need ideas for school

foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
hey everybody

i need ideas for dinner when im at school

i get up and leave at 7am and am at school until things perish

all i know how to do is pitas with peanut butter, i don't like low cal bread, so i don't really buy it
fruit, fruit, fruit
sliced veggies as a snack and salads in the vening
yogurt in the early morning cause it doesnt go bad

i just made a macaroni salad with olive oil, it is high cal though, but i know it will last the whole day

i am getting bored with my current ideas

can anybody suggest something that can sit in my bag from 7am until like...6pm so i can eat it!


  • nguill6
    nguill6 Posts: 133

    this is a recipe for confetti slaw- it's essentially a red cabbage, bellpepper, yummy sauce salad. i bring it for lunch and it's still great at room temperature! there's always fruit salad, marinated veggies, and a good old fashion pb&j (or try my latest almond butter and fruit spread on buckwheat bread for healthier version)
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I just made a wrap that would be great for a portable lunch:

    2 strips turkey bacon
    1/4 cup Egg Creations southwestern flavour
    1/4 cup organic cheddar
    2 tbsp organic salsa
    1 whole grain tortilla

    Throw a little ice pack in an insulated lunch bag, and your food will stay fresh all day.
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    I just made a wrap that would be great for a portable lunch:

    2 strips turkey bacon
    1/4 cup Egg Creations southwestern flavour
    1/4 cup organic cheddar
    2 tbsp organic salsa
    1 whole grain tortilla

    Throw a little ice pack in an insulated lunch bag, and your food will stay fresh all day.

    thats a great recipe. and id make it when im at home, but when i go to school i carry sooo much stuff on me all day i don't have room for an ice pack, nor do i want to refreeze one. i just bring things that aren't perishable
  • cellorocker
    Same with me- once school starts, I have activities afterward until 9 pm.
    Tagging this, I'll steal a few.
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    That's a hard situation.
    Could you try to have cereal in a small container or baggie & pick up a carton of milk? I have friend who did this a lot. She just planned her breakfast at dinner time. Sometimes she put the cereal in the milk carton.

    Granola bars & those kinds of packaged snack foods aren't very filling to me, but they would be easy to carry. Along with an apple or other fruit, maybe they would be better.

    If you try yogurt, string cheese, boiled eggs, raw veggies earlier in the day, then the evening energy bar with fruit might be good.
    Good luck.
  • maurierose
    maurierose Posts: 574 Member
    Tuna pouches (pick up extra light mayo packets from a fast food place or I like it plain)

    tuna and crackers mixes/lunch packs

    fruit cups can be good

    peanut butter and graham crackers

    you can get shelf-stable milk (if you don't mind the temperature or can get a cup of ice somewhere)

    I used to bring soup bowls and heat them up in a cafeteria microwave, or even just run them under hot water in a bathroom if it's really hot (never minded if it was a little warmer than luke warm as long as it wasn't cold!)

    Beef jerky might be good, makes you a little thirsty but it gives you some pretty good protein, you can find low-salt versions

    I also like kipper snacks on crackers (great protein and omega-3's) kinda smelly though so you might want to bring a baggie of baby wipes for cleanup in case you spill or get any on your hands. lol

    I'm sure you'll get some great ideas from people here! :happy:
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    all of these ideas are great guys! i guess it just sucks and i need to get out of the frame of mind that i want a hot meal! cause it aint gonna happen!

    i like the beef jerky idea, this is stuff i normally wouldn't eat, but it is filling i bet, and i can do that with some crackers, same with tuna :smile:

    thanks again!
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    oh, im posting this for the other people in my situation

    i'm cool with eating waffles that have potentially gone stale in my bag, so i am going to toast a couple a head of time, and pop in some berrie and eat them cold at school for dinner
    they arent the most nutritious thing, but they give you some cals
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    I was thinking of you today...
    I was at Big Lots. I don't go very often, but they had Nutrisystem meals for $1!
  • astridfeline
    astridfeline Posts: 1,200 Member

    this is a recipe for confetti slaw- it's essentially a red cabbage, bellpepper, yummy sauce salad. i bring it for lunch and it's still great at room temperature! there's always fruit salad, marinated veggies, and a good old fashion pb&j (or try my latest almond butter and fruit spread on buckwheat bread for healthier version)

    I just made a similar slaw that was fabluous--napa cabbage, red bell pepper, carrots, with a peanut dressing:
    1/3 cup rice vinegar
    2 Tbsp peanut butter
    1 Tbsp honey
    2 Tbsp lite soy sauce
    1 Tbsp lime juice
    1 tsp red curry paste

    Whisk together, pour over veggies.
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    I was thinking of you today...
    I was at Big Lots. I don't go very often, but they had Nutrisystem meals for $1!

    aw thats stellar!
  • LaurieB5578
  • blondeheat
    blondeheat Posts: 254 Member
    Warning I haven't tried these!

    You might try making a wrap with turkey, low fat cheese (I love the low fat pepper jack) and mustard (I go for chipolte mustard) wrap in saran wrap. Put it in the freezer then it should keep cool til lunch. You can bring veggies in a separate bag to add later.

    Yogurt also might work to freeze the night before and eat at lunch.

    As for hot food, you would have to carry a thermo. When I was a kid my mom would put a hot dog in the thermos with boiling water - all cooked by lunch.

    Good luck, I used to have the same situation and ate lots of pb&j!
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    I have a friend who makes her own breakfast burritos with eggs, sausage or chorizo & cheese (& tater tots!:blushing: ) She wraps them in saran wrap, freezes them & then in the mornings she unwraps & zaps them in the micro for 2 minutes & then eats one on the way to work.
    Could you do something like that?
    What if you made something like that or a wrap like blondeheat described & then micrwaved one at dinner time? Can you use a micro on campus somewhere? Lots of cafeterias have one.
    You might look around.
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    What about popping a bag of microwave popcorn the night before, and then bringing it with you the next day? It's a good snack that you can munch on for a while without the calories adding up too quickly. The other things I thought of: granola, trail mix, salads- certain dressings don't need to be refrigerated (the ones that aren't creamy, usually), a whole wheat bagel with jelly, crackers with laughing cow cheese (I was at the grocery store this weekend, and the store didn't have it refrigerated- it was just on display in the middle of the main isle, so I guess maybe it doesn' t need to be kept cold- might want to check on that though!), oatmeal if you can find some decently hot water (from a sink, or even just picking up hot water at a coffee stand- it's usually free) or tortilla chips and salsa. If you had a thermos, you could put something hot in it (dinner leftovers, maybe) and it should last you until lunch time without a problem... dinner time might be pushing it! :tongue:
  • SaraBelle
    What great ideas!