What was your Rock Bottom?



  • pclarinetto
    pclarinetto Posts: 33 Member
    i remember a moment when i was flying to an audition and saw a guy request a seat belt extender and how i had to expand the seat belt all the way to buckle up. i once flew an entire flight without my seat belt buckled because i couldn't buckle it and was too embarrassed and ashamed to ask for an extender, so i just pretended like i was sleeping and covered myself with my jacket. i NEVER want to encounter that again.

    what's funny is that i still didn't do anything after that. i went home for winter break and met with my doctor because i was having major hand and lower back issues, but i was too dumb to figure out my massiveness led to those things. he suggested that i go to a sauna because i needed to sweat (i never sweat, always hated it) but i HATE getting naked. can't even look at myself so the thought of me doing that in front of people freaked me out. i started running 1 mile a day every day and watching what i ate.

    i guess that was my rock bottom and "aha" moment. my joints were causing me problems and getting stiff, i hated looking at myself, i always felt like people were embarrassed to be seen with me and with all that negativity i finally said "to hell with it" and dived in. signed up at a gym, got a personal trainer, signed up for a 5k and have been working my butt off! it feels great and now i love to sweat! don't know why but it feels so good!
  • xPOOKiEx
    xPOOKiEx Posts: 156 Member
    My rock bottom was a little different. It happened when I didn't eat anything for a week straight. I lived off of water, and diet dr. pepper. I was not at all underweight, or over-weight. I was average size and what any doctor would call healthy. I just wasn't happy with my appearance so I took drastic measures to change it. And it worked. I lost 10 pounds in 1 week. I was a corpse pretty much though. I was severely fatigued and didn't feel well mentally. I knew I needed good healthy food but I decided not to eat it.

    I passed out with friends and they called 911. After being admitted to the hospital I knew it was time for a change. I started eating healthy and working out regularly. I have my bad days where I think it would be easy to resort back to that for an easy weight loss.

    I am on MFP to re-learn how to be healthy. To hold myself accountable for my intake and exercise. I need to stay here for my boyfriend and family. I need to be healthy for my own sake.
  • achampionsheart
    achampionsheart Posts: 1,020 Member
    my rock bottom was when i was told that i had type 2 diabetes and high cholesterol at the age of 32....LAST YEAR....i was at my heaviest, 232, and am now at 193....it is not easy, but i knew that diabetes has a great track record of KILLING.....so i told my fat a** that i was not going to be one of them.....i have alot to live for and am living proof that someone that thought they could never lose weight REALLY CAN if you put forth the effort, hard work and determination it takes to do it.....i have so many healthy goals that i want to see come to be in my life that i cant stop now.....all it takes, yall, is ONE HEALTHY CHOICE, and one healthy choice leads to another and another and another.....YOU CAN DO IT.....SO GET UP AND GO FOR IT
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    I hit 301bs after getting out of an abusive relationship and having a nervous breakdown. I didn't care I'd been piling weight on coz I hated myself. I was admitted into hospital with gall bladder attacks and told I couldn't have surgery because I was too large. I had a new fiance and 2 step kids, something snapped in my head! I deserved better, the past wasn't my fault and my finace and kids deserved better. I have fybromyalgia and my quality of life was horrendous. I couldn't do family walks etc. Little did I know I'd need major surgery for liver tumours. This was much safer for loosing 56lbs and I'd lost enough weight to have key hole\laprascopic surgery instead of a massive wound. Being active has greatly helped me depression and fybromyalgia. My new life is amazing compared to the quality of life I used to have. I'm 245 now and nothing will stop me from getting to 160 or less. NOTHING! Still have self confidence issues, and the past will always be part of me, but I refuse to let it define me anymore! X
  • Rosa1213
    Rosa1213 Posts: 456 Member
    This may not sound like such an "a-ha!" moment, but a week or so ago, my boyfriend wrote an article for his university newspaper about the increasing obesity epidemic, and its title was "You're Fat". Now, being the loving girlfriend that I am, I read all of his articles, every day, and I wasn't going to skip this one just because it was about being overweight.

    He's never ever made a comment about my weight that is hurtful, and he always tells me that I'm beautiful, no matter what. But I just couldn't shake this gross feeling of how I'd feel if he ever looked at me and said "You're Fat". Then I found MFP, and the rest is history :)

    2 pounds lost, many more to go....
  • kvandver
    kvandver Posts: 2
    My husband lost 143 lbs over a year and a half, but I still wasn't motivated enough. He did it with cutting his diet and taking those weightloss shots, but he never worked out, so his skin was saggy. I didn't want to get saggy skin, so I decided not to diet, and just stay away from cameras.

    Then my family (parents, 3 brothers, all their families) decided to come down in 2 months to go camping. With ALL of them being on Facebook, I knew that pictures would be taken and posted for everyone I knew in high school to see. (I haven't seen many of them in 15 years). I just cannot let that happen. So, I started dieting and exercising. I now exercise twice a day, with walking in the morning and rotate P90x and Turbo Jam in the evenings. So far so good, only been doing it a week. I have already lost 9 lbs and 6 inches...
  • kimanne4
    kimanne4 Posts: 52 Member
    Seeing 249.4 on the scale is what did me in. I haven't weighed myself in forever and when I saw how close I was to 250 I about fell over. I'm tired of being tired. I'm tired of shopping in the women's section. I'm tired of hearing my ex's voice in my head saying I'm fat. Most importantly I'm not ready to be sick. I don't want to be a diabetic. I don't want to have a heart attack. I don't want my joints to hurt because of the weight I'm carrying around. I guess the ah ha moment is when you decide to take control and fix yourself. I'm so thankful I got on that scale. It's changed my life:)
  • ChristiH4000
    ChristiH4000 Posts: 531 Member
    I love how straightforward we can be on here. Thanks for the topic, dude, you are spot on.
    Rewind to 2009 and the end of a horrific disaster of a marriage. I was at 235lbs and stopped working out 4 years prior because my cheating husband thought I was cheating on him when I tried to go to the gym. My only physical activity was occasionally walking the dogs. I agreed to participate in a 5K walk for a corporate challenge my office was a part of. I finished but was completely miserable, sore, and exhausted. Marriage counseling was continuing to go nowhere to the point where the counselor agreed with me when I brought up divorce. My finances were a disaster. I was regularly binge-eating with zero restraint. My whole damn life was imploding, and all at 26 years old. When people ask me now how I did it, I jokingly say that I got divorced, but it truly was the catalyst for a change in my life. Before I wasn't identifying with my own needs or emotions, and I finally found an age of maturity where I understood myself better than ever before. I let go of not caring about my health, emotionally stability, or weight and started making changes to improve all these parts. I'm almost 29 now, and life is so much better. I work out 4 to 5 days each week, and lost 50lbs. I'm in a new and good relationship, but I loosened up on my eating and exercise gaining 10lbs back. At the beginning of the year, I added back my Saturday work outs. In March I started a C25K program. Almost two weeks ago I joined MFP to get my nutrition right. I want to make my goal weight, and keep fitness as a part of my life forever.