Moments you said what you wanted to when you wanted to

Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
I was just reading a thread about horrible things people have said to others about their weight and being ugly and such, and it made me sad. I was wondering if anyone has some stories where someone said something rude (doesn't matter what) and you said exactly what you wanted to say right there to their face...........instead of thinking of it 20 minutes later and having to dwell on it. Anybody give it right back wanna share I would love to lift some moods today. I'll start

I had a girl with her group of friends teasing me about being fat, she said stuff the other girls just laughed. So I laughed right at her and said oh how sad, she said what. I said well it's obvious your self esteem is really low and you don't have a good home life otherwise you wouldn't have to make yourself feel better and look cool by being a C$#& (yes that's the C word) to other people, I said hun you didn't hurt my feelings because my mommy and daddy love me enough to teach me better. How sad I feel very sorry for you. Her girlfriends just looked at her and she turned 20 shades of red. I let out an evil laugh and walked off.

Also a friend was at Trader Joe's and this woman kept bumping her with her cart to move her out of the way. It became obvious to my friend after the 3rd time. So my friend turned around looked her dead in her face grabbed the front of her cart and slammed it into the aisle causing all kinds of things to fall into it, then she said Geez lady I think you need to be more careful what you run into you have made quite a mess for yourself. The lady just stood there in shock.

Alright more taking no crap from nobody stories Please!! :)


  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    ? No one has ever stood up for themselves on I just don't believe that ;)
  • Abells
    Abells Posts: 756 Member
    keep it bumping! I wanna see too :)

    I dont have any :/
  • jennifer52484
    jennifer52484 Posts: 888 Member
    I wish I could have stood up for myself. Still can't. But I am okay with letting my anger out on the treadmill:)
  • stephc0711
    stephc0711 Posts: 1,026 Member
    My MIL once accused me of abuse, basically because I tried putting soap in my daughter's mouth to try to break a screaming habit. I got mad enough at her, I let her have it. Up one side and down the other. It was amazing and totally freeing to FINALLY get to say EXACTLY what I'd always practiced in my head. :)
  • Tivo8MyNeighbors
    Tivo8MyNeighbors Posts: 151 Member
    Mine wasn't about being fat; it was about my boobs. "The Girls" arrived early in my life, around fourth grade, and our school's designated "Mean Girl" took it upon herself to tell everyone I was stuffing my bra. So I waited until recess, when she was in a crowd of people, and I called her out on it. "Hey, Denise, I hear you've been telling everyone I stuff my bra. Well, I do...with tit. If you don't stop worrying so much about what's in other girls' bras, people are going to start wondering about you."

    Crowd circled around us: "OOOOooooooooooooOOOooooooohhhHHHHHHH!" I turned and strutted away.

    So, it was homophobic (I was nine, mea culpa), but it worked like a charm, and she STFU for the rest of school. One sick burn is apparently all it took.

    Suck it, Denise.
  • stephc0711
    stephc0711 Posts: 1,026 Member
    Mine wasn't about being fat; it was about my boobs. "The Girls" arrived early in my life, around fourth grade, and our school's designated "Mean Girl" took it upon herself to tell everyone I was stuffing my bra. So I waited until recess, when she was in a crowd of people, and I called her out on it. "Hey, Denise, I hear you've been telling everyone I stuff my bra. Well, I do...with tit. If you don't stop worrying so much about what's in other girls' bras, people are going to start wondering about you."

    Crowd circled around us: "OOOOooooooooooooOOOooooooohhhHHHHHHH!" I turned and strutted away.

    So, it was homophobic (I was nine, mea culpa), but it worked like a charm, and she STFU for the rest of school. One sick burn is apparently all it took.

    Suck it, Denise.

