Ladies: Putting yourself together...



  • jowings
    jowings Posts: 157 Member
    During the week I am pretty fast, and I have the benefit of working someplace really casual, so I don't need to worry about what t-shirt or jeans I am putting on :)

    15 minute shower in the morning
    10 minutes to makeup and brush teeth, put stuff in my hair
    5 minutes to get dressed

    On the weekends, I like to take my time and dry/style my hair, so About an hour/45 minutes. I suppose I am pretty low maintenance.
  • jowings
    jowings Posts: 157 Member
    What really helps is to have "wash and wear" hair. Go to the salon and have your hair cut in a style that lays well on its own so that you don't have to spend all that time styling! Or at least a style that's less maintenance. :)

    Exactly this! I wasn't aware that this was even an option until I got my first "Big Girl" hair cut (I actually went to a salon instead of Supercuts or some other 15$ hair joint). I sat down in the chair and basically said "Look, I am not good with hair and I don't like spending a lot of time on it. Can you do something that will be easy to style?" 45 minutes later I had an awesome cut (minus about a hundred bucks, but totally worth it) and I literally just wash it, slap some fluffy stuff in it if I want it crazy and let it air dry. I will never go back to the 15$ haircut again.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    What really helps is to have "wash and wear" hair. Go to the salon and have your hair cut in a style that lays well on its own so that you don't have to spend all that time styling! Or at least a style that's less maintenance. :)

    The only "wash and go" my hair tolerates is a pixie cut, which I really don't think works on me. I had it for years, and it was great, but the pictures of me with that cut were not the best.

    My hair is absolutely insane. I'm prone to major frizzfests (white girl fro's as I like to call them), flyaways, and tangles. My hair will get into a knot like nobody's business. Wash and go usually turns out disheveled looking unfortunately... :(
  • palmerig88
    palmerig88 Posts: 623 Member
    Shower at night. If going in to work at 1:00 I get ready a bit more so I will go with that. Wake around 10:00. Coffee and various Internet. 11:00 pack lunch. 11:15 fix breakfast and eat. 11:45 think about getting ready. 11:50 makeup and brush teeth. 12:05 get dressed and assess hair maybe add an accessory or two. 12:15 put on shoes. Manage to waste time till 12:30ish then leave. Lol.
  • domsmoms
    domsmoms Posts: 174 Member
    I am very impressed at how fast you ladies are! I cannot seem to get out of the house in under two hours from the time I get up, and my "beauty" routine consists of showering, deodorant, and get dressed. No hair, no makeup.

    I think I spend the bulk of my time dawdling around trying to wake up, waiting for my husband to quit hogging the bathroom, trying to wake my son up, making our breakfasts and lunches (my food used to be much faster pre-MFP, because it usually consisted of going to buy some junk for breakfast and lunch), trying to stop my son from dawdling (can't imagine where he gets that habit). Then I always forget to do or bring something, and even more time is wasted.

    All in all I just don't do mornings well.
  • Mazzyx
    Mazzyx Posts: 131
    Ahhh it can take me about 45 minutes if I cant decide what to wear...:laugh:
    About 10-15 minutes showering (I tend to snooze in the shower)
    About 10 Minutes to do my make up (Im also drinking my tea checking my facebook)
    10 Minutes to dry my hair
    And then then 10 minutes changing outfit because I cannot find one that doesnt make me look bleugh! :laugh:
    If Ive decided the night before I can be out the door in 30 minutes! But thats for a regular day-Uni, town etc.
    When it comes to work (Student Nurse, placements usually on the Ward) that can take me 20 minutes tops. As its shower quick, quickly dry hair (whats the point, its going in a bobble), limited makeup (by the time Ive done the rounds of helping people up my make up is usually washed off) and whats to decide what to wear?! Its my uniform! :laugh: Also its the difference between getting up at 5:15am or sleeping till 5:30am...Id rather have extra 15 minutes! :laugh:
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    I'm super speedy!

