health problems could go on and on but here is what all this comes down too.....I know when I quit smoking I asked God to help me. I know He is right beside me each step of the way now. This is a choice. I can sit here and feel sorry for myself and say I can't because I am so sick OR I can make the choice that yes I can get up. A fruit of the spirit is self-control. I can move my arms to type then I can use my resistance bands. I can walk my dog or go play fetch with her. I can do chair exercises. I can go online to exercise TV. I can help others and stop thinking about me me me. I can look in the mirror and tell myself "Cowboy Up" And after all this I 54 yr old and am a mom of four and a grandma of ten! I love Jesus more then anything in this world :)
    I want to add...The Lord Jesus Christ has healed me of so many things spiritual, emotional and yes physical. There would never be room enough to write them all. The Father loves us and yes he still heals us sometimes quickly and sometimes slowly but He never leaves or forsakes us :)

    This is my profile :-)
  • JaymeLS
    JaymeLS Posts: 47 Member
    I'm 32 years old and have congestive heart failure. I have lost 40 pounds since my heart attack a year ago and I started using MFP in Dec. This site helps me keep track of my sodium intake. I try to stay around 1500 mg a day. I walk on my treadmill for about 30 minutes everyday. Having a heart attack changed my life for the better. I eat alot healthier than I did, I quit smoking, and I exercise everyday. I went to see my cardiologist earlier this month and my echo came back better than it has been. All the hard work that I have done paid off.
  • Cyndie3
    Cyndie3 Posts: 24 Member
    I have rheumatoid arthritis too and a hearing disability, I have problems with my ankles hip and shoulder ,,
  • hprendergast4
    hprendergast4 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello, I have recently joined MFP to start my journey of losing some weight and getting into shape. I feel the excess weight I have put on is affecting my joints more. I have Lupus, Mixed Connective Tissue Disease, Fibromyalgia, and more that slows me down because of the constant pain. I have alos recently joined the YMCA to assist with with getting fit. I have only done about 4 workouts and my body has been screaming in pain even though I am using the least amount of weight on the resistance machines and I go very slow on the recumbant bike. I am scheduled to meet with the wellness coach this week to pinpoint what I may be doing wrong with using the equipment to see if she can help me have a more comfortable workout by using proper form.
    Feel free to friend me and we can motivate one another to slowley get into shape and share ideas of what is working for each of us to see what is and isn't working.