What keeps you motivated?



  • wisebadger53
    wisebadger53 Posts: 382 Member
    Motivation is inside of you, but when it starts to fade, ask your MFP friends for support and encouragement. The willingness to be held accountable by them - AND BY YOURSELF - is the key to gettng through those moments of weakness. Stay focused on your ultimate goals. Good luck!
  • ChrisDeb
    ChrisDeb Posts: 4
    Don't beat yourself up when you slip. Just start fresh with a new day.
  • Don't beat yourself up when you slip. Just start fresh with a new day.

    I AGREE! This is a journey and some days are better than others.
  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    the mirror keeps me motivated..

    funny thing is i had been a fat kid all of my life and when you start to see your body change and progress you never become satisfied and always want to become better... even though i may look better now when i was overweight my motivation increases because the dificulty to achieve the physique you desire becomes much greater.
  • LovingLisa2012
    LovingLisa2012 Posts: 775 Member
    im hoping to get back into the work force and i know at 300 pounds, i wont be of much use ( to many aches and pains just moving around the house) .. im heading to college in August and the field i chose will have me on my feet alot (pharmacy tech) and i am considering going back later to become a registered dietitian and who wants a 300 pound person telling them how to eat ?? :laugh:
  • eve7166
    eve7166 Posts: 218 Member
    "I AGREE! This is a journey and some days are better than others."

    I love this... I just cant let one bad day get out of hand... Im doing good now just dont want to lose focus again! :)
  • As of now bathing suite season is keeping me motivated. I want to feel better about myself at the beach. watching Biggest loser also motivates me. i use this quote as my mantra "Success trains Failure Complains"
  • Micahroni84
    Micahroni84 Posts: 452 Member
    A few things. I joined a local Biggest Loser contest with a woman that I know who is very motivated. We take fitness classes at the YMCA together so it's nice to have support. Also, just being thankful for my health. My 26 year old sister has recently been diagnosed with a dibilitating disease that keeps her from being able to excercise or really do any semi physical thing that she wants and she has always loved to excercise. I have come to feel like I am being ungrateful for the body I have when I don't treat it properly through healthy eating and excercise since I am more than capable of doing it.

    Constantly being aware of the heart disease that runs rampant on my father's side of the family, including my female cousin having a heart attack at age 25, reminds me to eat properly and excercise regularly as well.
  • cameralinds
    cameralinds Posts: 239

    For exercise, its hate, hurt and rage.

    Ditto. If I want to run for the sake of running, I can push out 3 miles or so, but if someone has pissed me off or I'm dealing with a stressful person or situation, I can pump out triple that number easy!
  • _AllieCat_
    _AllieCat_ Posts: 515 Member
    How I feel when I am NOT working out/eating cleanly is my biggest motivation. I crave that sharp minded and energetic feeling I get from living healthy.
  • wayne4825
    wayne4825 Posts: 166 Member
    For me it's my beautiful, supportive, encouraging and understanding fiance. We have been on this journey together for quite some time and we just started 30 Day Shred this week. We are getting married on October 2nd and want to feel and look great for each other because well, that's what your soulmate deserves.

    Also having great friends on here helps tremendously. THANKS GUYS FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!!!!!
  • litatura
    litatura Posts: 569 Member
    I'm very stubborn and competitive, so once I set my mind to something, I do whatever I can to achieve it. I also find that setting mini goals with time frames keep me going and gives me something to strive for.
  • i have been strength training for four months and the changes that i see in my body keep me so motivated. i am 39 and i see muscles in places that i have never seen in my life.
  • abigailm83
    abigailm83 Posts: 110
    the mirror keeps me motivated..

    funny thing is i had been a fat kid all of my life and when you start to see your body change and progress you never become satisfied and always want to become better... even though i may look better now when i was overweight my motivation increases because the dificulty to achieve the physique you desire becomes much greater.

  • CampKelly
    CampKelly Posts: 172 Member
    For the diet, its eating healthy as can be to set a good example for my children and to help so that I can stay around as long as they want me.

  • bunnysone
    bunnysone Posts: 486 Member
    set bigger, seemingly difficult to achieve goals and head towards them.

    For example, next week I am tackling 4 hours running on a treadmill for charity. The longest I have run is 2 hours, but I believe that by slowing my pace I can do it.

    There's only one way to find out :)
  • Looking and reading the success stories keeps me motivated and also my May 2013 wedding!
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    what has kept me motivated is having things like races and competitions to be prepared for. there is something about having a specific time and date to be physically prepared for. and you focus more on speed and strength, not just weight and being ready for bikini season.
  • illiquod
    illiquod Posts: 23
    I've been trying to eat better and exercise for nearly four weeks now. I haven't had any bouts with lack of motivation yet. I'm not sure what I'll do if it happens. In the first couple weeks I didn't want to work out but I forced myself to. I wanted to eat a Hardee's Frisco Burger for some reason, I don't know why... but I didn't. I stopped my urges that would have beat me at the beginning. Now that I'm so far in, I wake up and I'm excited to exercise. It feels like I've turned a corner, and I'm losing weight every day.

    I hope the motivation stays. Luckily I've been healthy the whole time. If I got sick or something, I could see that possibly breaking my routine... I guess I think the most important thing is to stay MENTALLY on the goal. Once one loses the desire to really get thin, then it'd be hard to stay motivated.
  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,066 Member
    i have been strength training for four months and the changes that i see in my body keep me so motivated. i am 39 and i see muscles in places that i have never seen in my life.
    what has kept me motivated is having things like races and competitions to be prepared for. there is something about having a specific time and date to be physically prepared for. and you focus more on speed and strength, not just weight and being ready for bikini season.
    and that.

    i have the best mfp friends, btw :)