Still on a plateau..

How long are you on a plateau? Two weeks here. Eating as much as I physically can, around 1200-1400 calories a day. Go to the gym 3-4x week, haven't splurged on my diet. Trying to keep my sodium, carbs, and sugars low. Drinking about 8-10 cups of water a day. Also started 30 day shred yesterday and have mixed up my workouts. I may not be doing absolutely everything right, but I'm doing enough to be out of this plateau!!!! This is the most frustrating thing in the world. I lost 26 lbs last year with no plateau. How can I get past this?!

I feel like I should exercise more but my muscles are SO sore. Is it okay to work out with sore muscles?


  • Rosalindgr
    Rosalindgr Posts: 148 Member
    Wow! I was just about to cry out for help also. I have been on since Febuary and lost only 4lbs., I was eating too low calories 700-900 but for the past couple of weeks I have been trying to eat at least 1200 cal as well as making sure I get my excercise in . I hope responses to this post help. Congratulations on 26lb lost this past year!!!
  • tracielinn
    tracielinn Posts: 113 Member
    I've been on a plateau for the last 4 months, fluctuating up and down about 5 lbs. I'm meeting with my trainer tomorrow and crying!
  • cior
    cior Posts: 133 Member
    Bump since I am going through the same!
  • juicemoogan
    juicemoogan Posts: 999 Member
    #1 - are you eating back your exercise calories? because you should be at 1200-1400 cals.
    #2 - 1400 cals is THE MOST you can possibly eat? I doubt that.

    Find out your BMR and TDEE and see if you should be eating more..

    Search those terms in the forum search function if you don't know what it means.
  • ipsamet
    ipsamet Posts: 436 Member
    Are you eating that much or netting that much? Honestly, eating more has been the one thing to help me lose more!
  • Sambo004
    Sambo004 Posts: 549 Member
    I've plateau'd for as long as 4 - 6 weeks. It really sucks, but all I can say is you are doing everything right, so it will come off eventually. Keep positive and focused. It has to come off eventually if you keep going.

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • waffleflavoredtea
    waffleflavoredtea Posts: 235 Member
    plateau's are hard, because that's when you need to buckle down and look into the details... Are you eating a lot of processed prepackaged foods, like yogurt, peanut butter, crackers, chips, etc? This can stall weight loss. Also having too many calories at a sitting is said to make your body store some of it as fat to be burned later. Sure it gets burned later in the day, but I think it keeps your body from burning your already stored fat.
    Mix up your workouts. Do cardio 2-3x a week, lifting or some other exercise for muscles/toning the rest of the week. Start preworkout 'fueling' with some sort of simple carb or a full calorie gatorade type drink, then after your workout have a protein shake or high protein meal.
    Don't stress too much, and don't keep trying new things, just decide you are going to keep at it and your body should adjust.
    Make sure you are getting adequate nutrition by eating lots of raw veggies + fruits, and lean protein, and healthy fats. Have green tea a few times a day (I've heard some studies say your body can burn 200 extra cals of fat a day by drinking it), because of a rare component in green tea that activates adispose tissue, which is normally inactive.
    Don't eat too close to bedtime, EVEN if you feel it helps you relax/etc. It slows down your body while you sleep... you want it burning FAT while you sleep, not digesting/storing your dinner. I've heard eating no later than 5 hours before bedtime is a good rule to stick to.
    These are things I've learned or come across while reading books and articles on the internet. I firmly believe the majority is true, but I can't claim 100% that they work, because everywhere you look you read something that conflicts with something different you had read.
    Good luck. I'm working on a plateau myself but strength training is really helping me build muscle in the meantime!
    EBFNP Posts: 529 Member
    My advice is to change your workout plan. If you are doing the same routine since the beginning of your journey, I doubt you are burning the same amount of calories. I have lost more weight in the past 60 days (10lbs) then I did in the past 6 months prior while eating the same amount of calories. What has been the difference? I have done different workout routines. I highly recommend changing it up and see what happens..Of course check your calories because you may be eating more than your realize. Good Luck!
  • cassietn
    cassietn Posts: 48
    #2 - 1400 cals is THE MOST you can possibly eat? I doubt that.

    Well for those of us, like me, who were eating too few calories before for an extened period of time, it is very difficult to eat that much because our bodies got used to having less food.

    But anyway, I've been on this plateau for about 2 weeks (staying at 135lbs). I am trying to get my calories up to 1400-1500 because my BMR is around 1450 (I've been increasing my calories by about 100 every 1-2 weeks). I go to the gym 2-5 times a week. I'm hoping if I stick this out for a couple more weeks i'll start losing a little again.

    Just calculate your BMR and don't go under that #. If you exercise, make sure you eat back enough calories so you don't have a calorie deficit.
  • Ambrogio1
    Ambrogio1 Posts: 518 Member
    How long are you on a plateau? Two weeks here. Eating as much as I physically can, around 1200-1400 calories a day. Go to the gym 3-4x week, haven't splurged on my diet. Trying to keep my sodium, carbs, and sugars low. Drinking about 8-10 cups of water a day. Also started 30 day shred yesterday and have mixed up my workouts. I may not be doing absolutely everything right, but I'm doing enough to be out of this plateau!!!! This is the most frustrating thing in the world. I lost 26 lbs last year with no plateau. How can I get past this?!

