frustrating weight gain with insanity

MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
so, my first week of insanity i dropped from 127 to 125... the second week i am back up to 128. i am ending my 3rd week today and i'm a little nervous because as of today i am at 129. so i'm wondering if you can do 3 weeks of this program and still experience no weight loss or a weight gain. at this point, shouldn't weight be coming off? i looked at all the numbers. i am eating 1700-1800 a day and my bmr is about 1250. so you'd think i'd lose weight or at least maintain... i am 5'4" by the way... 24% body fat... so i don't get why i am not maintaining or losing. do i need to give it more time than 3 weeks? you'd think i'd have gotten back to 125 at least, not be maintainig. and no TOM coming up so i don't even have that to blame it on. oh, i am NETting about 1400-1600 calories a day supposedly. i know my burns are lower because i weigh less. i dont' think i'd burn over 400 on even pure cardio/cardio abs days.

EDIT to add: I have read chalene johnson's spiel about how you gain weight at first and taht woudl be fine if it was still the first 2 weeks. but i'm in week 3 almost in week 4. you'd think some things woudl be happening now.


  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    if you are gaining weight with insanity something is greatly wrong with your diet. insanity is mainly cardiovascular exercise so caloric burn should be very high and definately should not result in any type of weight gain unless you are in a caloric surplus. if i could see your diet log i could probably find the problem.
  • I do Insanity as well and I think the nutrition book they give you and say to eat 1700-1800 is high. Your body weight seems like you should eat 1200-1400 a day. Or if you've heard of zig/zag calories where you have a set total for the week and you for example, eat 1400 one day and 1600 the next, keeping your body guessing, that may help you too! In the end, it's all about calories in/calories out. But you should be looking and feeling pretty good with Insanity! :)
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    if you are gaining weight with insanity something is greatly wrong with your diet. insanity is mainly cardiovascular exercise so caloric burn should be very high and definately should not result in any type of weight gain unless you are in a caloric surplus. if i could see your diet log i could probably find the problem.

    i am following the nutrition guide exactly as it says so i don't think i have a caloric surplus. i did the equations in the book and i'm going with that.
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    i did the equations and it said 1700-1900... so no, i dont' think 1200 is the answer for me.
  • I am now in my second month of insanity. I know what you mean about not losing weight with insanity at first. I was not losing any weight, but I did lose inches in the first month. I also started feeling very strong and just generally better. When I started into the second month, the weight started falling off. I am in the middle of my third week of the second month, and I am now down 14 pounds and numerous inches. I think you should just keep going like you are, and you will start to see dramatic results. I hope you are at least feeling the benefits such as stronger toning up! Good luck!
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    I am now in my second month of insanity. I know what you mean about not losing weight with insanity at first. I was not losing any weight, but I did lose inches in the first month. I also started feeling very strong and just generally better. When I started into the second month, the weight started falling off. I am in the middle of my third week of the second month, and I am now down 14 pounds and numerous inches. I think you should just keep going like you are, and you will start to see dramatic results. I hope you are at least feeling the benefits such as stronger toning up! Good luck!

    i do feel stronger, just wish it didn't mean a weight gain!
  • tenunderfour
    tenunderfour Posts: 429 Member
    Ignore the scale! It could be inflammation and/or water weight from all of the pounding and jumping. Just keep at it.
  • I am also getting very frustrated! Im on my rest week and I've gained another lb! I really hope the 2nd month changes this increase. I feel like I look a little more firmer but gaining 4-5lbs while working out this hard 6 days a week is not what I was expecting. My caloric intake is the same as yours...are you following the elite nutrition guide suggestions for the meals or doing your own thing?
  • Jcao1214
    Jcao1214 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm netting about 1600-1700 calories and have gained 2 pounds also in my first month of Insanity. BUT I've lost 6 inches so far! So I think the weight gain is probably some water retention from the inflammation from the strenous cardio. I just started month 2, so I'm hoping some of the weight drops off this month. Heck if I lose another couple of inches and don't lose any weight I'd still be thrilled.
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    I am also getting very frustrated! Im on my rest week and I've gained another lb! I really hope the 2nd month changes this increase. I feel like I look a little more firmer but gaining 4-5lbs while working out this hard 6 days a week is not what I was expecting. My caloric intake is the same as yours...are you following the elite nutrition guide suggestions for the meals or doing your own thing?

    i pretty much follow it. but i dont' always get the amount of protein that he says and usually have a little more carbs. but i think it's ok... calories are calories, just try to maximize protein as much as i can is what i'm doing.
  • remember muscle weighs more than fat. so the more muscle tone you get that replaces the fat the more you will weigh. Also my personal trainer told me you never look at your weight. it is the inches you look at. if you aren't losing lbs don't worry. Muscle tone is more important the weight anyways.
  • dmcw19
    dmcw19 Posts: 129
    I think for so many posts with unexplained gain, it is because you are changing your body's routine in a big way. I think we are so impatient with our bodies and they are just trying to keep up with demands. Insanity is an extreme workout and your body probably needs time to adjust. Who knows how it is keeping the weight on, but if you know you are doing things right then I am sure it will work out.
  • jessica_johnson2011
    jessica_johnson2011 Posts: 61 Member
  • I think this is a great explanation of the fat/muscle paradox.

    In simple words: a size 8 person and a size 12 person could weight the same if the first is extremely muscular and the second has a lot of fat in their body: a pound of muscle weighs the same than a pound of fat, but they look very different!
  • columbus27
    columbus27 Posts: 178 Member
    Are your meals public? When are you doing the workout? Are you eating after the workout?
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Are your meals public? When are you doing the workout? Are you eating after the workout?

    i only open my diary to friends but i'm following the guidelines pretty well for the most part (just not today). i do the workout at night because it's the only time i have during the day since i am very busy with work and children. and i don't eat afterward except my protein shake. i eat dinner about 2 hours prior.
  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    Have you lost any inches?
  • Adesta1
    Adesta1 Posts: 2 Member
    I finish 4 weeks of Insanity tomorrow. I lost 3 lbs in the 1st week and a half - going from 164.5 to 161.5 at 5' 6". During the 2nd week and a half, my weight went up to 166!!! This is my 4th week and my weight is back to 162.5. Please do not despair, just continue the workout and your eating and the weight will come off. I tell myself that even if I don't get into the 150's, I would still have done myself a lot of good doing this program. Keep your head up and dig deeper.
  • Measure yourself so you will know if you are losing inches! building muscle and inflammation will make you gain weight. Don't give up
  • bsharrah
    bsharrah Posts: 129 Member
    I would drop it down to 1500 calories and make sure you are logging EVERYTHING.