Don't understand why I'm not losing weight



  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    You can have a perfectly balanced diet without fruit. What does Jenny say ?

    Sugars from fruit are sugars and carbohydrates just like any other.

    Society may have glorified some foods and demonised others, in doing so we got a massive obesity problem. Go figure.
  • cazwillis99
    cazwillis99 Posts: 238 Member

    Just of interest what do you have your weight loss set to per week? If it's 2lb per week it's too high for your goal weight. You should only be aiming for 2lb a week if you have over 75lb to lose.

    My weight loss is set to 1lb a week (I am very realistic about how much I am likely to lose regularly) I am not expecting a quick fix by doing this but I did expect to have lost at least some weight in 60 days (I don't consider half a pound much of a success even though it is a loss!!!)
  • androde
    androde Posts: 96 Member
    Drink as much water as you possibly can and make sure you're getting 8 hours of sleep every night.

    What do I do if I can't get 8 hours sleep per night?
  • Erika1962
    Erika1962 Posts: 187 Member
    I looked at your diary and your carbs seem high to me and the protein to low, but that's just my opinion.
  • mamakira
    mamakira Posts: 366
    I have the same problem. I started my journey middle of February, I swim 1h a day 5-6 days a week. I lost 4 pounds so far. It is very frustrating. I can´t even say I have a major NSV as my jeans still fit, I don´t fit in a smaller size. :(
    I tried eating under my calorie goal, I tried eating my exercise calories back, I tried cut down on carbs...:sad: No difference.:mad:

    I am going on holiday for 4 days now, no scales, good italian food, redwine. Maybe I am in a better mood after that and my body finally decides to let go.
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    I agree with a previous poster. I took a quick calculation from your diary and you are consistently NETTING under your BMR.

    At the end of the day when you have that little calculation of food cals - exercise cals it should not be lower than your BMR. Your BMR is what you need to keep everything working if you do NOTHING!

    Make sure that at the end of the day your food - exercise = BMR at the very least if not 100-200 over. Right now from what I see you are NET about 1000-1200 cals per day, that means you are actually undereating by 100-200 cals at least. You need to feed your body if your doing exercise.

    Everybody is different so you do have to experiment a little too. I have eaten NET close to my BMR and losing, slowly, but losing. You just have to find what works for you but stay healthy at the same time.

    I hope this is helpful.


    Good post, It's important to fuel your body properly.

    If you have come from slimming world you will be used to eating low fat, 'diet' foods which are generally high in sugar, and free green day carbs which can be a bit much.
    My sister is coeliac and I'm half diagnosed just waiting further tests - a lot of the gluten free 'replacement' foods are high in fat and sugar, try to choose more naturally gluten free foods like lean meats, cheese, veg, potatoes, brown rice, quinoa etc.
    Try doing more home cooking rather than buying the premade gf stuff like pizzas, cookies etc.
    There is a gluten free group on here with some great recipes.

    I'd suggest tracking sugar, between the fruit, yogurt, canned soup and gluten free stuff, your intake looks pretty high.
    Adjust your macros to a higher protein intake, maybe 25-30%.
    Make sure you NET above bmr.
    If you don't do it already try adding some weight training in order to increase muscle mass, which will burn more calories and lose inches :-)
  • cazwillis99
    cazwillis99 Posts: 238 Member
    Thank you everybody for your comments and advice. here is my plan:

    Up my protein - based on advice I should be eating 161g protein a day - going to work on this
    Lower Carbs - will work on this - hopefully a few small changes will reduce my carbs, i.e. quinoa not rice or gluten free pasta
    Exercise - bought 30DS on Thursday - will start it next week and see if that makes a difference
    Calories eaten - will try to hit a minimum of my BMR each day after exercise - will go and reset my daily calories to 1600 (scary figure took me a moment to type that!)
    Weights - I have been doing a bit with weights, nothing I would consider major however so I will try to increase the level of weights I am doing.
    I already drink in excess of my 8 glasses of water each day so not much to change on that one
    Forgot to add that I am not going to eat back any exercise cals either for a little while now that I have upped my daily cals to 1600

    If anyone can see any glaring mistakes in my plan then please shout up and let me know.

    thank you again for stopping by and reading my post and giving me advice :-)
  • pdkc1
    pdkc1 Posts: 14
  • Yacki
    Yacki Posts: 46 Member
    Possibly water retention, which is normal when on a prolonged calorie restricted diet. If that's the case, the weight will come off periodically in large amounts rather than gradually. You can stimulate this by having a higher calorie day with a decent helping of carbs (part of why "cheat days" are so popular I think).

