feel disguisted with myself..huge binge



  • happypath101
    FORGIVE YOURSELF. Start Again.

    Seven times fall down.
    Eight times get back up.

    You can do this!
  • jsapninz
    jsapninz Posts: 909 Member
    In my humble opinion-look at today like your binge day that you needed to get out of your system...tomorrow pick up right where you left off. Maybe exersize a little longer and eat less carb rich foods but other than that -just move forward. Don't beat yourself up.

  • ChasingSweatandTears
    ChasingSweatandTears Posts: 504 Member
    Also I agree that you need to get it out of the house. Throw it in the trash. If you think you'll dig it out of the trash because it's still in packaging (yes, seriously) then remove it from the packaging THEN throw it in the trash. I don't know if it was an emotional binge or just a craving binge, but both have sources. Try to figure out what the source was and you will be more prepared to fend off a binge in the future :) And forgive yourself and get back on track :)
  • littlemermaid1048
    I did that yesterday at lunch time....ate like crazy and so unhealthy! Felt like a failure! Afterwards, knew by experience that I had to drink water like crazy and exercise way more what I'm used to to try to burn most of the consumed empty calories. Ate a very light dinner and went to bed early at night. Started my new day today by drinking lots of water and eating healthy.....back to my healthy self. You can do it too....don't ruin more valuable days! If you feel like starting overeating again, fill yourself with water, exercise, and go to bed to sleep early. Hope that works for you too.
  • jhealy1191
    jhealy1191 Posts: 56 Member
    Hang in there, When you wake up in the morning itll be a brand new day!

    I dont think you would have gained two lbs, but if you did its just water weight. Come Monday morning youll be as good as new! :)
  • AppleJuiceMoney
    Sometimes having a big day after a lot of restricted calorie days in a row can actually spike your metabolism. I went over my calories last night for the first time in ages and have seen a big drop on the scales this morning.. also, embrace it! You'll probably wake up with more energy tomorrow morning and won't feel as hungry as usual so get in a decent morning work out :D
  • veronicacannon
    veronicacannon Posts: 107 Member
    Tomorrow is a new Day! Start over tomorrow you can do it! We all have those days, just gotta start over the next day!
  • Mceastes
    Mceastes Posts: 303 Member
    It happens to ALL of us, no need to feel ashamed. I wouldn't punish yourself with juicing tomorrow - why set yourself up for another binge. I agree with others that just getting in a good exercise session should make you feel better. And drink a lot of water. These days are going to happen, you have to learn to forgive yourself and move on. Think of it this way: if your best friend did the same thing you did, wouldn't you tell her that everything's going to be OK and she shouldn't feel bad? When I find myself beating myself up, I tell myself that I wouldn't talk to a good friend that way and try to show myself the same compassion and understanding. This journey has a lot of restarts - it's completely normal!
  • jessicataylor2
    When I do that I always start drinking water right away and do a couple short workout videos that I find on youtube to try to get my metabolism kicking a little bit faster. Not only does that help your body a little bit, but it tends to calm me down because I'm already working to being healthy again. Don't beat yourself up about it.
  • Silverberry1331
    Silverberry1331 Posts: 13 Member
    We have all been there! Don't beat yourself up, and don't think all is lost-it isn't. I assure you that you haven't gained your weight back. Just start again, and move forward. You can do it. :)
  • Dimplybutt
    Dimplybutt Posts: 123 Member
    In my humble opinion-look at today like your binge day that you needed to get out of your system...tomorrow pick up right where you left off. Maybe exersize a little longer and eat less carb rich foods but other than that -just move forward. Don't beat yourself up.

    This is the right way to think ... and you need to start thinking this way too. :smile:

    You're awesome, you're doing awesome, and just because you had a binge day doesn't mean that everything you've worked on up to this point is null & void because that's not how it works, sweetie. Just return to your exercising and proper eating habits tomorrow (maybe exercise a little more or take an extra walk if it helps you feel better).
    ((Big Hugs))
  • schmoovey
    schmoovey Posts: 32 Member
    It's going to happen and it happens to us all. Everyone is allowed a cheat day or a cheat meal. Without it we wouldn't be normal. Next time you feel like that hungry, drink a full glass (or two) of water. That will help to fill up your stomach. Another trick I heard is to grab some peanut butter from the peanut jar and eat a couple tablespoons. For some reason that satisfies most cravings.

    Also, I understand that we go on those little binges when our bodies are tired. Our natural response is to take in carbs and lots of them. So, if that keeps happening to you, I would advise getting more sleep at night....at least 7.5 hours a night where you are actually asleep. That means turn off all electronics, etc. an hour before you get in bed.

