Why are kids obese??



  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    I'd say it's because of all the video games, tv's, iPads, computers etc. that kids sit in front of now days. Get your *kitten* outside and run around, ride a bike just MOVE.

    When I was a kid you would never find me plopped in front of the television for hours at a time playing video games. That's not to say I didn't play them, I did. Just in moderation. 99.9% of the time -- summer or winter -- you would find me outside running around and playing.

    on point... Back in the days when kids got in trouble they couldnt play outside... Now when kids get in trouble their told to play outside... lol

    EVERYTHING starts with the parent.
  • Laurieann137
    Laurieann137 Posts: 95 Member
    My kids eat the same things and my 11 year old is 71lbs and my 9 year old is 92lbs. My son has a very high metabolism and can eat whatever he wants (if I let him) and barely gains an ouch. My daughter eats more healthy foods than any of us and is overweight. My kids have a nice balance of outside/inside play and watching TV or playing the wii. I have taken my daughter to the doctor and a nutritionist. They say she has a slow metabolism and she needs to avoid foods with sugars and high in fat (duh). I don't understand how each of my kids can be SO different! I am working with my daughter to watch her food intake and to be more active but it's frustrating as a parent to see your two children and one is so thin and the other is not and yet they do the same things.
  • sweettthings
    sweettthings Posts: 157 Member
    You are a bad parent if you let your children play outside and don't have an eye directly on them 24/7. Seriously, go on a parenting forum and tell people you let your kid ride its bike around the neighborhood and see how quickly you're run off. So it's the pedos making our kids fat.
  • EndofEternity
    You are a bad parent if you let your children play outside and don't have an eye directly on them 24/7. Seriously, go on a parenting forum and tell people you let your kid ride its bike around the neighborhood and see how quickly you're run off. So it's the pedos making our kids fat.

    How Chris Hansen ruined the world one brownie at a time, coming up next on Dateline.
  • crazytreelady
    crazytreelady Posts: 752 Member
    True story..

    When I was younger, fries cost 1.75, apple cost 2.50...

    That's the one thing I really hated about school...

    My said when she was younger, vending machines were packed with fruit...

    Now they're packed with Cheetos.

    My last year of high school, they took out the pop machines and put in vitamin water machines....
    But guess what?? None of them sold normal freaking water.

    It's a cash grab from the schools nowadays... Put the brand in the school, get extra money.
  • DenverKos
    DenverKos Posts: 182
    You are a bad parent if you let your children play outside and don't have an eye directly on them 24/7. Seriously, go on a parenting forum and tell people you let your kid ride its bike around the neighborhood and see how quickly you're run off. So it's the pedos making our kids fat.

    Exactly - that's the most absurd thing I've ever heard. That's also why kids are growing up sheltered and don't know how to do anything because parents do it all for them, and "protect" them. Kids aren't allowed to go out and learn right from wrong, or how to judge situations, or even how to have fun. It's sad, really.
  • EndofEternity
    True story..

    When I was younger, fries cost 1.75, apple cost 2.50...

    That's the one thing I really hated about school...

    My said when she was younger, vending machines were packed with fruit...

    Now they're packed with Cheetos.

    My last year of high school, they took out the pop machines and put in vitamin water machines....
    But guess what?? None of them sold normal freaking water.

    It's a cash grab from the schools nowadays... Put the brand in the school, get extra money.

    Students could just fill up a bottle at a water fountain.

    I agree with your sentiment though.
  • crazytreelady
    crazytreelady Posts: 752 Member
    Well what if you dont have a bottle??

    Also, the water in my school was brown... Not kidding.
    And there was always pee in them...

    Good ole' ghetto schools.
  • EndofEternity
    Well what if you dont have a bottle??

    Also, the water in my school was brown... Not kidding.
    And there was always pee in them...

    Good ole' ghetto schools.

    Ah, nevermind then. The water fountains at my old schools didn't usually have piss and crap coming out of them. Usually.
  • crazytreelady
    crazytreelady Posts: 752 Member
    Yah, I just recently found out my old high school had one of the lowest student marks averages in the country ahahaha.
    But I guess that's off topic.

    I don't really have anything else to contribute.
  • nnylee
    nnylee Posts: 814 Member
  • nakabi
    nakabi Posts: 589 Member
    Cooking at home is cheaper than both of those options. Just sayin'.

    Very true but there are sometimes very busy parents out there that dont always have the time to cook.

    Or in my cuzns case... shes a single mom that DONT know how to cook...

    Except for throwing stuff in the microwave or oven.

    Poor kids. "/

    Can she read? if so, she can cook. There are lots of cook books at the library and recipes online for free.