    I feel like I should exercise more but my muscles are SO sore. Is it okay to work out with sore muscles?


    Take your total calories for the week. Dedcut 200 from each day
    Stack them all up on Sunday..Eat all the junk food you can handle on that day


    Just google spike diet or look around here. Many ppl do it with great sucess. It got me over a plateau
    Time to mix things up
  • KCharron20
    KCharron20 Posts: 105
    Stick with it! I have been on a plateau since February. I've finally increased my calories enough (I just kept adding 100-200 extra at a time. Went from 1260 to 1800/day plus exercise calories.) till it finally seems like its working. Got on the scale today and seem to have lost 2#. Tomorrow is my official weigh in day, so we'll see. Just don't give up! I can be very discouraging, I know from experience but work a little harder at the gym and increase your calories and it will happen!
  • jaimrlx
    jaimrlx Posts: 426 Member
    #2 - 1400 cals is THE MOST you can possibly eat? I doubt that.

    Well for those of us, like me, who were eating too few calories before for an extened period of time, it is very difficult to eat that much because our bodies got used to having less food.

    But anyway, I've been on this plateau for about 2 weeks (staying at 135lbs). I am trying to get my calories up to 1400-1500 because my BMR is around 1450 (I've been increasing my calories by about 100 every 1-2 weeks). I go to the gym 2-5 times a week. I'm hoping if I stick this out for a couple more weeks i'll start losing a little again.

    Just calculate your BMR and don't go under that #. If you exercise, make sure you eat back enough calories so you don't have a calorie deficit.

    That's exactly how I am. Almost anyone can eat 2500-3000 calories if they are eating terrible foods like extra mayo, grease, and fat.. but if I'm trying to eat healthy foods, it's hard for me to get over 1400. Also, I get heartburn easily when I get full.. so I have to keep myself out of that zone.

    I'll try to up my intake. The last time I used a website to calculate my BMR, it was at 1660 for a sedentary lifestyle. I've never, ever lost weight on that, mainly because I have to eat bad food in order to get there. /:

    Thanks for the advice, everyone!
  • sherim71
    sherim71 Posts: 130 Member
    Two weeks here also!! I've been actively working on this since January and here I sit at 6 pounds. I hired a personal trainer that I meet with once a month who designs my work out plan. She had me put my cals at 1500. I'm just so confused and lost.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I'll try to up my intake. The last time I used a website to calculate my BMR, it was at 1660 for a sedentary lifestyle. I've never, ever lost weight on that, mainly because I have to eat bad food in order to get there. /:

    Your BMR has nothing to do with activity levels. In fact, that is the estimated calories your body would like to burn sleeping all day.

    You looked at a TDEE figure based on BMR.

    You should not lose weight on TDEE, so it sounds like it was correct, which means BMR would have been correct, which means eating above BMR but below TDEE would be correct.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member

    Take your total calories for the week. Dedcut 200 from each day
    Stack them all up on Sunday..Eat all the junk food you can handle on that day


    Just google spike diet or look around here. Many ppl do it with great sucess. It got me over a plateau
    Time to mix things up

    You gotta be real careful with jumping into a spike with a slow metabolism. Depends on how suppressed your diet/exercise made it.

    If NETting a big amount under BMR already, that spike day is usually seen as a chance to store up, not speed up.
    If barely on the edge or beginning a diet, it can work great. Those are the 2 different comments I've seen on those topics.

    But then again, with so many here because of having problems eating correctly, gotta self-examine, does a splurge day help or hinder eating correctly rest the time, like when at maintenance level? If you can really eat out 1 day a week and hold back rest of the week - great. If not, doesn't help prepare you much.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Of that 1300-1400 you eat, if your exercise is taking 400-500 on most days, how much is your body really being left with to repair/rebuild/improve, and provide basic functions of life?

    If muscles are sore, that means they need to rebuild stronger, you may not be giving them the food to do so. So they may not get stronger, but soreness will go away eventually. But you won't find the workouts improving as well as they could.

    And working out sore, if it's very gentle low key aerobic, enough to get blood flow to the muscles but not really strain them, that would be very useful. They can at least recover best they can.
  • dobarber
    dobarber Posts: 611 Member
    Came across this forum by accident. Would using things like protein shakes and powders be beneficial to both increase calorie intake and aid in muscle support. Just asking.
  • tangiesharp
    tangiesharp Posts: 315 Member
    I'm glad some previous posters talked about BMR and TDEE. I've been on plateaus that have lasted more than 2 months. It was hard for me to get my head around it, but I was undereating and needed to increase my calories to get off my plateau. There's a group called "Eat More to Weigh Less" ( that has really helped me.

    As far as what to eat to increase calories, here are a few suggestions: protein shakes (I drink one after every workout), almonds, peanut butter, olive oil, and cheese. I would definitely look to include more calorie dense foods rather than the sweet or sugary items.

    Hang in there. The scale will move in time.