    Sounds like you are doing well. Here is what I would recommend:
    Get your thyroid checked. Get you actual BMR from a doctor.
    Start weight training. Cardio is great for conditioning, but not so effective for getting in shape (I'm sure I'll get flamed for that, but it's the truth)

    Get your blood sugar levels tested. If they are normal and you have no insulin resistance problems/diabetes then look into intermittent fasting. Fasting is an unbelievably effective method for fat loss.

    What he said is what I was thinking when you said you had not lost . If you have a thyroid - condition that might be working against you.
  • chez8205
    chez8205 Posts: 3
    had a good look at your food intake what i can see is a bit of sugar u need to read the labels and see how much it has in it i hope this can help u
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    That looks like a good plan :-)
    You don't need to cut the carbs down completely, just reduce, what I do when I'm having pasta or rice, I will have a half serving (50g dry) and make up the difference with veg.

    If you don't eat back exercise, make sure your net doesn't drop below bmr.
    Mfp cals are worked out net so expect you to eat back exercise.
    Bmr/tdee cals already include exercise so you don't need to log.

    Eta - also double check entries in database. Quite a lot are just plain wrong or only have calories entered, so you could be eating more or less than you think you are!
  • actresskat
    actresskat Posts: 120 Member
    Hi, I don't eat back my exercise calories unless I'm really hungry (I think this helps) though others will say you must eat them back. It's never harmed me so far and I'm above 1,200 calories anyway like you.

    Secondly, the calorie counter on gym equipment are usually way way off - it takes the average for a woman/man of average height and build and uses that so you'll need to check what you would burn.

    Agree, with above points that yes, when doing exercise you need to sweat and have a heart rate at your 70-80% MHR to get somewhere fast. Walking etc. is good and if that's all you can do then do that as it will get you there but you'll be walking for a long time compared to jogging or running for a shorter time and getting the additional benefits for your heart/circulation/skin etc by the higher exertion.

    Thirdly, do hit your protein goals each day as that's, I find, really helpful and keeps you fuller for longer than carbs.
  • actresskat
    actresskat Posts: 120 Member
    Oh, and one more cyclic dieting is a good idea too if you plateau for too long. Every now and then I have more calories than normal and it doesn't have a detrimental effect - in fact, a day or two after I'll drop a pound or two.
  • cazwillis99
    cazwillis99 Posts: 238 Member
    Hi, had bloods done quite recently and all came back clear so there is no underlying cause for me not loosing weight. I specifically had the bloods done because I wasn't losing weight & kept bloating up so much that I looke pregnant. I was tested for celiacs but came back negative which is why my doctor said it was an intolerence - cutting out gluten & wheat has made a massive difference - no bloating, no gas (which was majorly bad) no migraines since giving up gluten/wheat so I think that has helped.

    Most of my food is home prepared, but I do need to cut back on the snacks but I have a really sweet tooth :-/ Sometimes though I just need something quick and easy but I definitely don't eat processed foods as much as I used to.
  • I'm there with you. I think it's my age (45)... I was told to do at least 45 mins of cardio 4 times a week. Mostly I can only get in 3 days a week. I also do weights and have considerable weight when doing them.. I think I need to lower my calorie intake further. As well, I try not to eat anything white -- sugar, flour, bread, salt,.... lay off carbs. I try to increase the protein too but nothing seems to help. Gotta be age.... Never had this problem in my younger years....
  • terry_mtb
    terry_mtb Posts: 45
    Before mfp i had weighed 400lbs..I need inspiration for the rest. But what I do know as fact is that your protein should be a lot higher. There are gluten free ones out there and are great.( I am sorry, protein mixes) Try at least 2 a day. That will help.
  • ColleenRoss50
    ColleenRoss50 Posts: 199 Member
    I have been on MFP for nearly 60 days now and this week gained 1.5 lbs - leaving my total weight loss at 4.5 lbs (4 of which were the difference between my last SW weigh in dressed and in the evening and my first MFP weigh in naked and in the morning) so really I have lost a whole half pound in two months.

    If I am reading the above correctly you are saying that your FIRST weighin almost 60 days ago was naked in the morning and your LAST weighin was dressed in the evening. If that is correct you may have lost more than you think. As a matter of fact if I am reading what you meant correctly you may be doing a little better than your target of 1 lb. per week. Could you clarify this?
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    pasta is carbs in any scenario, I don't see a need for a woman to go over 100g of protein TBH unless you're on some sort of muscle building plan.
  • gooiyw
    gooiyw Posts: 114 Member
    Tweak your carb/protein ratio. Up your proteins and lower your carbs. Yes, plus lots of water and rest.
  • kaylz0106
    kaylz0106 Posts: 117 Member