44 and need to lose at least 180lbs

Hi All, I am a Stay-At-Home-mom to a 5 and 3 year old. I'm 44 years old and have to lose at least 180 to 200 pounds. I want to be around a long time for my kids and be able to run and play with them. I would appreciate all and any support so please send me requests so we can help each other on this journey:)


  • Hello, welcome i myself just started on MFP I think it's a great program to lose weight. I have 2 boys 5 and 15, and i also want to be around for along time to play and hang out with them. I start exercising back in febuary. Little over a month ago i joined on here and have lost almost 12 pounds. add me and we can be friends on here and do it together stacey .:smile:
  • eabarnes43
    eabarnes43 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi there! I'm 43 with 2 beautiful girls who are 9 and almost 11. I need to lose about 150lbs. I too want to be around for my girlies. I just started today, and am really gonna try my hardest. I hope ya'll can help get me going through the rough days!! -Elizabeth
  • mikek333
    mikek333 Posts: 78 Member
    Ladies, congrats on taking the first step in a long, but rewarding journey. Take it one day at a time, and consider your new way of eating as a lifestyle change, and not a diet. Good luck and have fun with it!
  • StephGodsPrincess
    StephGodsPrincess Posts: 45 Member
    Thanks. I believe this site is going to be very helpful. I really need something like this to help me be accountable and to inspire and encourage me :smile:
  • JanetLM73
    JanetLM73 Posts: 1,226 Member
    I'm also a stay at home Mom...I'll support you :-)
  • JeanK80
    JeanK80 Posts: 2 Member
    hey stephanie,
    i'm new on here and i also need to loose 200pounds *sigh*...hope we can encourage each other. all the best :)
    Hi All, I am a Stay-At-Home-mom to a 5 and 3 year old. I'm 44 years old and have to lose at least 180 to 200 pounds. I want to be around a long time for my kids and be able to run and play with them. I would appreciate all and any support so please send me requests so we can help each other on this journey:)
  • 100over
    100over Posts: 53 Member
    Hi, I'm 42 and am at home with our 5 year old. I have 100 lbs to lose. It's not easy. I was just diagnosed with LPR which is a severe form of reflux that has burnt the lining of my throat and voicebox. I didn't even know I had it because 90% of people with LPR don't have any 'heartburn'. I went to the dr because of a very sore throat I had for 2 weeks. So I have totally changed my diet and lost 4 lbs in 3 days. Now the exercise part. I would love to be your buddy and do this together :-)
  • wopsim
    wopsim Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I am a 46 year old stay home mom of three kids, 19, 17, and 15. I seem to have been struggling with my weight pretty much my whole adult life but with each passing year I grow a little larger. Now I am at the point where I have to lose 120 lbs. My two oldest children are off and away to university in the fall for the first time. Since I am an emotional eater, and the thought of them both going away already has me quite upset, I am very afraid of just how big I will get if I don't start making changes now once and for all. I have just discovered MFP can be accessed on my laptop and I am very hopeful this will be the tool I need to succeed this time around. I look forward to being apart of this supportive community.
  • WenonaY
    WenonaY Posts: 203
    Welcome to mfp! I'm a stay at home mom also. I have a 15, 11 and 2 year old. Feel free to add me, I will support you.
  • karen0080
    karen0080 Posts: 64
    Welcome to MFP... I'm 47 I have 2 children.( A beautiful boy 6 and the other one 59 going on 6). I love MFP.
  • quinnbob
    quinnbob Posts: 2
    What you need to do is exercise with your kids. They are little and probably don't know what you are trying to do with your body. When they eat they eat small amounts, so eat about how much they are eating.
  • :flowerforyou: HI!! I'm a stay at home mother to 3 precious daughters 11,7 and 2. I have over 100 lbs to lose. Feel free to add me also!!!
  • 7funnygirl7
    7funnygirl7 Posts: 1,176
    Welcome, and best wishes. I know you will achieve all that you set your heart and mind to :flowerforyou: Feel free to add me if you need extra support. I am great at giving and receiving! :smile:
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Hiya!! Im a SAHM to a 7 and 4 year olds. I need to lose another 120 or so lbs. Feel free to add me, I love friends!!
  • arw060310
    arw060310 Posts: 256 Member
    Welcome! MFP is a wonderful tool to help you on your journey =]
  • StephGodsPrincess
    StephGodsPrincess Posts: 45 Member
    Thank you everyone for your welcome and encouragement. Also thanks for all the offers of friendship and support:happy:
  • Olive32214
    Olive32214 Posts: 467 Member
    Hi, I have two Girls (one with special needs) and need to be around for them too. I'm 6 mts Today with
    MFP and have lost 71 lbs (halfway there). I need more friends with similar Goals so if your adding me
    all I ask is please leave a brief message so I'll know where your coming from... I'm a Daily logger and
    need Help to Finish this and will give lots back too.....Good luck....Olive.x
  • paulsmisses
    paulsmisses Posts: 178
    hi i am a stay at home mum with two boys of 3 and 5 - i have about 40lbs to lose and have fell in and out of dieting so often that i was reluctant to even try again for fear of the disappointment but on day 4 and with the help of this site (which is addictive by the way) i am really enjoying it this time round. would love for us to support each other x
  • eabarnes43
    eabarnes43 Posts: 2 Member
    Thx Mike!! Hope you're doing great on your journey!!
  • Welcome! I am just a tad younger 38 with 10 yr and 8 yr old. I just restarted in March and have about 120-130 pounds to lose, I am down 25 pounds, for me its an obession. I have to lose weight to be here for my children and hubby....but for healthwise as well. I have already had cancer once...and cancer runs in my family. You can do this...and your not alone on your quest...