Quick! Help me shop :)

fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
Going to Costco in 30 minutes to get more food (I just started eating 3k calories instead of 700 this week) so looking for healthy ideas. Need snack food, lunch stuff, ect. Also need something slightly sweet to drink (Maybe lightly flavored soda water?)


  • Kayley
    Kayley Posts: 327 Member
    Me likes protein/energy bars. Balance, zone perfect, pure protein, and clif are my favorites. They taste good and are very filling. :happy:
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    Good call, cliff bars are tasty!
  • sk2775
    sk2775 Posts: 703 Member
    Just went to costco this past week. Some nice choices include
    -Individual sabra hummus
    -Greek yogurt
    -Coconut water

    Have fun. It was hard to resist all the free samplers that they were handing out.
  • Newf77
    Newf77 Posts: 802 Member
    Grab yourself a bag of frozen fruit, so many different options can start from here. I am a fan of Greek Yogurts {look at the sugar content} and cottage cheese. Cans of Tuna are also in my staple stable.
  • hkatrobos
    hkatrobos Posts: 49
    peanut butter
    lunch meats (turkey, chicken)
    cheese sticks/cubes
    protein powder
    LOTS of eggs
    greek yogurt
    red peppers
    black beans
    tuna fish

    these are always staples on my list and remember to choose foods with high proteins!!
  • juliee274
    juliee274 Posts: 124 Member
    Love Costco....here are some of my picks:

    - Protein bars/Clif bars for snacking/meal replacement on the go
    - Boneless, skinless chicken breasts wrapped individually to grill/bake/stir fry
    - Whole chickens to roast (easy to do in Crock Pot!)
    - GREAT produce including large containers of lettuce, fresh green beans, baby carrots (good with that hummus!) and bags of fresh fruit
    - Frozen fruit (great for smoothies)
    - Yogurt (Greek or low-fat)
    - Kashi Go Lean crunch (love to mix with yogurt and fruit for high protein and high fiber breakfast)
    - Zero calorie flavored waters/teas (my coupons have the diet green tea on sale right now!)
    - Skinny cow ice cream sandwiches (on sale right now...great when you need a low-cal treat!)
    - Frozen bagged shrimp and tilapia (high protein)

    Good luck....lots of good choices there if you shop smart! Let us know what you get!
  • Neequie
    Neequie Posts: 48
    carbonation is the devil!! Try the MIO flavors for water...in a triangular plastic portale container. Found in with Kool Aid...zero calorie too! Crystal light..there are several brands of zero or low cal flavors to add to water. FOOD OPTIONS: high protein...quality protein...low fat. Energy bars are usually very high in calories and carbs, so be careful. My weight loss Dr has me living by the 20/20 rule...which is anything I eat must be 20grams or over of protein and UNDER 20 grams of carbs. NO grains, flour or refined sugar, or potatoes. Ive lost 45lbs since using MFP, and over 50lbs total since late October, and I didn't gain an ounce over the holidays. Good luck!
  • iLinduh
    iLinduh Posts: 50 Member
    Hands down. Coconut water!