Loosing Inches a lot faster than weight???

I have been hitting the gym avererage 5 days a week doing 5 miles each time and have noticed I am loosing weight but the inches, and in my clothing is where I can REALLY tell! I have lost a total of 16lbs since I began the whole process and 6 since I have been on MFP! I know what im doing is working, but its annoying the numbers arent moving near fast enough doesnt seem like! This the issue with anyone else?


  • BalenciaLynn
    BalenciaLynn Posts: 411 Member
    I have been hitting the gym avererage 5 days a week doing 5 miles each time and have noticed I am loosing weight but the inches, and in my clothing is where I can REALLY tell! I have lost a total of 16lbs since I began the whole process and 6 since I have been on MFP! I know what im doing is working, but its annoying the numbers arent moving near fast enough doesnt seem like! This the issue with anyone else?

    think about it though...would you rather have the body you want and maybe have the scale show a higher number
    or would you rather have the scale show a low number but still not have the body you want ?
  • jpruder
    jpruder Posts: 19 Member
    I have the same issue. I have only lost about 5lbs in the last 6 weeks, but I can tell that there is a big difference in how my pants fit. I know a pound a week is healthy weight-loss... but I get frustrated because I see other people dropping weight like mad and mine takes FOREVER. I am trying to focus on how my body is changing for the better and how much better my clothes look than on the scale alone.
  • MsTanya77
    MsTanya77 Posts: 357 Member
    Story of my life. I never lose weight quickly. But I always drop inches. I've learned to appreciate inches more than weight. :)
  • Expialidojess
    Expialidojess Posts: 588 Member
    Muscle weighs more than fat. I know it can be frustrating, but try to focus more on how your clothes are fitting than what the number on the scale says. It sounds like you are doing great so far!
  • kimberly0416
    kimberly0416 Posts: 123 Member
    I have been hitting the gym avererage 5 days a week doing 5 miles each time and have noticed I am loosing weight but the inches, and in my clothing is where I can REALLY tell! I have lost a total of 16lbs since I began the whole process and 6 since I have been on MFP! I know what im doing is working, but its annoying the numbers arent moving near fast enough doesnt seem like! This the issue with anyone else?

    I refuse to weigh myself, I had the same thing happen to me and got very discouraged. Don't weigh yourself it's pointless, it matters how you look not the number on the scale, correct? :wink:
  • still_crafty
    still_crafty Posts: 692 Member
    "issue"? I see no issue here. You're doing it right. Ditch the scale and make nice with your tape measure. I LOVE mine.

    If you can't bring yourself to ditch the scale and least give it a little holiday and lock it away in the closet for a bit as you'll only frustrate yourself. The numbers on your tape measure are way, way more important than what the scale has to say.

    Keep up the good work!
  • MyTime1985
    MyTime1985 Posts: 456 Member
    Muscle weighs more than fat. I know it can be frustrating, but try to focus more on how your clothes are fitting than what the number on the scale says. It sounds like you are doing great so far!
    Sorry but muscle doesn't weigh more that fat just like a pound of feathers doesn't weigh less than a pound of bricks. I think the point is muscle is leaner and doesn't take up as much room. I'd be thrilled with losing inches and not focus on the scale!
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    I have been hitting the gym avererage 5 days a week doing 5 miles each time and have noticed I am loosing weight but the inches, and in my clothing is where I can REALLY tell! I have lost a total of 16lbs since I began the whole process and 6 since I have been on MFP! I know what im doing is working, but its annoying the numbers arent moving near fast enough doesnt seem like! This the issue with anyone else?

    think about it though...would you rather have the body you want and maybe have the scale show a higher number
    or would you rather have the scale show a low number but still not have the body you want ?

    ^^^^ this. Inches are waaay more important. I have seen people on here who have lost 2 dress sizes but GAINED a few pounds! Carry on what you are doing it sounds like its working just fine :-)

    From your picture it doesnt seem like you have much to lose so the lbs would only come off slowly anyway!
  • mummum2
    mummum2 Posts: 415 Member
    "issue"? I see no issue here. You're doing it right. Ditch the scale and make nice with your tape measure. I LOVE mine.

    If you can't bring yourself to ditch the scale and least give it a little holiday and lock it away in the closet for a bit as you'll only frustrate yourself. The numbers on your tape measure are way, way more important than what the scale has to say.

    Keep up the good work!