    HAHAHAHA. This is awesome!! And you were 9, so I wouldn't consider it homophobic, more naieve. I wish I could stand up for myself as well as you do!! I work with a woman who says big boobs look like butts pasted on a chest. It makes me so mad when she says it, it's not like I asked God for big boobs!
  • SexyCook
    SexyCook Posts: 2,253 Member
    Alot of people Hide behind Cyber world or Take internal issues on anyone that normal that cross their paths...I doubt they would ever say these things to people faces...So I look laugh and I feel sorry for them....Bashing people is a coward approach...but for some this is an outlet for them to be ugly cause they are truely unhappy..... I do feel what you are saying though.. Never have let anyone run over me and never will....
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    Mine wasn't about being fat; it was about my boobs. "The Girls" arrived early in my life, around fourth grade, and our school's designated "Mean Girl" took it upon herself to tell everyone I was stuffing my bra. So I waited until recess, when she was in a crowd of people, and I called her out on it. "Hey, Denise, I hear you've been telling everyone I stuff my bra. Well, I do...with tit. If you don't stop worrying so much about what's in other girls' bras, people are going to start wondering about you."

    Crowd circled around us: "OOOOooooooooooooOOOooooooohhhHHHHHHH!" I turned and strutted away.

    So, it was homophobic (I was nine, mea culpa), but it worked like a charm, and she STFU for the rest of school. One sick burn is apparently all it took.

    Suck it, Denise.

    HAHAHAHA. This is awesome!! And you were 9, so I wouldn't consider it homophobic, more naieve. I wish I could stand up for myself as well as you do!! I work with a woman who says big boobs look like butts pasted on a chest. It makes me so mad when she says it, it's not like I asked God for big boobs!

    does she have big boobs? If not I would say, That sounds like something a jealous person would say.
  • stephc0711
    stephc0711 Posts: 1,026 Member
    They're average. She's just opinionated and loud about it.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    They're average. She's just opinionated and loud about it.

    You could take the questioning approach. "Do you realize that I have big boobs and you are basically telling me I have an *kitten* on my chest. Are you meaning to be so rude?" (key here is to be sincere, like you really just want to know)

    I like to make people explain themselves
  • ThePunkHippie
    Has nothing to do with being fat, but when I was in high school, a girl I didn't know wanted to fight me. She was a huge bully, & most people cowed to her because they were afraid of her.
    So, she corners me, a bunch of people circle around us, chanting 'fight, fight, fight'. I stood there, she punched me, & I. Laughed. In. Her. Face.

    She slunk away & stopped being so aggressive, & I got a reputation for someone you don't want to mess with.
    (she tried telling people she felt bad for me & pulled her punch, but no one believed her)

    Another time, again in high school, one of my best friend's boyfriend's friends was making fun of me. My best friend told me what he had said, so the next time I saw him in the halls, surrounded by all his 'cool' friends, I walked right up to him & said "Jamie, I heard what you said about me..." I was deadpan serious, everyone went silent. Then I made kissy noises & said "loverboy" & walked off. People stopped being as mean to me after that.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    Has nothing to do with being fat, but when I was in high school, a girl I didn't know wanted to fight me. She was a huge bully, & most people cowed to her because they were afraid of her.
    So, she corners me, a bunch of people circle around us, chanting 'fight, fight, fight'. I stood there, she punched me, & I. Laughed. In. Her. Face.

    She slunk away & stopped being so aggressive, & I got a reputation for someone you don't want to mess with.
    (she tried telling people she felt bad for me & pulled her punch, but no one believed her)

    Another time, again in high school, one of my best friend's boyfriend's friends was making fun of me. My best friend told me what he had said, so the next time I saw him in the halls, surrounded by all his 'cool' friends, I walked right up to him & said "Jamie, I heard what you said about me..." I was deadpan serious, everyone went silent. Then I made kissy noises & said "loverboy" & walked off. People stopped being as mean to me after that.

