
mnichol Posts: 642
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Eating enough, not too much, good food, exercising my butt off, got on scale this a.m., after morning b.m., got on scale and as usual....up a 1.5 lb. I can't stand it. my body hates me!!! :angry:


  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    It is not a steady declining slop. Unfortunately weight loss looks like the stock market with its ups and downs. Stay with it, keep on track and you will be back sown soon.:smile:

    I have been through this many times
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    Eating enough, not too much, good food, exercising my butt off, got on scale this a.m., after morning b.m., got on scale and as usual....up a 1.5 lb. I can't stand it. my body hates me!!! :angry:

    I know the feeling! My body has been juggling back and forth with the same 5 or 6 pounds for the last 8 months! :grumble: :noway:
  • mnichol
    mnichol Posts: 642
    I know...i've asked and taken advice from the experts from here (which i greatly appreciate), searched online, upped calories, increased intensity of cardio, started lifting weights, etc. :frown: what worries me is that once winter comes i won't be outside exercising and though i will try to compensate for this by increasing my time at the gym, it won't be the same. I was hoping to hit maintenance by that time but at this rate i can't see that happening.

    I just don't think i've found my calorie weight loss area. I'm almost 53, the baby factory is closed, which has got to significantly lower my metabolism, plus i have an extremely small frame, wrist is 5" diameter. :noway:

    anyways.....guess that's my rant for the morning!! thanks for listening!
  • aleanerme
    aleanerme Posts: 19 Member
    I know...i've asked and taken advice from the experts from here (which i greatly appreciate), searched online, upped calories, increased intensity of cardio, started lifting weights, etc. :frown: what worries me is that once winter comes i won't be outside exercising and though i will try to compensate for this by increasing my time at the gym, it won't be the same. I was hoping to hit maintenance by that time but at this rate i can't see that happening.

    I just don't think i've found my calorie weight loss area. I'm almost 53, the baby factory is closed, which has got to significantly lower my metabolism, plus i have an extremely small frame, wrist is 5" diameter. :noway:

    anyways.....guess that's my rant for the morning!! thanks for listening!
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    I know...i've asked and taken advice from the experts from here (which i greatly appreciate), searched online, upped calories, increased intensity of cardio, started lifting weights, etc. :frown: what worries me is that once winter comes i won't be outside exercising and though i will try to compensate for this by increasing my time at the gym, it won't be the same. I was hoping to hit maintenance by that time but at this rate i can't see that happening.

    I just don't think i've found my calorie weight loss area. I'm almost 53, the baby factory is closed, which has got to significantly lower my metabolism, plus i have an extremely small frame, wrist is 5" diameter. :noway:

    anyways.....guess that's my rant for the morning!! thanks for listening!

    No problem, "rant" away! :laugh: That's what we're here for! (Well THAT, and losing weight! :laugh: )
    I'm too cheap for a gym, so I either walk, dance to my oldies, or jog with the Wii Fit. Here in the sticks of NH, there isn't THAT much good weather for walking, so it's good that I've got those other things to do. :happy:
    Well, off to work now. Have a good day! :smile:
  • aleanerme
    aleanerme Posts: 19 Member
    Hi - I'm 53 as well and finding it more difficult at this age too. And I am a scale junkie so I'm on there every day. I wish I could break myself of that habit. I've been trying to workout daily. If I can't get to the gym or the weather is bad, I often do a "Walk Fit" CD. You can get in 3 miles or 5 miles and it is quite a work out. I'm reading blogs from some of the younger people and they're having the some of the same issues as well. Sticking to it will eventually pay off.
  • Hi I am 55 and found the 1st 10 pounds came off fast and then the next 8 was a lot harder. I reached a point when everyone was saying not to lose anymore. I went on vacation so to say for a month and gained 3 pounds back and now that vacation is over I am back. I also check the scales too often, but only check in once a week. I have decided this time around to do what makes me feel better and not so much worrry about the pounds. thanks everyone for the support here
  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    I have been struggling to get under 200 for the past 3 or 4 months and it just doesn't seem to be happening for me. The closest I've been is 201.6 last Friday. I was so excited .This was even the number the dr.'s scale showed. Well, now for some reason I am back up to 205 in 5 days!!!!
    Very, very, very, very frustrating. BUT!!! I am not giving up and neither should you. Just keep working it at it and eventually it will give up and say you win!! (at least that is what I'm hoping for)

  • sixtyinchesoffury
    sixtyinchesoffury Posts: 321 Member
    don't give up!!!! you are so much better off tracking your diet and exercising even if you aren't losing!

    i know that's frustrating but maybe focus on other goals instead of pounds--- i have to tell myself this all the time :laugh:

    good luck and keep ranting!!!:flowerforyou:
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    keep on my friends... I am in the same boat with you Memaw... I hit 199 the other day and I was so happy. Now my period is here and I am back to 205. Don't let it get you down. I KNOW I did not actually gain 6 lbs, the scale is just reflecting water retention. It'll be gone soon.

    stay strong MFP'rs
  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    keep on my friends... I am in the same boat with you Memaw... I hit 199 the other day and I was so happy. Now my period is here and I am back to 205. Don't let it get you down. I KNOW I did not actually gain 6 lbs, the scale is just reflecting water retention. It'll be gone soon.

    stay strong MFP'rs
    Man, I CAN'T wait to see a 1 in front of my weight!! I have been battling these 5 lbs for months! Feels like they just don't want to leave, they are safe with me but I don't want them anymore!!!!:explode: :mad: :cry: I'm not giving up, I refuse to let the weight win and run my life anymore!!!
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    keep on my friends... I am in the same boat with you Memaw... I hit 199 the other day and I was so happy. Now my period is here and I am back to 205. Don't let it get you down. I KNOW I did not actually gain 6 lbs, the scale is just reflecting water retention. It'll be gone soon.

    stay strong MFP'rs
    Man, I CAN'T wait to see a 1 in front of my weight!! I have been battling these 5 lbs for months! Feels like they just don't want to leave, they are safe with me but I don't want them anymore!!!!:explode: :mad: :cry: I'm not giving up, I refuse to let the weight win and run my life anymore!!!

    With THAT spirit, you WILL get to see that "1", hopefully, before you know it! :wink: :smile: :flowerforyou:
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