Eating at Maintenance

So, I have a question for those of you who have reached your weight-loss goals. My own is still many pounds away, but I was wondering what kinds of changes, if any, you have had to make to eat at maintenance? For example, if you were eating 1200 calories, and eating exercise calories back, are you now higher on calories and still exercising? Do those calories get eaten back? Are you just able to "listen to you body" to maintain your weight, or do you find it difficult if you aren't calorie tracking?

I am just curious what lies in store--as my husband and I were talking about this last night.


  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    I still count my calories and exercise several times a week. I do get more calories, but do not eat back ALL of my exercise cals since I think they at to always 100% accurate.
  • LMKrygier
    LMKrygier Posts: 5 Member
    Interesting question...I've been on maintenance for about a month now. I'm still tracking but I also started this more because of a cholesterol problem than a weight problem and I haven't gotten my test results back yet. Even so, I think I will keep tracking. For me, it's a good motivator for overall health. Mostly my personality I think.
  • NaomiWhite77
    NaomiWhite77 Posts: 238 Member
    I am eating based on my bodies needs and have maintained for two months.
    The nights I run I do eat a bit more that day to make sure I have enough energy for my run.
    I am interested what others say.
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,434 Member
    I've been maintaining for the past year within a 3-5 lb. range. When I hit 5 lbs. that's my "whoa nellie" and I put a little more effort into watching what I eat to get the number back down. I have always been into working out and that hasn't changed-I still workout a lot and have added in more strength work.

    I did increase my calories but I still keep my MFP goals set to a 1/2 lb. loss so I have that cushion built in. Some days I eat all my exercise calories and some days I don't-I listen to my body to see if I'm actively hungry and if I am I feed it. Depending on my workout I usually eat anywhere from 1540 - 2300 (although sometimes it can be much more if I go out!)

    I am one who will probably have to log forever! I love food and love to eat and I have lost weight in the past and always put it back on and I don't want that to happen again. So even though I've changed my eating habits I have eaten in moderation through the entire process rather than "giving stuff up" so I need to keep a handle on how much I am consuming.
  • greyhead
    greyhead Posts: 3 Member
    I am new to maintenance. I was losing weight about 1/2 pound or less on average and now the weight loss has stopped. I feel the way I have been eating is the way I have to keep on eating. I cannot add calories as I stopped losing. I find the difference between this diet and others is that I am doing it to reduce my LDL cholesterol (motivated by health), and I track every day, and probably most importantly I weigh myself daily... before I would eat a little more and put off the weigh in thus continuing with the same weight. My plan is to continue buying clothes (well fitted ) in this new size and track and weigh myself daily for one year then reassess. Continue exercising at least 1 hour/day . I also plan to have my bloods checked in the next 3 months.