Who lost 100+ pounds WITHOUT surgery ?

Hello...I am new to MFP and am finding alot of topics for support to people who have had bypass surgery. But, I am losing weight the old fashioned way...hard work, watching what I eat and exercising. I understand this will be a loooong process, hence why it is a life change NOT a diet. Would love to meet people who are/have done the same thing. I'm about a week and a half in and have lost 5 pounds so far. It's very hard for me to loose weight, I just look at a piece of candy and gain 10 pounds :-)


  • anna_lisa
    anna_lisa Posts: 486 Member
    In the past I have lost over 100 lbs with no surgery. Kept it off for over 7 years. After baby number two and the stress of school I put some back on and I am here to lose idealy 50 but would be fine with a little less than that. My sister last summer had the lap band surgery and seems so easy, but I know I can do it without that so I won't go that route. Slow and steady wins the race. Food can be addictive. I never craved sugar till I got older and if I start eating I can't stop. But after a few days of eating healthy I don't crave it (Biologically it can function like a drug craving). But allow yourself to stumble and have setbacks it is part of the process and really your body will adapt so to stumble once in awhile sometimes isn't bad, then you keep your body guessing and it will do the work.
  • itsirkmr
    itsirkmr Posts: 24 Member
    I am going to!!!! :)
  • myjourney2
    myjourney2 Posts: 424 Member
    I actually got as far as orientation class for gastric bypass surgery. Came out of the class feeling it just wasnt for me. Joined the gym, found MFP and have been working hard ever since.

    I know it will come off much slowly than with surgery but that is ok with me. At my age (61 next month) I dont want the really saggy skin and other problems that come with rapid weight loss.

    So to answer your question - havent lost 100 lbs yet but I am on my way!
  • dlwyatt82
    dlwyatt82 Posts: 1,077 Member
    Ask me that question in another year or so. :smile:
  • reducedfatgirl
    reducedfatgirl Posts: 2 Member
    I am nearly a year into my weight loss journey and have lost 110lbs so far. No surgery, just eating right and exercising regularly.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Welcome..... 34 months into this journey and have lost a few pounds... :-) Surgery was never an option... If I could not fix what was broken in my head then there was nothing surgery wise that was going to keep me from falling back on old habits... So just working my butt off and getting my head screwed on straight.... lol Best of Luck,,,
  • Erica27511
    Erica27511 Posts: 490 Member
    A few?? What you have done is amazing!!! I love the fact you cannot fix what is broken in your head. AMEN! Keep up the good work, you have definitely inspired me!
  • steph1278
    steph1278 Posts: 483 Member
    Not quite 100 pounds lost, but I am close. I started Jan 3, 2011. Got off track at the end of 2011, but started back up this year. It's not easy, but definitely worth it.
  • kvandver
    kvandver Posts: 2
    I personally haven't yet, but my total goal is to lose 107 lbs. So far only 9, but at least it is a start. However, my husband did. He lost 143 lbs. He changed his diet, quit drinking sodas, and was taking those weightloss shots, the ones with the HcG, B12 and something else. They really worked for him to lose it, but the second he quit taking them, he started gaining it all back. He ended up gaining about 2/3rd's of it back, but has joined me this time to diet. I am exercising as well, but he still won't. One day... one day...
  • ProjFit
    ProjFit Posts: 143
    I plan to lose 100lbs without any surgery or diet pills. I know it will be hard, but im 21.. I WANT to do this the hard way.
  • bear_nakey
    bear_nakey Posts: 340 Member
    Not quite 100lb loss, but close... I am kind of thinking of pushing just a little more to see that 100 pound mark. To be honest, I very well could have lost 100 lbs by now, but I was too chicken *kitten* to weigh myself at my absolute highest. I lost a few before I finally stepped on the scale. Either way, no surgery just good ole' fashion hard work. The hardest part is changing your way of thinking about food, whic to this day is a challenge! You can do it girl, one day at a time, do think about the big picture, but rather, take the puzzle piece by piece. :D
    DFWTT Posts: 374
    Congratulations to all of you that have done it, as the OP says, the old fashioned way. Congratulations to all of you as well who have made the decision to get up and get moving on your own. It may be a long road, but there is no better feeling in this world than being accomplished and confident in knowing you busted your *kitten* and it felt good. I don't support the surgery method for various reasons; you can well imagine the top reason I don't support it. Medical necessity aside. :drinker:
  • OpenHeaven
    OpenHeaven Posts: 275 Member
    I am just getting started, but I AM LOSING 120 lbs the NATURAL way - no surgery, no pills, no starvation, no joke!!!! (For those of you who have had surgery, I'm not against it...I have an aunt who had bypass surgery 10 years ago and it saved her life...it's just not the way I have decided to do it.)

    I would also love friends who are on a journey to lose 100+ and are FULLY COMMITTED to making this change - for life!!!

    I may not be running around in tank tops and shorts this summer, but next summer - LOOK OUT!!! :laugh: :laugh: :wink: :wink: :happy: :happy: I haven't worn a dress or skirt in 10 years...I am going to a wedding in August, and I WILL be in a dress (I have already bought two)!!! I haven't worn shorts or a bathing suit in 15+ years...NOW IS MY TIME!!!

    It's time for ALL of us!! WE GOT THIS!!! It's victory dance time!! Who wants to join me!!??!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • nicholebean
    nicholebean Posts: 160
    I have lost over 110lbs the old fashioned way! It has taken me 3 years to figure out how to finally really lose it and keep it off but I am finally there. I am not knocking people who get the surgery because everyone has to make their own choices and do what is right for them. However, I am super glad I did it the old fashioned way and am so proud of myself for doing it!

    You can do it! If you want any motivation check out my blog: http://healthychoices-for-life.blogspot.com/. My first post ever is about my back story of all my weight loss. I also post low calorie recipes and other motivational blogs. :]
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    me me me! I was offered a lapband type surgery by a friend who is a nurse but I declined.
  • violavi
    violavi Posts: 21
    I was offered it by my dr, but I really don't want to go down that route. I'm doing it myself and this way I will fix my old habits and learn to be healthier.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
  • LindseyDD
    LindseyDD Posts: 160 Member
    I have lost 110 pounds in the last year without anything but ME!! No weight watchers, no HCG, no surgery NOTHING - just hard work and dedication to my eating and the gym - I have 30 pounds to get to my goal of 160 pounds and am so excited to reach that in the next 6 months or so!!
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    "hand raised in air" It's work but it is doable and worth it!
  • I have! Woot! For me being overweight wasn't just by over eating. Surgery would not fix all the emotional and mental addiction to food and the comfort it gave me. I think that for me losing the weight slowly and doing a lot of research on emotional eating really helped my focus.