When you run...



  • picassoadagio
    picassoadagio Posts: 407 Member
    I sing. I think about all my skinny clothes and if I don't run how I might get fat again. I think about how I am setting good habits for my children. And last but not least... I think of how it's such a stress relief.
  • russeljames
    russeljames Posts: 103 Member
    its one of the few things that i do that actually stops the voices in my head, sooo i hear nothing
  • CharityEaton
    When I un I listen to music s when I start to get tired I put on faster paced songs. If my legs start to get tired I focus on a different part of my body. I re-focus my breathing and I think of how I feel AFTER my run....I write in my notebook how I feel after a run and I read those things before I start.....it is words like: strong, confident, proud,amazed.

    Sometimes I think of my mom and how proud she would be t see me running and getting in shape(she passed away a few years ago)
    I think of all thos crazy photos on Pinterest of runners....the one of the Rhino on a treadmill with a poster of a unicorn beside him.
    Those quotes that say you are running laps around all those who are sill sitting on their couch.
    The quote of " You can workout for 30 min a day or be fat the rest f your life"

    I think of my muscles getting stronger and all the fat melting off my body.
    Maybe I think too much when I run! LOL!
  • court617
    court617 Posts: 65
    I do a lot of charity runs so I try to think about who I'm running for. Specifically, I'm a member of the Hope Express who runs to fight pediatric cancer. We have an honorary teammate, a little girl fighting leukemia in PA right now. When I feel like I'm having a tough run I think about her and all of the other people that can't run. I run for them.
  • cushygal
    cushygal Posts: 586 Member
    My mind is completely blank. I run with my ipod and usually by the 2nd or 3rd song I don't even here the music as I am so zoned on my running - the only thing I hear is my feet hitting the pavement.

    I am training for my first half that is coming up on May 27th.
  • phillieschic
    its one of the few things that i do that actually stops the voices in my head, sooo i hear nothing

    LOL...I love this! I hate when they start arguing with each other! I mean, damn! Enough already! :explode:
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    just remember-your mind will give up way before your body will!

    You are telling yourself you can't. Whether you think you can or you can't, your right.
    That's what I love the most about running, going farther, faster, harder, whatever, than you thought you could. Seeing how far the body can really go.
    I usually try to focus on getting to a spot, or I count, or just listen to the music, anything but think about being tired. Some of my best runs I am thinking "I can't believe I feel this good, I feel so much better than the last time, I can't wait to log this on MFP" Haha.
  • lissymae11
    I listen to music, pump it up loud, and run to the beat. I also thing it's a nice time to reflect on my day, and my life. Basically, if you start thinking deeply enough about something - anything... then you'll forget you're even running!
  • marci423
    marci423 Posts: 130 Member
    I find something that is ahead of me, and I run to there and then right before I get there, I set my sight on something a bit farther down the path..........that's my new strategy anyway :o) it is working out pretty well :o)
  • CharityEaton
    wow, loved reading through these! Makes me ready to go for a run this afternoon!
  • PoeRaven
    PoeRaven Posts: 433 Member
    I listen to music and pretend I'm singing to a crowd of people.....I always wanted to be a singer, but I know my limitations :wink:

    I love this remark...I am pretty much the same. I listen to loud, fast tempo music...and "sing" my head off!
    Keep on keepin' on my running friend...you will love the benefits.
  • KarmaxKitty
    KarmaxKitty Posts: 901 Member
    When I'm running: "oh, what a pretty bird" "wow, that tree looks amazing in this light" "holy crud, look at that sky!!! (morning/evening runs...)" "woops, almost fell! better not look at the sky that long!" "OMG I JUST HAD I GREAT FOOD IDEA!!!"

    I'm so scatterbrained when I'm running. It usually makes me run better.
  • josavage
    josavage Posts: 472 Member
    I run with my two dogs (also attach their leash to my running belt like a previous poster). I spend a lot of time watching them - making sure they aren't struggling, making sure they stay to the right and not interfere with other people on the path, etc. But mostly it's my therapy. Work can be very stressful for me, along with my jerk of an ex husband, so I end up sorting through my issues in my head a lot.
  • RickyRaj
    RickyRaj Posts: 25
    I'm new to running (and don't really enjoy it but it's the only cardio I can do right now) so I listen to audiobooks to distract me and before I know it I've finished the book!
  • SongbirdLandy
    SongbirdLandy Posts: 188 Member
    I listen to praise and worship music and pray, sing, or think of all the amazing things God is doing in my life during my runs. It makes every run an awesome experience physically and spiritually! God is so uplifting and just when I feel like my body is wearing down, God gives me another boost to keep on going!
  • Sabdavis
    Sabdavis Posts: 31 Member
    I have a running mix that I listen to with only songs that I want to run to. When I'm getting tired, I pick a point in the distance and say "I will run to that and then I can walk for a minute". When I get there, sometimes I change to a further point and sometimes I let myself walk for the minute. I also have a rule that I can't stop running and walk if someone is in front of me. I run at lunch around a school next to my office, so there are almost always people around. Keeps me going.
  • LesliePierceRN
    LesliePierceRN Posts: 860 Member
    I think of all kinds of things.. I let my mind wander.. but in the beginning when it was hard, I'd count exhalations or every other step or something to keep my mind focused on anything but the discomfort. I listen to music when I run, and my thoughts are always in pictures, so sometimes I can "watch" the whole video of a song or replay an instance from my past that I associate with a song in my head. It comes in real handy having a vivid imagination when it comes to running.
  • Toxictwist
    Toxictwist Posts: 274
    I listen to music so i dont concentrate on anyting but that. Its my time to have a clear mind. no stress from work or other people

  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    Last night, which is the first time in my life I've been able to run long term - to me long term is more than 5 minutes - I was thinking "holy crap, I've run 15 minutes continuous and I'm not dead", that kept my brain busy. Music helps too. And I think about the bikini I want to look hot in this summer. I've trained it to call me a "fat *ss"...

    Before last night I only ran away from wild animals and toward food. But I think the running bug has claimed another victim.
  • jenngi620
    jenngi620 Posts: 51

    Sometimes I play mental games with myself and say things like "In a mile... you can walk for a minute." Then, I either get to the mile and walk or make another bet that I can go even further.

    Haha, I do this all the time. I thought I was the only one.