If Insanity is Not Appropriate for Obese People....



  • BreakingOath
    BreakingOath Posts: 193 Member
    Oh wow, it isn't? O_o I'm technically 100 pounds overweight, and I'VE done some of the video before in my workouts. It's pretty damn hard but how else can you lose the weight? I knew a girl that did it for 1 month initially and lost 20 lbs. She was obese as well.

    You can do it but it may be hard on your body. Injuries can be detrimental. Especially at an early stage of a life change :)
  • Charlottejogs
    Charlottejogs Posts: 351 Member
    I think if one is up for it- give it a shot; as long as you are able to go at your own pace and be careful with your body.

    My experience- I started home work out videos when I was within a healthy weight to tone up and loose the last 15 or so. I did JM 30DS and Ripped in 30 and found them useful with some results. I am getting ready to do the second month of Insanity and it has been amazing and better results. That being said it is REALLY hard!!!!!

    I think it depends on your ability to do the best you can without overdoing it. I had some knee pain and it was pretty rough on my feet the first few weeks even being in shape and a long time exerciser...but perhaps I am a pansy:) I struggle sometimes with feeling badly about myself for not being better at the workouts- that is a personal thing I struggle with in doing these workouts. If that is something you share in I would start smaller and work up to it. The welcome info with Insanity says if the fit test is intimidating then it may be best to start with something else first; perhaps that would be a good way to decide. Try the fit test and decide. Good luck in your journey either way!
  • Start slow by starting with brisk walking, jogging and then running. After you feel you have gained more strength and lost some weight, then try to get into doing exercise dvds or weight lifting. Then you could try Insanity.

    That's my suggestion and good luck to you :)
  • sugarandspice27
    sugarandspice27 Posts: 521 Member
    I'm over 300lbs and uncomfortable with a lot of jumping and such, not that I can't but I worry about the impact on my joints. I'm sort of clumsy too. I shattered my ankle as a kid doing at cartwheel. So I can only imagine landing wrong and doing some damage with all my extra weight. SO LOW IMPACT is preferred. And also I don't have a gym membership yet so something I could do from home.

    It seems like there are lots of good suggestions for me to look into further.
  • Elise_healthy4life
    Elise_healthy4life Posts: 182 Member
    When I started (when I was over 300) I just started walking and swimming and just kept building up with more hills and longer times now I have been running for five weeks, I also used a Zumba Gamebon the wii and a exercise bike I like to change it up a lot so my body doesn't get comfortable with what I'm doing :)
  • tenunderfour
    tenunderfour Posts: 429 Member
    My cable company offers exercise shows "on demand". I think it is called Exercise TV or something like that. There are LOTS of options there.

    ETA - I'm in very good shape, have run 4 marathons, etc.... and I'm doing Insanity right now. It is definitely an *kitten* kicker!!!
  • MustangCindy67
    MustangCindy67 Posts: 91 Member
    I like Hip Hop Abs and combined it with the Gazelle to lose 65 lbs over 2.5 years. I now have Insanity and it is wicked.... the warm up leaves my mouth dry...:) You do need to start with and add to your exercise according to your limits. Increase your goals evry couple of days and next thing you are getting through a complete workout...the great thing about dvds you can do low impact at any time.....good luck....
  • High Intensity Interval Training. I will sprint for 5 minutes on the elliptical, then do strength training for 5 minutes with resistance bands or weights, then sprint for 5 minutes, then do push ups and crunches for 5, etc. etc. I do an hour total, so 30 minutes total on the elliptical and 30 doing strength and calisthenics.
  • LordBezoar
    LordBezoar Posts: 625 Member
    You can also look into Power 90, that is where DW & I are starting and it has been working out great!

    Just make sure you look at Power 90, NOT P90X--Same people, different program.
  • Cheshire_Kat
    Cheshire_Kat Posts: 69 Member
    Good ideas :) this was really helpful.
  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,241 Member
    My boyfriend is obese and he's doing Insanity... I say do whatever works for you. He says he usually isn't able to get through the whole workout, but he does as much as he can... And over the weeks he's been doing it, he's improved and can do quite a bit more than he could at first. Much success to you, whatever you decide to do!
  • SheilaSisco
    SheilaSisco Posts: 722 Member
    Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred is great for people of any size and any fitness level. The only exception is if you can't jump, it's a little difficult, because she LOVES her jumping jacks! lol. But if you can do some jumping jacks, go for it! I got some crazy good results from it and you can to! :)
  • You can try P90X. It is a structured exercise program and it modifies moves for those who are new to this type of exercise program. I have been doing it for about a month and a half and I am loving it. If you want to see my results so far, here is the link:


    Best of luck :)
  • tropaze
    tropaze Posts: 317 Member
    I'm not obese, but a lot of jumping hurts my legs. I'm working into it by doing the 30 day shred (which does have jumping jacks and but kickers), I also Zumba regularly either in class, since I have a Y membership, on my game or with the DVD. Another option is to create a routine on youtube using videos for songs you like, I have a few made public if you wanna look them up. My username there is the same as this one. It's about what you can do with just a little more, not enough to hurt yourself, but just enough to push you forward to the next level. I'm hoping in a few months I can rock out the Insanity, but for now I'm working my way up.

    Edit: Zumba also does have toning, which you can use any 3 lb or less hand weights for. Either on the DVD sets or you can find some routines on youtube.
  • SweetSammie
    SweetSammie Posts: 391 Member
    Maybe try modified 30 day shred, as in on the parts where you do jumping jacks, buttkicks, just run in place... everything else should be do-able for sure.
    I started out just into the "obese" category, still overweight.... all of the jumping around with 30 DS is a little hard on my joints.. but then again I have an ankle that has a plate and 6 screws in it, and a bad ankle for childhood soccer... so you might be just fine to do the 30 DS
  • I HIGHLY recommend going low impact at first. And this is coming from someone who may have just torn his meniscus doing the plyometrics dvd in P90X. Work your way up to it. There's no rush. Slow and steady wins the race.

    I think most of the advice you're getting here is great. If you remember anything from these comments, please, please, PLEASE, go at your own pace. LISTEN to your body. AND MODIFY! It'll tell you when you're going too far. You'll still be burning a ton of calories and getting a fantastic workout and you'll make the progress over time.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    I've tried different work out DVDs but I can't stand structure and I also can't stand feeling like i'm about to die three minutes into the workouts. So I took a different route and started walking. At over 300 pounds, it was the only thing i could do without feeling like passing out. I walked the track at my park every other day, it's 2 miles and at first it took me about 50 minutes to do, but I just went slow and steady. One day, I felt like bursting into a run. I made it from one bench to the other, which was probably 50 yards but I kept going and eating well. Now, 2 months later, I can run(jog) a mile and a half of those two mile at just about 35 minutes.

    Personally, I can't stand the treadmill but walking or hiking in the woods make the hours go by quick. You just have to find exercise you ENJOY. That's how you'll stick with it. If you like walking, swimming, the eliptical, or similar exercises, that's how you'll find the key to a successful exercise regimen.
  • hazelsmrf
    hazelsmrf Posts: 96 Member
    You can do Power 90, I did it before and I don't remember anything in it that hurt me by making me jump.

    Also I used to do the Body for Life program and I thought that it was great, it wasn't a video though it's a book, but the plan was definitely doable no matter your fitness level since your "high point" would be different depending on the fitness level.
  • I love the walk at home. I have the 5 really big miles with Leslie Sansone and it has the toning band with it. Man after those 5 miles are done I feel fantastic. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do
  • I have not exercised in about three years. I had about 60 lbs to lose. With diet modification, I was able to lose 20. I am going to be in week three of P90x on Monday and I love it! I haven't lost much more weight but I am seeing definition in my body and others are noticing too. It is a kick Burt workout but I actually look forward to working out each day.