Ladies: Putting yourself together...

Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
I'm a tomboy at heart, however, I'm having to travel to more professional events lately and am trying to make an effort every day to dress better, do my makeup well, an get my hair done. This is awkward to me, however, I do feel better doing it.

I'm so used to grabbing a shirt and jeans and some sandals or sneakers, and it feels frustrating at the moment having to fuss up every morning.

How long does it take you to get ready and what is your morning routine? Have you always done this or did you make a change to put more effort into how you look? If so, how long did it take you to get used to it?

Mine's this:

10-15 mins for shower
10 mins for makeup, deodorant, brush teeth, mouthwash, facewash...
30-40 min for blow drying, straightening then curling the tips of my hair. I'm so slow with doing my own hair.
10 mins for dressing. I'm trying to be more careful about what I wear and accessorizing. It takes me a while to figure it out...

My previous routine was:
10-15 mins for shower
10 mins for deodorant, brush teeth, mouthwash, face wash, and clothes
2 mins (brush hair and pin it up in a bun or something)
out the door...


  • Oh, that's funny - because I was on a quest to really get dressed in the mornings and not allow myself to think "oh, after I take a shower" or "after I work-out" or "we're not going anywhere today" - I have two little kids so taking a shower or getting my workout in or etc. is practically impossible in the morning. Anyhow, I gave up on the quest. But, I do understand your question and thoughts - I thought getting ready for the day by dressing better would help make you feel better and your day better. Interesting stuff!
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,870 Member
    I am a dresses and heels kind of girl, or a t-shirt and jeans (and heels or flip-flops) kind of girl, but regardless, it takes about the same amount of time:
    10-15 minutes in the shower (if I'm bothering to shave my legs, it might take 20)
    5-10 minutes for hair and makeup
    5 minutes getting dressed

    Under 30 minutes total.

    If I straighten my hair, give me an extra 15-20 minutes
  • RoboLikes
    RoboLikes Posts: 519 Member
    Brush my teeth, wash my face, apply some tinted moisturizer and I'm good to go. I like my work mornings fuss free
  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
    Before I had more kids, about an hour in a half not including shower.

    Now, 20 seconds.
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    I'm a tomboy too. I just kind of adjust by the requirement of the day. If I need to be out, I can be done in 5 minutes with my hair in a messy, but cute bun. A full routine with a shower can be 45 minutes for me..

    Looking weekend ready is about an hour and fifteen minutes for me, but that includes a completely whorish face. ;)

    The best tip for quick professional is to find the easiest perfect makeup and hair and stick by it. No morning experiments.
  • ElleOQuent
    ElleOQuent Posts: 429 Member
    It doesn't take me long at all.

    I'd say 30 minutes is my absolute max -- that includes shaving my legs, getting my hair done, doing my makeup, choosing an outfit, and adding any additional accessories.

    For the most part, I'm a casual dresser ( this does not mean sloppy. In my opinion, there is never an excuse to look sloppy). I tend to save the extra spruce for special occasions.
  • kb455
    kb455 Posts: 679 Member
    Honestly, I think I've always had the same routine. Even when I was in high school. It takes me, with shower, shaving, blowdrying my hair and then makeup... about 45 minutes. (I think the bulk of that time is spent drying my hair.)
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    Typically about an 30 minutes to 1 hour (only because I take my time and I dont like to rush..I think lol). Longer depends on the occasion

    Shower - 10-20 minutes
    Brushing teeth, washing face, applying deodrant, lotion (about 5-10 mintues maybe)
    Make up - 5-15 minutes (depends sometimes)
    Hair - anywhere from 5 - 30 mintues (depends on what I am doing with it!)