    Best wishes in your continued fitness quest!
  • mexy04
    mexy04 Posts: 96
    I was doing great with my weight loss,but today, i don't even know what happened but i just pigged out. I ate so much at night, like chocolate covered raisons,cookies,icecream,chocolate,pizza, all i could take in and i feel disguisted with myself and fat!! I probally gained two pounds and i don't know what to do, i just could not stop! I feel overly full and my stomach is makeing horrible sounds! What do i do tomorrow? I thought i should juice to avoid letting loseagain and having another binge day? Please help? :frown:

    You enjoyed yourself? I'm pretty sure that was a yes, so in that case pick yourself up off the floor drink plenty of water and poop all that crap out tomorrow morning!! Get up eat your breakfast like your suppose to and just move on. You really need to sit down and figure out why you are eating emotionally because "fasting" or starving (what I like to call it) will only set you up for another binge session like that soon after. You really need to settle into a routine that will keep you full and satisfied throughout the day and a consistent workout that will help rechannel those emotions that are pushing you over the edge sending you into a binge. I have struggled with this for YEARS and it's like trying to climb out of a deep hole that you keep falling down into. I believe much like most eating disorders, binge eating is something that is emotionally deep rooted and really must be addressed to resolve these vicious cycles.
  • shellsie_j
    shellsie_j Posts: 132 Member
    Need to read this
  • cbediria
    cbediria Posts: 29
    one day? i had 3 weeks where i freaked out and ate ridiculous amounts of junk food, i ate and ate until it hurt. i gained 5 pounds, and then you know what i did?? i took a deeeeeep breath. laughed at myself. and started over on monday. and look at that, im back on track, just like that. as long as you can collect yourself, remind yourself what you want and why you want it...a do over is always possible :D GOOOOOOOO YOOOUUUU!!! yay!
  • smoore724
    I don't think eating 800 calories on a regular basis is healthy for anyone! It slows your metabolism!
  • smoore724
    I don't think eating 800 calories on a regular basis is healthy for anyone! It slows your metabolism!
    Ok honestly... it might be not such a bad thing... That is if you have been really good about your diet before this binge. Sometimes your body needs to replenish and a spike can actually confuse your metabolism and get you loosing more efficiently. I was doing crazy well with my diet when I first started sticking well below 1200 cals for weeks around 800-900 range but after about 3 weeks I totally stalled. I had a few really bad binge days and then brought my cals up to 1200 for several weeks and I started loosing really regularly. I am currently cutting down to 800 for 1 week and then bumping for a day and then I will be back to my 1200 cals a day for a week or so. So far the results are fantastic. After my most recent spike day... I am down 3 pounds =)

    Don't get down on yourself... weight loss is a marathon not a race... you are going to be living in your bod the rest of your life and if you can't have a bad day or a sweet treat once and a while what's the point =) Just say ok I enjoyed my spike now it's back to business =) good luck!
  • hereicomeskinnymini
    Think of all the sugar i took in! Now that i look back at it, yuck!
  • mexy04
    mexy04 Posts: 96
    I don't think eating 800 calories on a regular basis is healthy for anyone! It slows your metabolism!
    Ok honestly... it might be not such a bad thing... That is if you have been really good about your diet before this binge. Sometimes your body needs to replenish and a spike can actually confuse your metabolism and get you loosing more efficiently. I was doing crazy well with my diet when I first started sticking well below 1200 cals for weeks around 800-900 range but after about 3 weeks I totally stalled. I had a few really bad binge days and then brought my cals up to 1200 for several weeks and I started loosing really regularly. I am currently cutting down to 800 for 1 week and then bumping for a day and then I will be back to my 1200 cals a day for a week or so. So far the results are fantastic. After my most recent spike day... I am down 3 pounds =)

    Don't get down on yourself... weight loss is a marathon not a race... you are going to be living in your bod the rest of your life and if you can't have a bad day or a sweet treat once and a while what's the point =) Just say ok I enjoyed my spike now it's back to business =) good luck!

    Um this is horrible advice. I really hope you do not listen to this. Honestly, to each's own but that is extremely unhealthy and eventually you will crash into a horrible binge trying to live like that. It will be like walking around holding your breath. Why do people think if you eat you will be fat. Good luck and good riddance.
  • aniwani
    aniwani Posts: 110
    Truly.. learn how to read... I said she had a spike day which is prob a good thing it can jump start your metabolism.. and now she can get back to business ... I told her what i did that did not work and I told her what I was planning for myself to jump strt me weightloss ... I was not telling her to copy me I even said being on 800-900 cals regularly stalled my loss!... And BTW for the short term, it totally worked Lowering my cals to 800-900 for one week and having a spike day around 2,000 cals at the end followed by 1200 cals eating which is what I am supposed to be at BTW has jump started my weight loss again ...I am eating more cals and loosing where as before I did the fast/spike and maintaining higher cals I was stalled. Please read all the way through before you scold me for personal choices...

    I don't think eating 800 calories on a regular basis is healthy for anyone! It slows your metabolism!
    Ok honestly... it might be not such a bad thing... That is if you have been really good about your diet before this binge. Sometimes your body needs to replenish and a spike can actually confuse your metabolism and get you loosing more efficiently. I was doing crazy well with my diet when I first started sticking well below 1200 cals for weeks around 800-900 range but after about 3 weeks I totally stalled. I had a few really bad binge days and then brought my cals up to 1200 for several weeks and I started loosing really regularly. I am currently cutting down to 800 for 1 week and then bumping for a day and then I will be back to my 1200 cals a day for a week or so. So far the results are fantastic. After my most recent spike day... I am down 3 pounds =)

    Don't get down on yourself... weight loss is a marathon not a race... you are going to be living in your bod the rest of your life and if you can't have a bad day or a sweet treat once and a while what's the point =) Just say ok I enjoyed my spike now it's back to business =) good luck!

    Um this is horrible advice. I really hope you do not listen to this. Honestly, to each's own but that is extremely unhealthy and eventually you will crash into a horrible binge trying to live like that. It will be like walking around holding your breath. Why do people think if you eat you will be fat. Good luck and good riddance.