Kicking the diet soda addiction



  • Thermogenic
    Thermogenic Posts: 11 Member
    Calories In/Calories Out is most important and is true for everyone. Things like increased cravings from sugar substitutes are going to vary by the individua, but no one gets fat from diet soda itself. Despite all of the fear mongering you see online, the sugar substitutes you see online are based in pseudo-science and conspiracy theories. REF:
  • ChrisGoldn
    ChrisGoldn Posts: 473 Member
    Funny there was just an article on Yahoo about extreme Coca-cola addiction was interesting to read.
  • Laurieann137
    Laurieann137 Posts: 95 Member
    Is there something in Diet pop that makes you crave it even more?? I am SO addicted to Dt. Dew! As I'm drinking my 3rd can for the day as I type this! lol! I am kind of stuck right now weight wise, tired a lot, and have high anxiety....I wonder if I can get off of it, if I can help those things. Hmmm....
  • rachaela06
    rachaela06 Posts: 167
    Great job giving up the diet soda!! I have never been a diet soda fan, but when u give up all the sugar drinks, the weight really seems to come off. I recently read an article about diet soda that stated the artificial sweetners that are in them create a chemical addiction to sugar. You end up eating and drinking more and increase your chances of having diabetes. That was pretty scary to read. That stuff is in everything.
  • Jeanne78832
    I gave up my diet coke addiction about 4 months ago and I feel much better since doing so. I just substituted iced green tea and water for the diet coke and now i don't miss diet coke anymore.
  • ChrisGoldn
    ChrisGoldn Posts: 473 Member
    Do you really think that there is a connection between diet drinks and the inability to lose weight?

    No... and calling this an addiction is an insult to anyone who has battled true addiction.

    You couldnt be so wrong about this.... Any Addiction is tough to fight through.
  • VirginiaWoof
    bump for later :) i have a terrible diet soda addiction! i never have any in the house but if I'm at college the vending machine just calls to me...
  • IndyMode
    IndyMode Posts: 54 Member
    I drink Diet Sunkist a lot, I think I'm going to try to switch to lemon water like you and see if it helps my cravings. I get sugar cravings really bad at night.
  • caritiger
    caritiger Posts: 82 Member
    I am having a hard time giving them up-- I do great for a while, then gradually I start craving them, and finding excuses to drink one, especially Coke Zero. I have been trying to replace them with water and decaf green tea.

    Just got this in my email today, actually-- food, or rather, drink, for thought:
  • iceandfire212
    iceandfire212 Posts: 35 Member
    That much lemon water will destroy your teeth--it destroys the enamel of the teeth. Try not to make a habit of it for to long.