'Bra' fat!

Ok, I can pretty much get everything on me toned, EXCEPT that stupid 'bra fat'! It's like 'under' the armpit, slightly behind the arm, and above my bra strap. Ladies, do you have any success on getting rid of that!? I hate it because I'll be lookin all good and stuff, and just yesterday, my coworker actually poked my fat, and pulled my shirt to try and cover it!! Geez!! Help!!


  • phillieschic
    This is no help, but I had a boss years ago who used to call that area "squirrels"...as in it's jiggly and looks like nesting squirrels. Such a pig! I was 252 pounds at the time so, needless to say, I had "squrriels."

    I'm no expert but I would say that some shoulder/tri-cep/back strength training will help. I have a little of that still and it is a difficult area to work...it will take time, but you will get rid of it. The worst thing is that we can't pinpoint that area very easily (not like working the abdominals, for example) so it will take a while.

    Also, a properly fitting bra can reduce that area by a lot as well.

    Good luck! You look GREAT!!! :)
  • melusinagr
    melusinagr Posts: 205 Member
    Unfortunately, I have no advice. I have the same problem, and can't get rid of it either!
  • ArtGeek22
    ArtGeek22 Posts: 1,429 Member
    First off, congrats on the weight loss!

    Second that co-worker was so rude! I can not believe someone would do that. Some people do not have manners :grumble:

    Third it is really hard to get rid of that. since I have started lifting weights it has helped with that a little. I would just try focusing on the exercises that target the chest area.

    Keep Calm and Carry On,
    Anna :flowerforyou:
  • mekasjaun
    mekasjaun Posts: 19
    my trainer has me doing a lot of push ups and free hand weights. My goal is to be able to do at least 1 pull-up!!!!! :laugh:
  • jennis82
    jennis82 Posts: 76

    Thanks!:) Although mine's not there, its more on the back side...I'll try and post pic....
  • litatura
    litatura Posts: 569 Member
    If you're getting bra fat, then it's a sure sign that your bra does not fit properly.
  • jennis82
    jennis82 Posts: 76



    Not sure if it's really the bra so much....idk, I could be wrong. But even in bathing suits, and it's noticable when I'm not wearing a bra too.....(I shoulda took a pic of my flex;) lol)
  • tamsinwhitfield
    tamsinwhitfield Posts: 135 Member
    In all honesty, it just looks like the band of the bra is fastened too tightly?
  • Susan_Fries
    I would agree with most. First, your co-worker is RUDE! Second, it looks to me like you just need a better bra fit. Good luck! :smile:
  • litatura
    litatura Posts: 569 Member
    Yep, your band is too tight and I'd say that the band and straps are too thin (I think that it would give most women bra fat!)
  • lynette111
    lynette111 Posts: 77 Member
    I don't necessarily agree with the other posters that the band is too tight. I like my band tight. I also have that horrible fat but it is not better in bras with a larger band so that is largely why I disagree with the other posters. My sister told me once "isn't it sad that the last thing to go is back bra fat and pinched me". Made me super self conscious just when I was starting to feel a little confidence in my body. I am seeing some change in mine getting a little better so I think with continued working out that it will improve over time.
  • jennis82
    jennis82 Posts: 76
    Uggh! I hate bras!! Stupid lack of boobs! lol. I guess I should go get resized because the last lady that 'helped me' was rude, in a hurry, and did't explain anything! Even after I told her I have NO clue about bras, because I was always a tomboy, and didn't care, but now I need to be fitted and make sure I'm in the right size. Well needless to say, at the end of it, I was in the dressing room in tears, the same way every bra shopping experience happens:(
    But I'll get a new bra, and continue to work out, and do my weights and such:)
  • SarahAntos
    SarahAntos Posts: 2
    Spot reduction is always tough but as a personal trainer what has worked for many of my clients are pullovers and bent over rows. To perform the pullover exercise you lie down on your back, bend your knees and take one somewhat heavy dumbbell (15-20lbs) with two hands - engage abs and the weight is lowered down over your head then pulled back up to shoulder level.

    The bent over rows must be perform correctly in order to target lats. First roll shoulder away from ears, pick up either a barbell or two dumbbells which are moderate weight and with the knees slightly bent pull the weight towards your waist line making sure you feel tightness between the shoulder blades. You are hinged at the hip with a nice straight back. Rounding the back can cause injury and will be ineffective for this exercise.

    I have had this question presented to me time and time again and today I am in the process of writing a blog to help more females. With proper form and reps this will give you a very defined back. Visit my anti-aging page on facebook. The post are geared for females but really anyone can benefit but many great tips on health, nutrition, fitness, skincare and healthy lifestyle.
    https://www.facebook.com/AntiagingSolutionswithSarahAntos ( do not know if I am allowed to post links but here goes).
  • Generalle
    Generalle Posts: 201 Member
    I have that too, alot of it, only mine isn't fat it's muscle. Of course I don't walk around flexing my lats all day so no one can see it's actually muscle, but because I know it is, it doesn't bother me in the slightest.
    I've had to work to build it in to muscle though and although years of swimming training have possibly helped with the shape, I've done push-ups, pull-ups (assisted), lat pulldowns, rows and chin ups to build it up. I can now do 45 push-ups (full, no knees) in under a minute, and can do 1 full chin up (unassisted) and working towards pull-ups. If you keep going and doing the exercises everyone has suggested, you could just build it into muscle.
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    Bra fat doesn't have anything to do with a bra. It's back fat and it will be there when a woman wears or don't wear a bra. I don't know what kind of workouts you are doing, but maybe you want to incorporate workouts that targets the back as well.
  • spikefoot
    spikefoot Posts: 419
    I dont know why I am responding to this lol

    Keep in mind you are also made of skin.. Any sort of strap can cause this to some degree but it is by no means a turn off.

    Now if you have a lot of flab hanging then that is weight and or muscle related.
  • isweatglitter
    isweatglitter Posts: 134
    Haha, I have that too!
  • vegamy
    vegamy Posts: 204 Member

    Girl, you look great! I know it's easy for me to say, but there's nothing you should worry about. It honestly does just look like your straps may be a little too tight, it doesn't look like there's flab.

    I'd probably incorporate some resistance training working your back muscles (like a seated row) if you are really concerned.
  • reyopo
    reyopo Posts: 210 Member
    Yes, the band on your bra is too narrow, bad fit.

    But I have that too, and I hate it! I've been using the lat pull down machine, and the one on the other side of the same machine, where you sit on a bench with foot rests in front of you and and pull the handles toward your waist (sorry, I don't speak "gym-tech")...they target that whole area.