Why I'm 'giving up'

Perhaps giving up isn't the right phrase- it's more that I'm in a holding pattern.

I ate right, hit my calories, cut out sodium, upped protein, kept good fats, no junk food, exercised right, used HIT, did gentle 'senior' workouts, worked out like a madman, tried zig zagging cals, cut carbs, eating all workout calories, eating some and eating no workout calories.

I'm gaining weight and can barely walk.

I lost twenty pounds very nicely, then, something happened. I noticed that I couldn't walk after even a gentle workout. I couldn't get enough sleep or I couldn't sleep at all for days on end. I was getting NEW stretch marks even though my weight was dropping. I have lost weight everywhere except my face and belly. I started gaining weight. BIG weight. Ten pounds in a week weight and it's not fluctuating- just going up up up.

I now look like a marshmallow with very nicely toned arms and legs. :laugh:

I am beyond frustrated. I am exhausted and now on pain killers so I can move around my house. This isn't exactly where I thought I would be at this point.

So I'm still going to log my food. Exercise will be so small to be nearly immesurable. Walking down the stairs is very difficult so the treadmill will have to wait.

I'm in a holding pattern until Hubb's new insurance takes effect. I have two months to wait until we can go to the doctor and have some tests run. Two long months of watching the scale go up, even though I'm eating as well as ever. Two more months of this pain in my feet and legs.

So tired and feeling hopeless and helpless. Thanks for listening to me vent :flowerforyou:


  • beckyi88
    Oh, I am so very sorry! (((hugs))) It definitely sounds as though there is something medical going on with you. I wish you didn't have to wait, but you are wise to do so. If something is found before your insurance coverage kicks in you could get stuck with a pre-existing condition. Take care of your spirit and your body the best you can. Keep us posted.
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Oh, hon, I am so sorry! Sounds like something has gone terribly awry. If at all possible, I wouldn't wait the 2 months. You need treatment now! Is there any reduced cost clinics or sliding fee clinics in your area? I hope something works out for you! {{{hugs}}}
  • Wecandothis
    Wecandothis Posts: 1,083 Member
    I am praying for your health to improve!!!

    I am so very sorry to hear this. As someone who did not have health insurance for years, I understand that you want to wait, but honestly this sounds like you need medical attention now.

    I am not someone who runs to the doctor - I've only had anti-biotics twice in the last 30 years - honestly. But this is sounding dangerous to me. It must be that you are retaining water and that can be very hard on your heart. I am praying that somehow you can get some good free medical advice now, that will not effect the ability to get this taken care of by your insurance later.

    God bless you. And please don't wait to long.
  • PinkDog
    PinkDog Posts: 68 Member
    I'm so sorry to hear this!

    I live in Canada and don't know the USA medical system, but would there be a free clinic you could go to?

    Praying for you,

  • SmileyJ23
    SmileyJ23 Posts: 349 Member
    I am sorry to hear about what you are going through. But just think positive, in 60 days you will find out what is wrong and can really begin your weight loss journey!!
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Awwww ((((Gemi))))

    You know this has nothing to do with your lifestyle/diet, right? It isn't about your calories or workouts. This is something else entirely, and although I can understand wanting to wait until you get insurance, I'm not at all sure that is wise. This sounds serious and I hope you'll see a doctor quickly.

  • malibootie
    malibootie Posts: 614 Member
    I understand wanting to wait for insurance, but a gain that quickly is a symptom of something else that is wrong. I urge you- FOR your health- to go to the doctor now. Two months of added strain when you already are having problems and sleep issues is only going to make it worse and possibly severaly dangerous. Please find a way. Do you have any friends with medical knowledge that you could ask? I am not a fan of WebMD, or similar sites, but if you know someone with actual knowledge I would ask them- PRONTO!
  • laura_lulu_143
    Please look into a free clinic. They are out there. Alot of them go to churches once a month or so. I called the emergency room once and asked if they had any info on free clinics and they did!!
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    Thanks so much guys, I was scared to put this out there- was afraid of being judged I suppose.

    Should have known better that you guys wouldn't judge me for this.:heart:

    I can go to a free clinic- but if it's something serious then the insurance, when it kicks in, won't cover whatever it may be. It would be pre-existing by then. Thus, I would be out of luck and out of whatever treatment might be needed. Trust me, I don't want to wait- but it's what has to be done to ensure I can get coverage in the future.