    5 min shower + 10 to dry off throw on some mascara and get dressed. I'm usually out the door in less than 20 minutes. I also only wash my hair every few days though, so this saves a lot of time.

    If it's a special occasion.... 15 minutes to get ready, and then an entire hour to try on every clothing article I own.
  • Adelphia
    Adelphia Posts: 176
    5 minutes to shower, or more depending on what I'm singing.
    34 seconds tossling my hair, because thank the gods for short styles.
    10 minutes for make-up, 7 of which are probably dedicated to eyeliner.
    20 minutes tearing my hair out because nothing looks right on me.
    14 seconds saying **** it and staying in all day.
  • Oblivia17
    Oblivia17 Posts: 11 Member
    On a normal day I like to give myself 2 hours, but it really only takes about an hour 15.
    I like to slack about a bit in the morning.
    Roughly 10 in the shower, 15 blowing the hairs, another 20 to set them straight and about 10 more for makeup.
    The rest of the time is devoted to seeing what will fit that day.

    Unless I'm getting ready for my wedding... which is this December.
    In which case, I started getting ready in about February.

  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    What really helps is to have "wash and wear" hair. Go to the salon and have your hair cut in a style that lays well on its own so that you don't have to spend all that time styling! Or at least a style that's less maintenance. :)

    Exactly this! I wasn't aware that this was even an option until I got my first "Big Girl" hair cut (I actually went to a salon instead of Supercuts or some other 15$ hair joint). I sat down in the chair and basically said "Look, I am not good with hair and I don't like spending a lot of time on it. Can you do something that will be easy to style?" 45 minutes later I had an awesome cut (minus about a hundred bucks, but totally worth it) and I literally just wash it, slap some fluffy stuff in it if I want it crazy and let it air dry. I will never go back to the 15$ haircut again.

    I am pretty jealous. Unfortunately no matter how many hair is styled I have to spend time blow drying it else it will turn into a frizzy nightmare.
  • JadeRabbit08
    JadeRabbit08 Posts: 551 Member
    I got alot of good hair tricks from the longhaircommunity forums.
    My hair is prone to frizz and has never looked good without major effort/time. Since taking up suggestion from that forum my hair is much tamer and requires alot less time in the mornings to look presentable. Anyone with frizzy dry hair I would recomend it even if you are not planning to grow your hair long. I had no idea how much damage I was doing to my hair until I stumbled on that site (thanks to another MFP posting)

    I try and have as much prepared the night before otherwise I just cant get out the door in time. I spend the first 15 minutes after the alarm goes off wishing the alarm hadn't gone off.
  • Slim_Donna
    Slim_Donna Posts: 44 Member
    I prefer to shower in the evenings in the wk so my mornings tend to be:

    10 mins brush teeth and wash face
    20 mins getting my sons ready and dressed
    5 mins get dressed
    30 mins straighten hair and put on foundation and mascara. Which i tend to do after i've dropped my son off at school.

    Weekends add another 30-40 mins for shower and blow dry hair.
  • Nu_Mel
    Nu_Mel Posts: 48
    I shower at night as well. So from getting dressed, makeup, wash face/brush teeth and doing hair 20 mins on a work morning. Day off add maybe another 20 mins, as will often straighten or curl my hair these days.
  • Alphawolf02
    I have to wear scrubs everyday and I am also a bit of a tomboy, so my routine does not take too long.

    Running for 45 minutes. Shower and brush teeth. Get dressed (in scrubs). "Face routine": Moisturizer and a little foundation. Breakfast. Make lunch. Out the door.

    Takes me less than 40 minutes to get everything done after I finish running. Even when I don't work, it doesn't take me long to get ready. I don't wear makeup usually, and my hair gets put in a ponytail or braid. I honestly don't understand those who take 2 hours to get ready! :)
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    20mins-1hr bath (because I lie back, playing on my phone :laugh:)

    5-10 mins - creaming my whole body and face.

    2 -10 mins - choosing something to wear.

    That's it. I don't wear make up and I let my hair air dry.