  • tb_friend
    tb_friend Posts: 11
    Muscle weighs more than fat. I know it can be frustrating, but try to focus more on how your clothes are fitting than what the number on the scale says. It sounds like you are doing great so far!

    Muscle does not weigh more than fat. A pound of feathers is the same weight as a pound of bricks. However muscle is much leaner and takes up less space than fat.

    I would rather loose inches if I had a choice of inches or pounds.
  • Flippiefloppies
    I have been hitting the gym avererage 5 days a week doing 5 miles each time and have noticed I am losing weight but the inches, and in my clothing is where I can REALLY tell! I have lost a total of 16lbs since I began the whole process and 6 since I have been on MFP! I know what im doing is working, but its annoying the numbers arent moving near fast enough doesnt seem like! This the issue with anyone else?

    Fixed it for you :flowerforyou:
  • LisaKunz
    LisaKunz Posts: 73 Member
    Yep, me too, right now. Weight came off very steadily for for 12 weeks, now I seem to be stuck. BUT, this last week is when I've been able to up my time & resistance on the elliptical, and I've also been able to lift more weight on the machines at the fitness center. And a pair of pants that were too small to even button 2 weeks ago are already a little baggy in the butt today. I hate the scale. I do love to see those numbers go down as I know I still have a lot to lose, but I guess I am seeing great progress in other areas.
  • Gloriasoo
    Gloriasoo Posts: 5 Member
    I did the same thing. I quit weighing myself. It upset everything in my day when the scale didn't budge or even went up. I put the scale away and continued without it. I couldn't button my jeans and now I they fit right out of the dryer, buttoned and zipped. They are even baggy later in the day. So all is good.
  • Expialidojess
    Expialidojess Posts: 588 Member
    Muscle weighs more than fat. I know it can be frustrating, but try to focus more on how your clothes are fitting than what the number on the scale says. It sounds like you are doing great so far!
    Sorry but muscle doesn't weigh more that fat just like a pound of feathers doesn't weigh less than a pound of bricks. I think the point is muscle is leaner and doesn't take up as much room. I'd be thrilled with losing inches and not focus on the scale!

    Sorry, your right that's what I was trying to say, I just didn't say it right.
  • GO_NadZ_xO
    GO_NadZ_xO Posts: 445 Member
    Weightloss shouldnt be measured by the scale all the time. Using a tape measure will show you whats been happening. You may be burning fat but you're also gaaining muscle.

    I would kill to be losing inches! So, consider yourself lucky :)
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    I get this too!
    I wish the scale would show the progress I'm making, but then surely it's better than having the scale go down but still being the same size?!

    I've lost 4lbs lost in 3 months, but some of my jeans have gone from really really tight, to loose enough to pull down AND back up, without undoing the button! This makes me happier than if I'd lost the extra few pounds :)
  • Cindio
    Cindio Posts: 74 Member
    I would rather loose inches than pounds! People can see the inches you've lost, not the number on the scale :)
  • RikanSoulja
    RikanSoulja Posts: 463 Member
    Muscle weighs more than fat. I know it can be frustrating, but try to focus more on how your clothes are fitting than what the number on the scale says. It sounds like you are doing great so far!
    Sorry but muscle doesn't weigh more that fat just like a pound of feathers doesn't weigh less than a pound of bricks. I think the point is muscle is leaner and doesn't take up as much room. I'd be thrilled with losing inches and not focus on the scale!

    Muscle does weigh more then fat. How about a cup of feathers vs a cup of bricks? Which is gonna weigh more? No one doubts that 1lb is equal to 1lb. No one argues that. What is always meant is that if you put the same amount of both next to each other muscle will weigh more.
  • Phrak
    Phrak Posts: 353 Member
    Muscle weighs more than fat. I know it can be frustrating, but try to focus more on how your clothes are fitting than what the number on the scale says. It sounds like you are doing great so far!
    Sorry but muscle doesn't weigh more that fat just like a pound of feathers doesn't weigh less than a pound of bricks. I think the point is muscle is leaner and doesn't take up as much room. I'd be thrilled with losing inches and not focus on the scale!

    Muscle does weigh more then fat. How about a cup of feathers vs a cup of bricks? Which is gonna weigh more? No one doubts that 1lb is equal to 1lb. No one argues that. What is always meant is that if you put the same amount of both next to each other muscle will weigh more.

    You are now talking density, not weight.
  • season0508
    Cindo! I love your comment so true! haha