    I'm holding what you have said close to my heart. I'm trying to remember that this isn't something I did, it's a medical thing. Hard to remember that when coming from a history of food abuse ... does that make sense? I keep thinking 'What have I done?" that somehow this is my fault. Trying to keep an even keel though!

    ((((((Much Love))))))
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    You are in my prayers Gemi! :heart:
  • momma2boys0609
    What other symptoms are you having? Any flushing or rounding of the face? How about:

    Fatty pad or hump between your shoulders (buffalo hump)
    Pink or purple stretch marks (striae) on the skin of your abdomen, thighs, breasts and arms
    Thin and fragile skin that bruises easily
    Slow healing of cuts, insect bites and infections
    Depression, anxiety and irritability
    Loss of emotional control
    Thicker or more visible body and facial hair (hirsutism)
    Irregular or absent menstrual periods in females
  • abatres7
    Your body just needs a break. Try and relax and eat normal and healthy amounts of food.
  • maurierose
    maurierose Posts: 574 Member
    Aww Gemiwing - I sure am sorry to hear that you're having so many health issues right now!!!

    I hope things work out quickly for you - 2 months is a long time to wait, but you are the only one who knows the best thing for YOU to do, and I am confident you will make the best choice you need to make with all factors considered. You're smart to consider the implications things could have with future insurance.

    Keep in mind that most employer-sponsored group-coverage healthcare in the US is NOT ALLOWED to set limitations on "pre-existing conditions" - not sure if that helps or not, but you might want to make some well-placed calls on that.

    Keep logging that food - that's a great thing to continue, all things considering! You're still doing healthy things for YOU!! :smile:

    And congratulations on your nicely toned arms and legs, THAT'S PROGRESS!!! :bigsmile: You'll get the rest to follow, you can do this when you're able to!!!


    Hang in there!!!! :flowerforyou: Keep us posted.
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    What other symptoms are you having? Any flushing or rounding of the face? How about:

    Fatty pad or hump between your shoulders (buffalo hump)
    Pink or purple stretch marks (striae) on the skin of your abdomen, thighs, breasts and arms
    Thin and fragile skin that bruises easily
    Slow healing of cuts, insect bites and infections
    Depression, anxiety and irritability
    Loss of emotional control
    Thicker or more visible body and facial hair (hirsutism)
    Irregular or absent menstrual periods in females

    What are these symptoms for? :frown:
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Aw Gemiwing, I'm so sorry to hear this! Try to keep your chin up k :flowerforyou:
    I know here in Ontario (Canada) we have a Telehealth line, you can call and talk to a registered nurse to find out what to do or get help and you can remain annonomous. Is there anything like that that you could call? At least then it wouldn't go on your record.
    Good luck girl, we're all pulling for you :bigsmile:
  • CrystalT
    CrystalT Posts: 862 Member
    Keep in mind that most employer-sponsored group-coverage healthcare in the US is NOT ALLOWED to set limitations on "pre-existing conditions" - not sure if that helps or not, but you might want to make some well-placed calls on that.

    My work's health insurance doesn't even ask about pre-existing conditions. If there is anyway for you to verify that and get to a free clinic, you really should. Since you don't know what's wrong, you have no idea what kind of permanent damage you could face from letting this go unidentified for another 2 months. My sister stopped taking her blood pressure medicine for a while because she couldn't afford it. She ended up developing a heart condition. Now, she really regrets not making her medication a priority. Please, take care of yourself.
  • momma2boys0609
    this symptoms are those of cushings. When she mentioned the stretch marks, the weakness/pain, and the fact that she is getting a marshmellow belly but her limbs are nice and toned..thats what came to mind. Of course I am no doctor. Many diseases or health issues have similar symptoms. I would definately see a physician as soon as possible just to calm her nerves and relieve some stress and worries. There is nothing worse than the unknown. MayoClinic and webMd are good online resources, but they cant diagnose. One really needs to see a physician who can look at the individual case and run tests.
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    this symptoms are those of cushings. When she mentioned the stretch marks, the weakness/pain, and the fact that she is getting a marshmellow belly but her limbs are nice and toned..thats what came to mind. Of course I am no doctor. Many diseases or health issues have similar symptoms. I would definately see a physician as soon as possible just to calm her nerves and relieve some stress and worries. There is nothing worse than the unknown. MayoClinic and webMd are good online resources, but they cant diagnose. One really needs to see a physician who can look at the individual case and run tests.

    Thank you! :flowerforyou:
  • momma2boys0609
    You are quite welcome! :happy: