Vomiting During Workouts-help!

I throw up quite often when I do any sort of activity with a moderate to high activity range. It generally didn't get in the way in high school and I was a swimmer and I never threw up during swim practice but for some reason whenever I do anything with too much effort, everything comes up. And not only that but I get very faint and almost pass out, I usually catch myself and head to the bathroom before I loss consciousness or spill my dinner in front of everyone. But it's getting annoying. I gained a lot of weight over the summer so I got a personal trainer this fall. Out of 6 sessions, I threw up 5 times. It's really embarrassing and It's not like I am that out of shape (I often throw up while mowing the lawn or things where I get really hot).

My doctor said that some women my age just do that (she gave some scientific name for it) and then they grow out of it eventually. I just feel like I can't push myself any further or it just backfires. Anyone have (or had) this problem? Advice?


  • EEpling89
    EEpling89 Posts: 152
    Are you eating right before you work out? I always have to work out on a completely empty stomach (first thing in the morning) or else I have the same problem. Also, are you eating enough?
  • jessicataylor2
    I'd say just try to eat meals a few hours before a workout. And then if you need to, a small pre-workout snack like an hour before. I've almost thrown up a couple times when I had a big meal and then worked out too intensely. And drinking water only makes it worse at that point. So try that and if it doesn't work you may just have to do a lighter exercise and lose the weight slower than you wanted.
  • angrykitty13
    angrykitty13 Posts: 64 Member
    Have you consider trying to keep to lower-intensity until you lose weight? And have you tried swimming to see if causes the same reaction? I wonder if being upright versus prone (swimming) makes a difference.

    On a side note, coughing sometimes causes me to vomit and I wonder if it's the same reflex? I also regularly 'taste' my last meal while working out as well, although I wouldn't say I'm close to vomiting, just burping stomach acid.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Everyone has a lactic acid threshold, it is a certain percentage of our max heart rate.
    You can keep it lower intensity if you really want to.
  • thergj
    thergj Posts: 93 Member
    Have you tried an over the counter antacid like TUMS or Rolaids before your workout? Also, your doctor my have some prescription medications that can help with nausea.

    Whats more concerning to me is the 'passing out'. This might might be due to the fact that we stop breathing while we vomit, but it could point to something more serious like a heart condition. I don't mean to be all gloom and doom but you should consider getting a second opinion from a cardiologist.
  • jarredondo
    jarredondo Posts: 297 Member
    I just recently started feeling sick to my stomach when I have been working out as well. My doctor said it may be an acid reflux issue. I started taking Prevacid and haven't had a problem since. Just a suggestion.
  • MelissaGraham7
    MelissaGraham7 Posts: 403 Member
    A trainer that I had years ago taught me a little trick....if you feel nauseated or like you are about to throw up, press your tongue up to the roof of your mouth and hold it there. It takes the same part of your brain to do that motion as it does to throw up so your brain can't process both. The nausea will go away. I used to have to hold my tongue to the roof of my mouth for the whole personal training session. I still use that trick now and then.

    However, with vomiting and passing out, I personally would be getting a second opinion from another doctor as that sounds more serious. Definitely dial down the intensity.
  • poseyj88
    poseyj88 Posts: 140 Member
    Dial down the intensity for sure. I only feel like I'm going to pass out and throw up if I am pushing it too hard. Maybe discuss this with your trainer (does he/she know?) and work on some lower intensity, but equally effective exercise.

    If you keep up this pattern, your brain may think exercise = not feeling well, and it can really dampen your motivation!

    Good luck : )