Tubes tied (Mom's only)



  • JustLena75
    JustLena75 Posts: 114
    It wasn't too bad. I had mine done back in Sept. It was a couple of days of being sore....then several of just being tired. But overall a breeze. I got an endometrial ablation with it as 'double insurance' LOL
  • JerseyGirl4eva
    I know this isn't weight loss related but I'm wondering if it hurt getting your tubes tied. I am going to talk to my OB next week about but from what I understand it is an external surgery. I've only had internal surgeries (LEEP done twice) so I'm nervous.

    didn't hurt me at all they pump your belly with air to separate all the internal stuff so you will look swollen for a few days... but no pain a little pressure for the next few days.
  • RachelsReboot
    RachelsReboot Posts: 569 Member
    Had mine done almost a year ago. Just laid around with the cramps for a couple of days but other than that no issues. My TOM only lasts a couple of days now too, lighter and shorter than before.
  • Candi8099
    Candi8099 Posts: 178 Member
    I had my tubal ligation during a c-section in July of 2008 & have had problems ever since. Not serious problems for say, but painful cramping during TMO (& now minimal painful ovulation too). Heavy bleeding for about the first 3 or 4 days, but it takes a full 7 days to be "back to normal" whereas before my cycle was usually 3-4 days. I am definitely nowhere near a 28 day cycle either (before it was a 28 day cycle like clock work). NOW I go anywhere from 31-39 days (I guess that part is not too bad lol, just the not knowing WHEN can be a bit of a bother). I do have an app downloaded on my cell called MyDays. I LOVE it! I am currently using that to keep track for that and also because I am actually getting my tubal reversed this June. At first it was because I wanted to have more children (which I still do-hoping for twins ;) I can dream right), but at this point, even if I knew I couldn't conceive after having it reversed I still would because of the craziness of my cycle ever since I had the procedure done. If I had to put my biased two cents in, I wouldn’t recommend it, not because of my side effects, but because of it being such a permanent procedure. I wish I would have taken more time to weigh my options out (my then husband filed for divorce 4 months later). It surely will vary by a case by case basis though. Good luck and I'm sure what you decide will be best for YOU :D
  • dhencel
    dhencel Posts: 244 Member
    I had mine done 30 yrs ago and it was not painful. I am sure that it is much easier now.
  • histora
    histora Posts: 287 Member
    I haven't had my tubes tied. My mother did, and she laid around the house for a week after griping and moaning about the pain. She's a bit of a theatrical woman though, so I don't know how much was about the pain and how much was about sympathy.

    She's had assorted female health problems since then, and while I can't think of any medical reason having her tubes cut and cauterized would affect her health, it sure is coincidental that they popped up so soon after.

    I can't recommend enough to look into a vasectomy. I don't tolerate surgery very well, even just lapro kinds, so it didn't make sense for me to go under the knife when DH could do it 10x easier. My DH had one 3 years ago, and we both sighed a huge sigh of relief. Lemme tell ya...nothing changes on the good times front, and he has yet to turn into some softie. :D He was up and walking around the day after the office visit. There are different procedures that can be used, and they're all same-day surgery. Best decision we ever made.

    DH remarked once that I had carried the burden of BCP, bearing three kids and one miscarriage...the least He could do was get His wires snipped. He felt He had a responsibility to our family as well. :)
  • Zeromilediet
    Zeromilediet Posts: 787 Member
    Had mine done 30 years ago and no problems since. The tubes weren't cut and tied, they were clamped; it was an outpatient procedure: went in the morning and home by noon for recovery which was just a couple days rest; didn't need any painkillers at home. Some surgeons will also perform a D&C to ensure no pregnancy starting; in that case you will go home with bleeding and need pads for a week.

    Mine was laparoscopic surgery--small incision to insert camera so they can see what they're doing & blow you up with air to provide more workspace; then another incision to do the job. One cut on pubic hair line, the other in belly button. Only tiny scar "visible" is pubic hair line. Shouldn't experience any menopause symptoms unless ovaries are removed.

    If you're considering this procedure, ask your Dr to go over exactly which method he/she will use, anaesthetic used, and read carefully any consent form. Do not consent to allowing your surgeon to do whatever they want once inside--understand and be clear on what will be done and why.
  • lizzybethclaire
    lizzybethclaire Posts: 849 Member
    My co-worker had it done and told me it wasn't very painful. She missed two days of work. Edit: My husband had a vasectomy done because he didn't want me to get my tubes tied. His nuts swelled up (sorry, tmi) and he was in a lot of pain for a few days. However, the procedure itself is really simple and there are not a lot of risks associated with it. A man does have to have his sperm count tested a couple of times the first few years afterward to ensure that there are no little swimmers left and that the "wires" didn't grow back. (extremely rare but possible)
  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    This Friday I have an appt for the Essure procedure. I like the fact there is no incisions, outpatient, and I can resume normal activity. I am excited needless to say - I wanted to keep it simple.

    Good luck on your decision!
  • andreaz71
    andreaz71 Posts: 3 Member
    is there any scarring on the panty line incision? ( or the belly button for that matter?) thanks for your input!
  • mdelcott
    mdelcott Posts: 529 Member
    After I had my son (he was 10lbs 5oz) I decided to stop there because I figured the next one would come out walking. He was born in Dec 06 and I had my tubal April 07. It was outpatient. 2 incisions, one in my belly button and one in my panty line. I was sore for a day or so but nothing bad. No problems since!

    My first son was the exact same weight!!!!! Glad its not just me LOL and his head was 15 INCHES around, like giving birth to a toddler LOL
  • steph1278
    steph1278 Posts: 483 Member
    I had mine done 5 years ago. I had no issues or pain at at all. I was under anesthesia and had it done lapriscopically. It was done in the hospital, but I went home the same day.
  • Zeromilediet
    Zeromilediet Posts: 787 Member
    is there any scarring on the panty line incision? ( or the belly button for that matter?) thanks for your input!

    The belly button incision is now hidden and the other is virtually invisible; only this big .............. someone would have to be looking very closely to see and that's my husband only :-)