Alcohol free, calorie free, sugar free 'beer'

em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
I've just seen an ad in men's health for 'alcohol free, calorie free, sugar free beer flavour drink'

Would anybody seriously buy this stuff??????


  • nebulinda
    nebulinda Posts: 120 Member
    Sounds like it tastes terrible and doesn't even get you drunk.
  • thinnerisstronger
    thinnerisstronger Posts: 124 Member
    I can't even begin to imagine the kind of garbage they'd have to put in that stuff. Yuck!
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    I know I bet it's vile and full of god knows what chemicals!
    You'd be better off just with regular beer and a bit of exercise to work it off :-)
    I can understand alcohol free beer for if you have to drive, but at least that's still actual beer, this is just like fake slightly beer flavour diet soda ewwwwww!
  • smariere
    smariere Posts: 611 Member
    My first thought when reading this was "Water?"... I don't get what the appeal of the taste of beer is, so I can't imagine drinking all of those chemicals just to get that lol.
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    My first thought when reading this was "Water?"... I don't get what the appeal of the taste of beer is, so I can't imagine drinking all of those chemicals just to get that lol.

    If i knew how to put pics up i would!

    this is it: