Really need some help please!

Hi everyone,

After attempting to lose weight since November last year I have struggled. I logged what I ate, I worked out and I found little results from my efforts. So I'm starting a clean slate and going for it again.
I'd really appreciate the support if you can help me get my food allowances correct as I think this affected my results. If anyone had example photos of what breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner portion sizes look like that will help me a lot.

So my current stats as of 10pm this evening:

30 years old
5ft 10in
Weight 190.9lbs
Life: Office job 5 days a week

Gym: usually 3/4 times a week
30 mins running on treadmill
30 mins of weights:
Barbell row
Shoulder press
Bench press
Vertical pull down
Seated row

My main problem area is my stomach which was abused through teenage drinking! Therefore should I just do cardio only rather than working on upper body weights I.e plenty of cardio and lose the fat then use weights to tone.

I'd be greatful if someone could work out my calories as myfitnesspal put me on 2340 before and I thought that was a lot if I was trying to lose weight. I want to see results and before this has never happened.

I do drink alcohol but have a couple roughly fortnightly. No more binging. Rest of the time I drink water or green tea.

As I said before I think I over eat and my portions are too big and think this is one of my main problems.

Would welcome your help and hope to update this as a log as I go so you can keep helping me :)

Thanks everyone in advance?


  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Drop the program and look into Stronglifts 5x5.
    Eat 2000 cals a day and dont worry about running.
    The fat will come off.
    The stronglifts program will have you lifting 3 times a week for maybe an hour at a time.
    Set Protein and Fat at about 30% each and youll pass with flying colors.
  • MattArcade
    MattArcade Posts: 135 Member
    The problem I have is that there's only one smiths machine at my gym and is constantly being used. Only time I can get in this is early morning on weekends :(

    What would you recommend?
  • sweetpea7441
    sweetpea7441 Posts: 149 Member
    hi Matty. Sorry to intrude on your post with a different question - but... Helloitsdan - what do you mean by "set protein and fat at about 30%" ? Is this something I should do and where?
    PS Good luck Matty! Sorry I don't have any advice for you.
  • MattArcade
    MattArcade Posts: 135 Member
    So today just got back from the gym and have always struggled to get past the 3 mile mark, so lowered my speed and low and behold I racked up 7 miles! I am one happy person at the moment! I did it in 1hr 10mins and once I get use to the distance running I'll up my pace for improvement. For now this is great.

    So it means today I have lots of calories to eat up, but its now 7pm and I don't feel hungry. I've had a protein shake and just off out to have a tobery carvery of turkey and plenty of veg..

    Should I try to eat moderately now considering how late in the day it is?
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    Eat if you're hungry, don't if your not. Really the key. I find I'm rarely hungry after a good workout. I'm starving the next day though! I just eat more when I'm actually hungry. The calories work out in the end.

    Focus on the lifting. It will do as good of a job cutting the fat as cardio will, but with longer lasting burns over time.

    Can you use free weights instead? Smith machines are all well and good, but if you can't get to them, perhaps dumbbells will work too?
  • Ksmith031474
    Ksmith031474 Posts: 4 Member
    If you're having belly fat problems one of the best things you can do is work your abs everyday. At first you will notice that your stomach will look bigger. That's the muscle pushing the fat out. Over time the muscle underneath helps burn the fat and then you're left with a smaller stomach. It does take time and won't happen overnight. The hard part is sticking with it when your stomach seems bigger.

    Cardio is very good for your heart and lungs, but lifting weights, low weight high reps is best for burning fat. Muscles eat away at fat all day where cardio only does it during the workout and a little while after.

    As far as eating goes you should eat your carbs or in your case maybe drink them??? an hour before or after your workout since your body will burn all the carbs. That's the rule, an hour before or after!!!

    Another tip for you seems as you're a man is uping your protein. Men tend to lose more weight if they have more protein. Protein powders are a good choice. After a workout they're awesome for muscle repair if mixed with water instead of milk. It's hard to swallow, but the protein gets upsorbed faster with water. When mixed with milk the protein gets upsorbed slower which is good for an afternoon snack if you're starving. It makes you feel full.

    Good luck to you, I hope you reach your goals!!!
  • renstwin
    renstwin Posts: 66 Member
    Upsorbed! I like it!
  • MattArcade
    MattArcade Posts: 135 Member
    Thanks for the advice, I have a protein shake after each work out. I do enjoy running rather than using the x trainer, bike or rower. loved running in school years so trying to get back to those days. I use to run for miles!
    I use free weights and after my cardio i would do upright rows, dumbbell press, shoulder press, planks etc. I think the thing for me is getting my meal sizes right and seeing other peoples plate sizes, I think my portions are too big sometimes.
  • michelechavez
    You could actually weigh and measure your food. It would be a pain in the butt at first, but after awhile you will get a visual idea of how much 1 cup, 1/2 cup, etc., of something is.

    Some things you shouldn't really worry about portion size, like salad. Eat lots and lots of veggies. That will help fill you up. If you have more calorie dense foods, make sure you combine them with foods that are less dense in calories.
  • delmc1
    delmc1 Posts: 331 Member
    The problem I have is that there's only one smiths machine at my gym and is constantly being used. Only time I can get in this is early morning on weekends :(

    What would you recommend?
    you dont need it you can use dumb bells for most of it ,you won't go as heavy but will bring more muscles into it for balance
    dumb bell squats for legs
    d/b press for chest
    military press for shoulders.
    don't give up all the cardio it will help.
  • Ksmith031474
    Ksmith031474 Posts: 4 Member
    :laugh: I'm a total dork and apparently a bad speller!!! :)
  • DaughterOfTheMostHighKing
    You do need both weights and cardio to have a balanced body. the cardio will burn more calories, but you need the muscle to burn them and prevent you from becoming what they are calling 'skinny fat'. are you enlisting a trainer? you don't need to, but maybe team up with someone to spot you or give direction. Helloitsdan has a pretty good idea of how things work, and he works it!

    You do need to eat so your body is more willing to release the fat from your body as fuel. it it thinks it not gonna eat enough it will hang on to it. enjoy your work outs!!!! be strong, healthy, and handsome!!!
  • skeslack
    skeslack Posts: 7 Member
    Just one quick piece of advice for now as I notice that your weight training routine you outlined doesn't include any leg work: do legs. Your leg muscles need work, too, and for some reason a lot of guys neglect them in favor of their upper body. Your leg muscles are large muscle groups and more muscle = greater calorie burn like everyone here has mentioned. Don't neglect your legs or your core. I always recommend Pilates for a good core workout with a certified instructor, but there are lots of core exercises you can do at the gym, too. P90X/Power 90 have given a lot of my friends and family good results, too. Mix it up! Good job on the 7 miles on the treadmill....that's awesome!
  • anewme1202
    anewme1202 Posts: 70 Member
    Hey there!

    Part of me doesn't think I should comment since I'm trying to work off my layers covering the abs I know I have somewhere!
    I did Weight Watchers a few years ago and dropped 50 lbs and I was stunned at my portions. I started measuring and weighing my food and while it can be a bit of a pain, you really get to know exactly what 1/2 cup, 1 cup or a serving really is. I still measure some of my food, but I have a pretty good idea of what I should be eating. To make things even easier, I make sure 1/2 my dinner plate is salad. If you don't want to measure, have you thought of just eating on smaller plates (salad plates instead of full size dinner plates?) It's just a thought, but that works too for portion control.

    I'd suggest upping your protein as well and maybe do our weight training / strength before your cardio. I've switched mine up that way and you continue to burn calories/fat long after your workout is done compared to cardio first. Also, try speed intervals instead of always running for distance - it's a good way of shocking your body into HIIT (high interval intensity training), and for 20 minutes (or others have said to go as long as you can go, but trainers and others I've talked to have said 20 mins is good.) I just started doing these. It's more effective than normal cardio because the intensity is higher and you are able to increase endurance while burning more fat. It's also been proven to speed up your metabolism which helps you burn more calories throughout the day.

    Good luck ...
  • imthelobster
    imthelobster Posts: 179 Member
    Get a food scale. Seriously, it's been one of the best purchases that I have ever made in regards to portion control.

    Edit: And you can buy one for ~$20.
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 888 Member
    I am a girl, but this is what I did. And my 17 year old son wanted to lean up around his midsection. He is not jiggly at all, just wanted to lean up.

    First off, buy a digital food scale. Super easy to use and not expensive!

    I would set your Macros to 35/35/30 Protein/Carbs/Fat. You do that in the Goals and then custom set.

    You need to eat your lean mass in protein. So, I need to eat atleast 106 grams. I eat 150 grams of protein. I usually stay around 100 grams of carbs.

    So, figure out your lean weight and atleast consume that in protein. And then do a little less in the carbs.

    What I have done for my son, when he goes out without me, I say balence his protein and carbs. So, he can have a hamburger, but no fries. The bun and the meat balence eachother. This is realstic for him to stick with.

    As for as your abs, once you start shedding the fat off, you will look better BUT you should do planks and ab vacuums. That is when you pull in your transverse abs and hold it. You can do this anywhere and you can do it while you do other exercises. Youtube ab vacuums...they look weird. Mine do not look like that, but I try! haha!
  • CaroSeraMince
    If you're having belly fat problems one of the best things you can do is work your abs everyday. At first you will notice that your stomach will look bigger. That's the muscle pushing the fat out. Over time the muscle underneath helps burn the fat and then you're left with a smaller stomach. It does take time and won't happen overnight. The hard part is sticking with it when your stomach seems bigger.

    Cardio is very good for your heart and lungs, but lifting weights, low weight high reps is best for burning fat. Muscles eat away at fat all day where cardio only does it during the workout and a little while after.

    As far as eating goes you should eat your carbs or in your case maybe drink them??? an hour before or after your workout since your body will burn all the carbs. That's the rule, an hour before or after!!!

    Another tip for you seems as you're a man is uping your protein. Men tend to lose more weight if they have more protein. Protein powders are a good choice. After a workout they're awesome for muscle repair if mixed with water instead of milk. It's hard to swallow, but the protein gets upsorbed faster with water. When mixed with milk the protein gets upsorbed slower which is good for an afternoon snack if you're starving. It makes you feel full.

    Good luck to you, I hope you reach your goals!!!

    Blink. Blink blink. You trollin'??
  • jsedivy
    jsedivy Posts: 14
    dr's believe that protein shakes are no good and can actually cause long term damage, im clearly no expert or i wouldn't be here and i wouldn't be over weight, but so far ive learned eat 6 small meals a day to keep metabolism working and exercise every day, if your doing weights then muscle weights more than fat so are you getting confused by building muscle, i also think weighing food is the best way to keep track of portion sizes, best of luck
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    So today just got back from the gym and have always struggled to get past the 3 mile mark, so lowered my speed and low and behold I racked up 7 miles! I am one happy person at the moment! I did it in 1hr 10mins and once I get use to the distance running I'll up my pace for improvement. For now this is great.

    So it means today I have lots of calories to eat up, but its now 7pm and I don't feel hungry. I've had a protein shake and just off out to have a tobery carvery of turkey and plenty of veg..

    Should I try to eat moderately now considering how late in the day it is?

    Unless it affects your sleep - eat as late in the day as you want.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    dr's believe that protein shakes are no good and can actually cause long term damage, im clearly no expert or i wouldn't be here and i wouldn't be over weight, but so far ive learned eat 6 small meals a day to keep metabolism working and exercise every day, if your doing weights then muscle weights more than fat so are you getting confused by building muscle, i also think weighing food is the best way to keep track of portion sizes, best of luck

    There is absolutely nothing wrong with protein shakes. It is always better to get your protein from 'real food' - but if you cannot, protein shakes are good

    As Pu mentioned earlier, the frequency of meals has not impact on weight loss or metabolism.

    Also, you should not do weight training/high intensity exercise every day - your body needs rest.

    Muscle does not weigh more than fat - it is just more dense

    I do agree on the weighing food comment.