    Cooking healthy nutritious meals has to be a priority. I guarantee those people that say they don't have time to cook actually do. How much time are they spending on the computer or tv?
    All it takes is planning ahead and giving up 30 minutes to cook an extra meal on the weekend. One healthy meal a week is better than none!
  • navy1984
    navy1984 Posts: 57
    Hot button issue, but my personal opinion is, its up the parents to not only teach their children about good nutrition and extercise, but also lead by example. Monkey see monkey do anyone? I have a three year old that does pushups because she see's my husband working out and tells me that extercise is good for her body! (she doesn't really actually do pushups, but she gets down on the floor and tries to imitate him, I think its rather cute) Also, yes fast food is convient, but having obese children who get teased and tormented in school and have low self esteem is not. So, I started packing apples and oranges in my car. The choice is yours!
  • brendaj39
    brendaj39 Posts: 375 Member
    Because parents just dong give a flying rats *kitten* these days.

    in a way that is so true...i am very happy that my kids don't have my bad eating habits, i did not encourage snacking or eating when you're bored...and my son who was 6 at the time, wanted a treat...i said sure, he went and got a musmelon...for a treat..he ate the whole thing but way better than a bag of chips...
  • hikezilla
    hikezilla Posts: 174 Member
    They are usually fat because of a poor diet and little physical exercise. Hide the video games and make them play outside.

    My kids thought raisins were fruit snacks and we made our own dried bananas...they loved them. They also got celery with peanut butter instead of chips and pop.

    I was such a meanie. I'm fat because I eat too much junk and don't get enough physical exercise....but I'm working on it.
  • thepanttherlady
    thepanttherlady Posts: 258 Member
    My 11 year old came home about 2 weeks ago and said "Mom, do you KNOW how much sodium is in a school lunch?!!?"

    No one taught me how to eat properly or to pay attention to serving sizes while growing up. Then again, like many others, I grew up in a day where we were ALWAYS outside playing...for hours on end. As I change my eating habits, I teach my little ones. My 11 year old knows how to read a nutrional label, she knows how to weigh and measure food, and she knows what a serving size is. For me, this is the best gift I can give them!!

    Thankfully, they don't have weight problems now but if I continued to feed them "conveniently" as I was, and not teach them the things I'm learning they could very well end up, well, like me. :/
  • katcod1522
    katcod1522 Posts: 448 Member
    we have a rule in our house...a fruit or veggie with every meal. Sure..they can have chips and cookies in moderation..just like me. Biggest issue...juices. Lots of sugar. We take it one day at a time..like I do :) My 12 yr old is 4 inches shorter than me at 58"...has gym every day in middle school for 45 minutes and rides her bike for an hr every day. Also skates 2x a week for 4 hrs each time. She weighs 150...she now sees a nutritionist to maintain her weight til her height catches up. My 6 yr old son...weighs 47lbs soaking wet. He would live off lucky charms if I let him. He is about 3' 8.
  • rachemn
    rachemn Posts: 407 Member
    I was a single mom and I cooked...a ton...cake, cookies, brownies, fudge, cheesey foods, bbq's...you name it! All sorts of delicious and super fattening foods! Loads! And I made my son play outside...loads! He had video games, he had the computer and tv and he ran the neighborhood with his friends.

    But I know that it was my fault that my son inherited my obesity problems because of all the delicious food that I fed him.

    However I have changed my ways and now I encourage him to lift weights, do crunches and push ups and I still bake but I cook low fat, low carb (for me the low carbs) and sugar free. I still make him treats, but I make much healthier versions of what I used too. And I make sure that he has whole grains and still loads of veggies...just not dripping in butter and salt!

    He is now 175 pounds, 6 feet tall with size 14 shoes! And he's only 16! Rather than losing weight, he has built muscle and shot up in height! He's very proud of his new muscles and he loves the healthy sandwiches and carrot sticks or angel food cake bars (from this site) that I pack in his lunches. He brags about them to his friends as they're eating high sodium, high fat lunches from school.

    It is our responsibilty to teach our children healthy eating and exercise habits. The one thing I NEVER did was make my son feel ashamed of his weight problem. I still allow him normal treats, but everything in moderation!
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    You are a bad parent if you let your children play outside and don't have an eye directly on them 24/7. Seriously, go on a parenting forum and tell people you let your kid ride its bike around the neighborhood and see how quickly you're run off. So it's the pedos making our kids fat.

    This. There's huge social pressure around *gasp* letting your kids go out and play. Like, to the point that the cops and/or CPS have gotten involved (I kid you not) if there's a kid outside at all without the parent in sight (nevermind the fact that the parent may be able to see them from the window, inside the house).

    It's gotten so bad that there's a sort of "counter movement" to get back to kids going outside with minimal or no adult supervision being the norm, known as "Free Range Kids."
  • theladyy
    theladyy Posts: 176
    You are a bad parent if you let your children play outside and don't have an eye directly on them 24/7. Seriously, go on a parenting forum and tell people you let your kid ride its bike around the neighborhood and see how quickly you're run off. So it's the pedos making our kids fat.

    You have a great point there.