    Hilarious! I love that , way to go! see and in both instances you could have had your confidence torn down but because of how you reacted you just built it right up.
  • tobiwood1977
    I was a fat kid - so one time this kid named Patrick Gordon was teasing me really badly out in the school field. I was trying just to simply walk around him and ignore him. Finally I snapped and had enough. I didnt say anything other than I punched him in the stomach really hard and he dropped like a box of rocks... He never teased me again! Im not proud of what i did - put he harrassed me so much and since I was pretty peaceful, I suspect they never thought I would fight back. Well I did, and after like 4 years of putting up with that enough was enough!
  • DaniellePF
    DaniellePF Posts: 308 Member
    When I was pregnant with my little girl it SHOWED. I am petite with a small frame and she popped. So, of course I got millions of comments every day. However, there was this one lady who I saw at least once a week. She is older and quite large. When we were introduced she said "You're huuuuge!" No one wants to hear this ever---pregnant or not. She then saw me eating and said "Do you want more, honey? You look like you are eating for three!" I looked her square in the eye and said, yes, I am big because I am going to give birth soon. What the hell is YOUR excuse?" :drinker:
  • TheyCallMeTaterSalad
    There was this girl in high school who terrorized me. It was like she went out of her way to say mean stuff to me, and embarrass me. She caused me to cry many many times. Well one day I just had enough of her b/s, and when she started calling me names in the cafeteria I turned around and as loud as I could I said "Yeah well I can always lose weight, but you are always going to be ugly." It was probably a little childish for me to say that but it felt goooooood. :) She really didn't mess with me much after that.
  • Ravenesque_
    Ravenesque_ Posts: 257 Member
    Walking down the pavement one day, two guys from school started jogging behind me, in my personal space, trying to "get around me" one said 'Dyou think this one sunk a battleship?' I turned around to reply: No; I'm the one that got the Titanic, and you're next on my list unless you get out of my way!'

    The guy got out of my way. This force of character made him stop looking at me as a fatty and actually look at me as a person. This fascination culminated six months later in him asking me out, as much to his surprise as mine I think lol. Needless to say I turned him down. I told him if I was the size of two of him, I was worth twice as much as him too. :)

    Oh yes Ive stuck up for msyelf. Yes I'm huge, but that doesnt stop me wearing red trousers, rainbow coloured jackets, boobtubes, 'skinny' jeans or anything else I want to wear. It doesnt stop me going where I like how i like or when i like. I learnt that if I had the personality to match my size, people backed down. Being fat, people assume I'm a thick push over.

    To their cost :))
  • jsapninz
    jsapninz Posts: 909 Member
    Nothing like combatting ugliness with ugliness. :frown:

    Nothing against sticking up for yourself, but perhaps it would be better to cheer you up to tell happy stories of where people were compassionate rather than mean.
  • misscristie
    misscristie Posts: 643 Member
    I had a girl who has about foot taller than me and outweighed me by about 50 pounds. She rode my friend's bus and they hated each other.

    She knew we were friends and every day we'd cross paths in the main hall. She started ducking down and hitting me in the shoulder I was in a lot of advanced classes and always had a very heavy backpack and an armload of books, so she would almost knock me backwards every time she did it.

    One day, I was super pissed off about something and she ducked down and came at me. I dropped my books, grabbed her by the straps of her pack and slammed her into the wall and told her if she ever did that again I'd kill her with my bare hands.

    I then picked up my books and went to class. She never bothered me again. I did see her working in CS at Wal-Mart a couple years after I graduated. She saw me and went into the back. LOL
  • butterfly10398
    I've got one!!! :-) A woman who was rather big was talking to me, were discussing, clothing and fashion, and along the way weight loss got brought up, can't remember the whole conversation, or who else was invovled, but at some point the statement was made, your only trying to lose weight because you CARE what you look like... And in my mind I'm thinking, haha, that's a bad thing? REALLY? Well, out of my mouth came, "You're right, I DO care what I look like, and thats why I look like I do (waving hands down my body), and YOU look like YOU DO, (insert snarky voice and disgusted look on face here). Haha, then I turned around and walked away... I have a knack for speaking my mind on the spot... haha.
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    My mother in law visited this weekend, and kept bringing up things that she thought I needed to fix, with the house, my daughter, blah blah blah, you name it. She suggested one night that I don't change my daughter enough times, because I'm just too absent-minded to remember.

    I flat-out told her that if she wanted to give me parenting advice for my daughter, I would start giving her parenting advice for her children, because it would be just as inappropriate, and ignored just as easily.

    She hasn't given me advice since.

    And oh, it feels so good.