    Yea okay sometimes it might take more than an hour sometimes, but it really depends :laugh:
  • Laura_Suzie
    Laura_Suzie Posts: 1,288 Member
    I shower at night, so not too long unless I curl my hair (which I try to do everyday). Usually I prefer to have at least an hour to get ready, but I can get ready in under a half an hour in the mornings when I'm rushing.
  • JAllen32
    JAllen32 Posts: 991 Member
    Not including shower time, it takes me about half an hour if I don't rush. I put on some make up, blow dry, which only takes a couple minutes, and then use a straightener to smooth things out. Now if I have to figure out what to wear, that time goes up! lol
    OSC_ESD Posts: 752 Member
    ~ Now this is a complicated question .... Sooooo many variables !

    1. I can whip it together in 15 min if just going to a movie or get Sushi.
    2. If I have to shower and do the whole hair deal ... well, get ready for this answer ... I prefer 2½ hours ( allowing hair to air dry before flat ironing ) also I enjoy sitting around " drying " off for awhile and really taking my time getting all dolled up ... even those these days are far in between ... I do LOVE them !
    3. My normal morning ( work days ) consists of 90 mins, including shower, make-up, hair, breakfast, packing lunch, emails, texts and horsing around with my son ! Generally a fun way to start my day !
    4. Girls night out ... Countless hours !!! LOL LOL LOL !!!!

    ~ I never claimed to be " Simple " ... Just worth it ! Ha ! :tongue:
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    ~ Now this is a complicated question .... Sooooo many variables !

    1. I can whip it together in 15 min if just going to a movie or get Sushi.
    2. If I have to shower and do the whole hair deal ... well, get ready for this answer ... I prefer 2½ hours ( allowing hair to air dry before flat ironing ) also I enjoy sitting around " drying " off for awhile and really taking my time getting all dolled up ... even those these days are far in between ... I do LOVE them !
    3. My normal morning ( work days ) consists of 90 mins, including shower, make-up, hair, breakfast, packing lunch, emails, texts and horsing around with my son ! Generally a fun way to start my day !
    4. Girls night out ... Countless hours !!! LOL LOL LOL !!!!

    ~ I never claimed to be " Simple " ... Just worth it ! Ha ! :tongue:

    LOL nice! Sounds like a wonderful way to spend the mornings!
  • JanetLM73
    JanetLM73 Posts: 1,226 Member
    Shower 20 minutes. Hair 15-20 mins, Make up 5 mins.
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    Well, any given morning where I'm not trying to look special (which is most mornings, since I either go to school or take care of a toddler all day), it takes me:

    5 minutes to shower
    1 minute to braid my hair
    5 minutes to put on mascara
    1 minute to get dressed

    Now, on special days, like weekends, I might pull out the stops:

    15 minutes to shower (including legs getting shaved; this is a rare occasion, and lucky for me, I have blonde leg hair)
    50-60 minutes to blow-dry and straighten my hair
    10 minutes to put on mascara and eyeshadow
    5 minutes to get dressed

    Scenario #2 happens about once a month, if that.

    I lead a sad, sad life.
  • Snow__White
    Snow__White Posts: 1,650 Member
    30 min shower
    1hour for makeup
    1hour for hair
    40 min to try on every outfit in my closet
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    Mine is difficult to translate because I have kids and that slows down my mornings. Alarm goes off at 5:30, and I read my newsfeed here, listen to the news and weather. At 6 I'm in the bath (a bath for stress management reasons). I wash my hair every other day because it is curly and tends to get dry, so either I straighten it, put it in a clip, or a I wash it and let it dry on its own with some product in it. I get dressed and put on some make up. Within this time I start telling kids to get up. They DO have alarms, sigh. More than a few times it seems they need to be reminded to get up and at 'em. I'm downstairs by 7 and am aiming that the kids are too. I put espresso on and figure out what I'm gonna eat for breakfast. I throw my lunch in my bag for work and fuss about the kids getting back onto the schedule. A few times. Hopefully I've managed to swallow some of that breakfast and I'm telling the kids to eat something/get socks on/get their lunch in their bag/get dressed/take your meds/stop talking and eat you only have X minutes till we leave. The espresso shot(s) goes in my vanilla protein powder and water (terrible to do, but it serves two masters) in my travel cup and I'm harassing the kids again. By 7:10 we must be out of the house one week out of 4. All Thursdays we must be out of the house by 7:00. All other days I *must* leave by 7:30.

