Looking for MFP friends to support me along my journey

Hello Everyone! I'm fairly new to MFP (been on here constantly for the past week haha) and I am looking for some friends to get support, help, or just an ear to listen and I will give the same in return. :happy: I absolutely love MFP and look forward to making some great new friends along the way to reaching my goals!


  • BrVanillaB
    Here I am!On the same search.And even with only 2 friends here, believe me, those girls are helping me a lot.So, I'm adding you right now ok?So we can support each other.

    Feel free to add me and lets share our stories and sneak up on each others diaries!Haha

    (sorry for english - I'm from Brazil)
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    I'm always up for new friends! :smile:
  • mistressmambo
    mistressmambo Posts: 75 Member
    love new friends :D
  • fiddlegirl8
    Pretty new here and would love to add you as a friend :)
  • snoski4evr
    I am new also. Still learning how to work the message boards. Add me as a friend. It sounds like we are on the same pathway. :)
  • CdnPgnMom
    CdnPgnMom Posts: 172 Member
    I love new friends and I am on here multiple times a day! :)
  • sonia_mt
    sonia_mt Posts: 37 Member
    I would love a new pal :)
  • adavis59
    adavis59 Posts: 285 Member
    Welcome to MFP! you can add me as your friend! :)
  • adavis59
    adavis59 Posts: 285 Member
    Welcome! You can add me as your friend! :smile:
  • cwunderlich
    cwunderlich Posts: 35 Member
    :smile: Welcome - feel free to add me as well!!
  • dlhenry511
    Welcome! Feel free to add me as a friend. Good luck!
  • ProjFit
    ProjFit Posts: 143
    hey! Im Christina, Im 21 and im looking to lose 90lbs. I could always use more MFP friends! So far, ive seen nothing but support and motivation coming out of this website, and im so impressed by everyone here. I think you'll really enjoy it. :)
  • Twidget12
    Twidget12 Posts: 71
    Thanks ladies!! Look forward to getting to know you all!! :smile:
  • rubysphoto
    rubysphoto Posts: 254 Member
    Never too many friends or support, feel free to add me. :-)
  • BeautyAndStrength50
    BeautyAndStrength50 Posts: 273 Member
    You can add me.. Ive been on here for over a year and I love it. I made my goal weigh back in Nov. but dont want to leave. Have great friends and its so inspiring to see others do what they can and to push others as they push me.. :)

  • kimberly0416
    kimberly0416 Posts: 123 Member
    I back slid for about four months, so thinking having friends on here would definitely help.
  • JanolaBarbara
    JanolaBarbara Posts: 322 Member
    Hello! I also just joined MFP almost a week ago and I feel that some friends could help me reach my goal! Go ahead and friend me. :)
  • grubb1019
    grubb1019 Posts: 371 Member
    I'm new here too. You can add me!
  • domsmoms
    domsmoms Posts: 174 Member
    Feel free to add me for motivation and support!
  • Polebarbie
    Hi to am looking for friend to join me on my journey. Feel free to add me I'm supportive and nice