Fat or Muscle

I know that I am not the first person that will post this question..but I will ask anyways. Sometimes listening to others...makes it better for me to understand and accept.

I have been on MFP for amost 2 months now. I work out 6 days a week, 45- 90 minutes daily. Eat very clean food ( I like to think so , since I have high blood sugar but not diabetic yet). Doctor has placed me on a low fat low sugar diet. I eat whole wheat whole grain, brown rice yatta yatta yatta...

I do zumba and TAEBO. I have lost 13 pounds since I have been on here MFP. But recently ( this Monday) I bought a new intense work out video, Turbo Jam. That dvd is intense fast pace cardio kick boxing, I love it. But now ... WTH I weight myself this morning and I gained like 4 pounds this week... whaaaaat....

I am eating same food, watching my calories and yatta yatta yatta... this blows..!! Someone explain to me please before I literally will either throw my scale away against the wall... OR I will starve myself. LOL...

BTW I also drink like 10-15 bottles of 16-20 ounce bottles of water daily :) LOVE water ever since I was a kid. HATE SODAS AND JUICES... LOL..

Thanks :) and oh yeah HELP !!!


  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    It's not unusual to have water retention in your muscles if you worked them out hard. BTW, whole wheat bread and brown rice aren't great foods for pre-diabetics or for those trying to lose weight! I mean they're better than white bread and white rice, but that's not saying much.
  • Sl1ghtly
    Sl1ghtly Posts: 855 Member
    It's not unusual to have water retention in your muscles if you worked them out hard. BTW, whole wheat bread and brown rice aren't great foods for pre-diabetics or for those trying to lose weight! I mean they're better than white bread and white rice, but that's not saying much.

    Water retention- more than likely.

    To the comment whole wheat breads and brown rice aren't good for those losing weight- It's statements like that that fool some into making drastic and unnecessary dietary changes that will only over complicate and confuse people which may eventually lead to failure. There are no bad foods, there are no good foods. There is only bad, or good, usage and dosage of foods.
  • tatya317
    tatya317 Posts: 74
    I am actually not diabetic or pre-diabetic. I'm no where close to that. My sugar blood is just a bit on the higher percentage side , so my doctor is keeping me on low sugar and low fat. I was told to eat whole wheat and brown rice by my doctor , She did say that was fine.

    Thans so much for the input :)
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    Could be water weight.

    If you're eating right and excercising, you should be making progress.

    Switch to tap water, you're wasting a lot of plastic by drinking 15 bottles of water a day. Just sayin.
  • tatya317
    tatya317 Posts: 74
    thank u :) and I also recylce so I dont waste plastics.
  • justavoice1989
    justavoice1989 Posts: 132 Member
    why dont you try measuring your body instead of just relying on weight? =] if you tend to gain muscle easily (i do) then sometimes what will happen is the muscle will kind of "build" on top of that layer of fat (i cant do crunches because if i have a lot of fat on my tummy ill just add bulk by building muscle) <-- thats my theory. take it lightly lol. BUT MEASURE MEASURE MEASURE =] youll see more accurate results that way =] hope this helps.