    When its summer or by some miracle the children's schedule doesn't impact me, I'd say I'm not up til 6:30 and am easily out the door by 7:30.

    When I went to UM I dressed like a total schlub. Baggy shorts and baggy tee-shirt all the time. And I had a pretty darn good body. Such a shame. But, I rolled out of bed 15 minutes before class...
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Mine is difficult to translate because I have kids and that slows down my mornings. Alarm goes off at 5:30, and I read my newsfeed here, listen to the news and weather. At 6 I'm in the bath (a bath for stress management reasons). I wash my hair every other day because it is curly and tends to get dry, so either I straighten it, put it in a clip, or a I wash it and let it dry on its own with some product in it. I get dressed and put on some make up. Within this time I start telling kids to get up. They DO have alarms, sigh. More than a few times it seems they need to be reminded to get up and at 'em. I'm downstairs by 7 and am aiming that the kids are too. I put espresso on and figure out what I'm gonna eat for breakfast. I throw my lunch in my bag for work and fuss about the kids getting back onto the schedule. A few times. Hopefully I've managed to swallow some of that breakfast and I'm telling the kids to eat something/get socks on/get their lunch in their bag/get dressed/take your meds/stop talking and eat you only have X minutes till we leave. The espresso shot(s) goes in my vanilla protein powder and water (terrible to do, but it serves two masters) in my travel cup and I'm harassing the kids again. By 7:10 we must be out of the house one week out of 4. All Thursdays we must be out of the house by 7:00. All other days I *must* leave by 7:30.

    When its summer or by some miracle the children's schedule doesn't impact me, I'd say I'm not up til 6:30 and am easily out the door by 7:30.

    Okay, now you make me look so bad! It takes me the full two hours to get myself ready, and I DON'T have kids!
    When I went to UM I dressed like a total schlub. Baggy shorts and baggy tee-shirt all the time. And I had a pretty darn good body. Such a shame. But, I rolled out of bed 15 minutes before class...

    LOL I remember those days. I never went to class in my PJ's like some girls I knew, but I never wore makeup, often hadn't showered that morning (gross I know), and did not give a *kitten* about the way I looked in class. Now that I'm teaching and presenting, I have to look professional and nice. It's not something that comes naturally to me.
  • CallieM15
    CallieM15 Posts: 910 Member

    My previous routine was:
    10-15 mins for shower
    10 mins for deodorant, brush teeth, mouthwash, face wash, and clothes
    2 mins (brush hair and pin it up in a bun or something)
    out the door...

    You forgot to put your clothes on!!! :noway: :noway: :happy: :happy: :blushing: :blushing:

    When I was Skinny:
    10 min shower/deodorant/brush teeth
    10 minute blow dry
    5 min straightener
    7 min makeup
    1-2 min smell-good! (lotion etc)
    8 min dress
    Total: 42

    Now that i feel ugly:
    10 min shower/deodorant/brush teeth
    10 minute blow dry
    2 min makeup
    2 min to find a hoodie
    Total: 24 min
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    From waking up to leaving the house, including shower, hair, makeup, breakfast while check the interwebs, flossing and brushing teeth: one hour. Add a half hour if I have to feed and walk the dog, since it takes him a half mile to poop and I don't like leaving him home alone unless he's pooped.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member

    My previous routine was:
    10-15 mins for shower
    10 mins for deodorant, brush teeth, mouthwash, face wash, and clothes
    2 mins (brush hair and pin it up in a bun or something)
    out the door...

    You forgot to put your clothes on!!! :noway: :noway: :happy: :happy: :blushing: :blushing:

    LOL I managed to find a grungy Tshirt and dirty jeans somewhere in that routine... LOL

    And, you are SO not ugly!