Help - Last 3 weeks failing to lose any weight

Hi all

I have been on my diet now for 8 weeks and lost 8 pounds in the first 5 weeks. I achieved this by calorie counting and going to the gym.

For the last 3 weeks I have failed to lose any weight. In addition I have been going to the gym and burning off 600 calories per gym session. My average calorie intake is 1500 per week.

I just dont understand why I am not losing any weight. At the very least I should be losing 2 pounds per week.

Has anyone else experienced this and suggestions most welcome.


  • AmmyP
    AmmyP Posts: 33 Member
    Are you taking measurements? As the gym may be adding muscle as well as burning calories but muscle weights more than fat. It sounds like you are losing fat and gaining muscle.
  • J0ET
    J0ET Posts: 33 Member

    For the last 3 weeks I have failed to lose any weight. In addition I have been going to the gym and burning off 600 calories per gym session. My average calorie intake is 1500 per week.

    I'm sure you meant 1500 per day. If you're not eating enough, your body will hold onto the weight as well.
  • scottbad
    scottbad Posts: 33
    12 weeks I lost 28 pounds. I've not lost any weight in 2 weeks. I also started workingout on stationary bike about 2 weeks ago. I just went to the next hole in my belt - in the good direction. Slightly dissappoiinted in the plateau, but hanging tough - it's simple: eat less lose weight - eventually!
  • myjourney2
    myjourney2 Posts: 424 Member
    Check your measurements. My weight went up and down for a few weeks until it finally dropped an extra couple of lbs. During those few weeks I lost 3 inches on my waist.
  • frankie964
    frankie964 Posts: 41 Member
    No I am not taking measurements, however my gym work is predominently cardio.thanks:smile:
  • frankie964
    frankie964 Posts: 41 Member
    Hi, yes 1500 per day. Guidlines for a man are 2500, so 1500 calories per day should equate to losing 2lbs per week.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Hi all

    I have been on my diet now for 8 weeks and lost 8 pounds in the first 5 weeks. I achieved this by calorie counting and going to the gym.

    For the last 3 weeks I have failed to lose any weight. In addition I have been going to the gym and burning off 600 calories per gym session. My average calorie intake is 1500 per week.

    I just dont understand why I am not losing any weight. At the very least I should be losing 2 pounds per week.

    Has anyone else experienced this and suggestions most welcome.

    Are you measuring/weighing food quantities for accuracy?
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Hi, yes 1500 per day. Guidlines for a man are 2500, so 1500 calories per day should equate to losing 2lbs per week.

    Actually, estimated losses are not based on any gender guidelines, they are based strictly on an individuals total daily energy expenditure. For example I could find you two people on this site that would lose a much different amount of weight given the same intake, because those two individuals burn different amounts on a daily basis.

    That being said, you should be readily losing on 1500.
  • frankie964
    frankie964 Posts: 41 Member
    Yes I am
  • terry_mtb
    terry_mtb Posts: 45
    How high is your protein..and I am sure you should be at around 1700
  • paw247Pat
    paw247Pat Posts: 30
    I experienced the same thing. Lost 7 pounds and then nothing for 3 weeks, even gained a little. I started watching my carbs and started to loose. I was very strict the first 2 weeks and now this week I will start to introduce some "healthy carbs" back into my diet. For me this works, I'm a carb addict! Love my pasta and bread. In 2 weeks I've lost 4 pounds which is a healthy loss. Make sure you are eating frequently also. Snacks, even night time so your body does'nt go into starvation mode. I measured like some of the other people said and even though I didn't loose for 3 weeks, I did loose inches. Hang in there, everyone has to do what works for them, and for me I have to switch it up ever few weeks. Good Luck!!
  • It is the inches and body fat % that really matters, I know a lot of people will like to see a certain weight on the scale, but for your body it is the lean body mass weight that is more relevant. That's where the term 'skinny fat' comes from - people who are skinny and lower in weight but within that weight they have a higher fat %.
    Try mixing up your exercises, add new exercises, interval training, new pieces of equipment, resistance training and up the intensity of training. Also always remember to eat after your training!
  • aewalk07
    aewalk07 Posts: 51 Member
    I think you need to eat more calories.
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    Three weeks isn't anything to worry about. 3 months, however...:grumble:
  • kyriggs77
    kyriggs77 Posts: 20 Member
    Hang in there...after 3 weeks of no loss I weighted this morning and down 1.2 lbs. It's a start but I think adding a few hundred more healthly calories daily worked this week with much added low impact exercise.
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    Plateaus are inevitable. They happen. It is just your body's way of getting a grasp on the situation. All that weight was there and now it is gone and it has to find that equilibrium again before the losses start up again.

    I feel your pain. I am on week 4 and hopefully this is the last. My Dr. says they can last around 4 week before your body realizes it isn't in danger and starts letting go of the weight again. You can try shaking it up by doing strength training or maybe cutting carbs a bit. I wouldn't adjust calories up or down (I've tried it, didn't work for me).

    Keep at it, you will break through eventually.
  • Erihppas
    Erihppas Posts: 121 Member
    I think you need to eat more calories.

    Yeah I agree. I think you are a bit on the low side. You're eating 1500 calories a day and then you burn 600, so in a day you have 900 total. I'd aim for 1500 period so if you burn 600 a day, maybe you should try for 2100.
  • LovingLisa2012
    LovingLisa2012 Posts: 775 Member
    if MFP has you set at 1500 net then you are eating below that

    "600 calories per gym session. My average calorie intake is 1500 per week."

    1500 eaten - 600 burned = 900 calories your body has left to function on

    please look up your TDEE and substract 10- 20% from there

    1500 calories a day is what i would need to maintain my goal weight..
    currently i eat 2000 - 2500 calories a day (and losing)
  • adamsilva
    adamsilva Posts: 261 Member
    your obviously in a plateau stage. what are you doing in the gym? strength + cardio? if your burning a whooping 600 cals each time then you'll need to up your cals to compensate your high level of activity.

    A piss-weak (vegan style) 1500 cals will slow down your metabolism which is good initially but once your physical activity increases and eating back exercise calories (not sure if you do) your body is running on a slower metabolism because of calorie restriction. increase your cals, increase your metabolism and continue to burn more fat.

    as long as your exercise intensely like you are you wont gain.

    there's other factors i want to asked but i cant be bothered. good luck.
  • frankie964
    frankie964 Posts: 41 Member
    Thanks. Appreciate your feedback. Just looked at the nutrition reports and there is not enough fibre in my diet. Cheers.