Help with Calories

Ok, so I am a little confused on here. According to what I did today I still can get over 2,000 calories....That is just impossible.

I walk 3 times a day and goto the gym 3 times a week. MFP says

utritional Goals Goals
Net Calories Consumed* / Day 1,820 calories/day
Carbs / Day 250 g
Fat / Day 61 g
Protein / Day 68 g
Fitness Goals Goals
Calories Burned / Week 1,810 calories/week
Workouts / Week 5 Workouts
Minutes / Workout 30 mins
Your diet Profile Target
Calories Burned
From Normal Daily Activity 2,820 calories/day
Net Calories Consumed*
Your Daily Goal 1,820 calories/ day
Daily Calorie Deficit 1,000 calories
Projected Weight Loss 2.0 lbs/ week

* Net Calories Consumed = Total Calories Consumed - Exercise Calories Burned

So because I burned 2100 calories today. They are adding those on. Isn't the point of losing weight to eat below what your body needs in order to loose weight.

I just do not understand.

Any Help would be great.


  • sarafil
    sarafil Posts: 506 Member
    Wait, you are saying that you burn over 2000 calories per day with exercise? I think that may be what is wrong with your daily log...I looked at your diary, and MFP said you burned over 2000 calories for today in exercise. I doubt that is correct?
  • It is correct. I wear a heart rate monitor. I walk 3 time a day. Once in the am for 40 mins. Mid day 30 mins and afternoons 30 mins. Today alone at the gym I burned almost a 1000 calories.
  • tkcasta
    tkcasta Posts: 405 Member
    Check out the user jaroyan - she's a monster with exercise and has lost like 20 lbs, she also has an open diary.
  • irisheyez718
    irisheyez718 Posts: 677 Member
    Is the walking something that you do walking to work? I'm no expert, but my guess is you either need to lower your calorie burns or eat more. Your body needs a certain amount of calories a day just to function and if you're burning that much and not eating more, its going to hurt you in the long run.
  • I'm sorry I can't offer anything to the topic but that is impressive! :)
  • sarafil
    sarafil Posts: 506 Member
    To get a good understanding of why you need to eat back your exercise calories, click on the "search" button and type in "eating back exercise calories" and it will take you to threads that have addressed this in the past, it should give you a lot of information. Basically, MFP is giving you your net target calories based on your weight loss goals, so you need to eat back some of your exercise calories in order to stay healthy...
  • mariobadr
    mariobadr Posts: 58 Member
    I sincerely doubt you are burning 2100 calories. Perhaps your heart rate monitor is giving you incorrect calculations? If I run 10 km in an hour I burn close to 700 calories.
  • I agree with the writers who believe the calories burned calculations must be off.
  • sandiki
    sandiki Posts: 454
    Wait, you are saying that you burn over 2000 calories per day with exercise? I think that may be what is wrong with your daily log...I looked at your diary, and MFP said you burned over 2000 calories for today in exercise. I doubt that is correct?

    yesterday my burn was 2772.. it is very possible.

    to the is impossible for some to eat back all those cals..but if what you have been doing is not working ,maybe your diet needs a change over...adjust the carb pro fat ratio so that it fits with your lifestyle. balance each meal so that its perportional to this ratio.. give your body a solid month to adjust to any changes...remember for lasting results it takes time!
  • I can burn that many calories. I am over 300 pounds. It does not take that much for someone my size to burn it.

    Not saying I am having trouble loosing. 4 pounds just this week.

    I just do not understand why it would tell me I could eat all those extra calories and still loose weight.
  • kriskoeh
    kriskoeh Posts: 4
    It's giving you the number of calories that you can still consume in order to maintain.
  • tkcasta
    tkcasta Posts: 405 Member
    I can burn that many calories. I am over 300 pounds. It does not take that much for someone my size to burn it.

    Not saying I am having trouble loosing. 4 pounds just this week.

    I just do not understand why it would tell me I could eat all those extra calories and still loose weight.

    Most people are going to tell you to eat all of your exercise calories because there is a deficit built into the calorie calculation, I do not usually since I want the extra burn. Make your own decision and do what works for you, you may come to a point when you have to up your calories to lose more.
  • irisheyez718
    irisheyez718 Posts: 677 Member
    I didn't eat back my exercise calories when I first started either. I thought the same, the less you eat the bigger burn. I started reading and asking questions, and now I understand why we should eat them, if we're reasonably sure of the amount burned. I know some people don't eat them, and lose fine. I will say that since I started eating them back, I feel better, more energy, stronger, and I lose just as much as I lost when I didn't eat them back, if not more.